
Top 250 Gretchen Rubin Quotes (2025 Update)
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Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Nothing is more exhausting than the task that’s never started.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Self-measurement brings self-awareness, and self-awareness strengthens our self-control.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “It’s the task that’s never started that’s more tiresome.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “There’s a great satisfaction in knowing that we’ve made good use of our days, that we’ve lived up to our expectations of ourselves.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Underreact to a problem.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “When we do stumble, it’s important not to judge ourselves harshly. Although some people assume that strong feelings of guilt or shame act as safeguards to help people stick to good habits, the opposite is true. People who feel less guilt and who show compassion toward themselves in the face of failure are better able to regain self-control, while people who feel deeply guilty and full of self-blame struggle more.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Life is too short to save your good china or your good lingerie or your good ANYTHING for later because truly, later may never come.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Look for happiness under your own roof.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Enthusiasm is more important than innate ability, it turns out, because the single more important element in developing an expertise is your willingness to practice.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Happiness is a critical factor for work, and work is a critical factor for happiness. In one of those life-isn’t-fair results, it turns out that the happy outperform the less happy. Happy people work more hours each week – and they work more in their free time, too.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Happy people make people happy, but I can’t make someone be happy, and no one else can make me happy.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Behind our unremarkable front door waits the little world of our making – our home.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light.” – G. K. Chesterton What’s.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “I am living my real life, this is it. Now is now, and if I waited to be happier, waited to have fun, waited to do the things that I know I ought to do, I might never get the chance.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Working is one of the most dangerous forms of procrastination.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “We must exercise ourselves in the things which bring happiness, since, if that be present, we have everything, and, if that be absent, all our actions are directed toward attaining it.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “One of the great joys of falling in love is the feeling that the most extraordinary person in the entire world has chosen you.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “I always had the uncomfortable feeling that if I wasn’t sitting in front of a computer typing, I was wasting my time – but I pushed myself to take a wider view of what was “productive.” Time spent with my family and friends was never wasted.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “When I thought about why I was sometimes reluctant to push myself, I realized that it was because I was afraid of failure – but in order to have more success, I needed to be willing to accept more failure.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Nothing is more exhausting than the task that’s never started, and strangely, starting is often far harder than continuing.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Now is now. Here is my treasure.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “He is my fate. He’s my soul mate. He pervades my whole existence. So, of course, I often ignore him.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “I can build a happy life only on the foundation of my own nature.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “People feel happier when they feel like they’re progressing. When they feel like something in their life is growing or getting better.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Contemporary research shows that happy people are more altruistic, more productive, more helpful, more likable, more creative, more resilient, more interested in others, friendlier, and healthier. Happy people make better friends, colleagues, and citizens.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Getting paperwork under control makes me feel more in control of my life generally.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “The Strategy of Scheduling, of setting a specific, regular time for an activity to recur, is one of the most familiar and powerful strategies of habit formation.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “A sense of growth is so important to happiness that it’s often preferable to be progressing to the summit rather than to be at the summit.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “You can choose what you do, you cant choose what you like to do.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “A book is a better way to develop a complicated idea, or to tell a big story and to show how ideas weave in and out of each other, which is something that comes up a lot in happiness because all these ideas are interconnected.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “The more I examine the issue of clutter, the more effort I put into combating it, because it really does act as a weight.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “In many ways, the happiness of having children falls into the kind of happiness that could be called fog happiness. Fog is elusive. Fog surrounds you and transforms the atmosphere, but when you try to examine it, it vanishes. Fog happiness is the kind of happiness you get from activities that, closely examined, don’t really seem to bring much happiness at all – yet somehow they do.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “I started to apply the “one-minute rule”; I didn’t postpone any task that could be done in less than one minute.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “What’s fun for other people may not be fun for you- and vice versa.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “My happiness project was both. I wanted to perfect my character, but given my nature, that would probably involve charts, deliverables, to-do lists, new vocabulary terms, and compulsive note taking.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “When scheduling a new habit, it helps to tie it to an existing habit, such as “after breakfast,” or to an external cue, such as “when my alarm rings,” because without such a trigger, it’s easy to forget to do the new action.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “There are times in the lives of most of us,” observed William Edward Hartpole Lecky, “when we would have given all the world to be as we were but yesterday, though that yesterday had passed over us unappreciated and unenjoyed.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Habits make change possible by freeing us from decision making and from using self-control.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “This is one of the many paradoxes of happiness: we seek to control our lives, but the unfamiliar and the unexpected are important sources of happiness.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “One of the best ways to make yourself happy in the present is to recall happy times from the past. Photos are a great memory-prompt, and because we tend to take photos of happy occasions, they weight our memories to the good.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “There is a preppy wabi-sabi to soft, faded khakis and cotton shirts, but it’s not nice to be surrounded by things that are worn out or stained or used up.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “We can use decision-making to choose the habits we want to form, use willpower to get the habit started, then – and this is the best part – we can allow the extraordinary power of habit to take over. At that point, were free from the need to decide and the need to use willpower.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Happiness is hard because it’s very subjective. I know the people that seem happiest to me, but whether they are actually – what they’re really like inside is really hard to say.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “I’m a creature of routine, and I hate feeling incompetent, so I avoided novelty and challenge. Making an effort to push myself in that way has brought me surprising boost.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Some kind of clutter is difficult – letting go of things with sentimental value, sifting through papers – but some clutter I find very refreshing to clear. I drive my daughters nuts because I’m always wandering into their rooms to clear clutter.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “The most reliable predictor of not being lonely is the amount of contact with women. Time spent with men doesn’t make a difference.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Pouring out ideas is better for creativity than doling them out by the teaspoon.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Having a messy coat closet should not be a big deal in a full life, and yet there’s something about getting control of that coat closet that’s surprisingly satisfying.”
Gretchen Rubin Quote: “Time waits for no ovary.”
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