
Top 100 James Comey Quotes (2025 Update)

James Comey Quote: “In a complicated, changing, and integrated world, our confirmation bias makes us very difficult people. We simply can’t change our minds.”
James Comey Quote: “But forest fires, as painful as they can be, bring growth. They spur growth that was impossible before the fire, when old trees crowded out new plants on the forest floor. In the midst of this fire, I already see new life – young people engaged as never before, and the media, the courts, academics, nonprofits, and all other parts of civil society finding reason to bloom.”
James Comey Quote: “There are those who’ve been hacked by the Chinese and those who don’t know they’ve been hacked by the Chinese.”
James Comey Quote: “The best leaders don’t care much about “benchmarking,” comparing their organization to others. They know theirs is not good enough, and constantly push to get better.”
James Comey Quote: “Those leaders who never think they are wrong, who never question their judgments or perspectives, are a danger to the organizations and people they lead.”
James Comey Quote: “Harry Truman once said, “The only thing new in the world is the history you don’t know.” Humans tend to do the same dumb things, and the same evil things, again and again, because we forget.”
James Comey Quote: “In their minds, the murderers and accomplices of Germany, and Poland, and Hungary, and so many, many other places didn’t do something evil. They convinced themselves it was the right thing to do, the thing they had to do. That’s what people do. And that should truly frighten us.”
James Comey Quote: “Ethical leaders choose a higher loyalty to those core values over their own personal gain.”
James Comey Quote: “A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity. DALAI LAMA.”
James Comey Quote: “Martin Luther once said, “You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say.”
James Comey Quote: “We are experiencing a dangerous time in our country, with a political environment where basic facts are disputed, fundamental truth is questioned, lying is normalized, and unethical behavior is ignored, excused, or rewarded.”
James Comey Quote: “A leader who screams at his employees or belittles them will not attract and retain great talent over the long term.”
James Comey Quote: “People must fear the consequences of lying in the justice system or the system can’t work.”
James Comey Quote: “The Constitution and the rule of law are not partisan political tools. Lady Justice wears a blindfold. She is not supposed to peek out to see how her political master wishes her to weigh a matter.”
James Comey Quote: “Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides. – MARGARET THATCHER.”
James Comey Quote: “Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary. – REINHOLD NIEBUHR.”
James Comey Quote: “Being an outsider, being picked on, was very painful, but in hindsight it made me a better judge of people.”
James Comey Quote: “The easy, casual lies – those are a very dangerous thing. They open up the path to the bigger lies, in more important places, where the consequences aren’t so harmless.”
James Comey Quote: “Whatever your politics, it is wrong to dismiss the damage to the norms and traditions that have guided the presidency and our public life for decades or, in many cases, since the republic was founded. It is also wrong to stand idly by, or worse, to stay silent when you know better, while a president brazenly seeks to undermine public confidence in law enforcement institutions that were established to keep our leaders in check.”
James Comey Quote: “The best leaders are both kind and tough. Without both, people don’t thrive.”
James Comey Quote: “The tough and kind leader loves her people enough to know they can always improve their game. She lights a fire in them to always get better.”
James Comey Quote: “Ethical leaders never ask for loyalty.”
James Comey Quote: “Lordy, I hope there are tapes.”
James Comey Quote: “Much of life is ambiguous and subject to interpretation, but there are things that are objectively, verifiably either true or false.”
James Comey Quote: “Harry Howell had power, and he wielded it with compassion and understanding. That wasn’t always easy for him, because he had to deal with a lot of immature kids. Others had power, like the bullies at school, and they found it far easier to wield it against those who were defenseless and to just go along with the group rather than stand up to it.”
James Comey Quote: “As I found myself thrust into the Trump orbit, I once again was having flashbacks to my earlier career as a prosecutor against the Mob. The silent circle of assent. The boss in complete control. The loyalty oaths. The us-versus-them worldview. The lying about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth.”
James Comey Quote: “Guilt and affection are far more powerful motivators than fear.”
James Comey Quote: “The criminal investigation was not centered on the fact that Secretary Clinton decided to use nongovernmental email to do her work.”
James Comey Quote: “I had seen the impact of Addington’s threats and bullying on these exhausted and fundamentally decent people. In my opinion, his arrogance was the reason we were in this mess, and these two guys were really good people. I had had enough.”
James Comey Quote: “Getting problems, pain, hopes, and doubts out on the table so we can talk honestly about them and work to improve is the best way to lead. By acknowledging our issues, we have the best chance of resolving them in a healthy way. Buried pain never gets better with age. And by remembering and being open and truthful about our mistakes, we reduce the chance we will repeat them.”
James Comey Quote: “He was a happy man. This is the person I want to be, I thought. My effort at life-plagiarism has been imperfect, but the lessons were priceless. That is what it means to lead and keep a life.”
James Comey Quote: “If honor were profitable, everybody would be honorable. – THOMAS MORE.”
James Comey Quote: “The Constitution and the rule of law are not partisan political tools. Lady Justice wears a blindfold.”
James Comey Quote: “Any investigator or prosecutor who doesn’t have a sense, after nearly a year of investigation, where their case is likely headed, is incompetent.”
James Comey Quote: “Intelligence is the ability to collect and report what the documents and witnesses say; judgment is the ability to say what those same facts mean and what effect they will have on other audiences.”
James Comey Quote: “The nature of human existence makes it hard for us – or at least for me – to come to that understanding naturally. After all, I can only experience the world through me. That tempts all of us to believe everything we think, everything we hear, everything we see, is all about us. I think we all do this.”
James Comey Quote: “There was once a time when most people worried about going to hell if they violated an oath taken in the name of God. That divine deterrence has slipped away from our modern cultures. In its place, people must fear going to jail.”
James Comey Quote: “Bush may have had a slight mean streak – he clearly enjoyed watching that scene – but he understood that humor was essential to the high-stress, high-stakes business we were in. We could be talking with deadly seriousness about terrorism one minute and then filling the Oval Office with laughter the next. It was the only way to get through the job – to intentionally inject some fun and joy into it.”
James Comey Quote: “But we were just people, ordinary people in extraordinary roles in challenging times. I’m not sure what I had expected, but I met the top of the pyramid and it was just us, which was both comforting and a bit frightening.”
James Comey Quote: “Too few people asked, “What is true?” Too few people actually considered the possibilities and asked what might be going on, even if they believed I was out to lunch. Instead, folks rushed to their team, their side. Very few voices in the public square took the time to ask, “So what is this guy worried about and what is he saying, exactly?”
James Comey Quote: “Speaking uphill takes courage. It takes overcoming a universal human affliction – the impostor complex.”
James Comey Quote: “Our discussion was the total opposite of the Washington listen: each of us actually took the time to really understand a different way of looking at something and with a mind open to being convinced.”
James Comey Quote: “As strange as it might sound, there is a certain freedom in being totally screwed, in knowing you will be attacked no matter what you do. Half the country will howl either way, so tune out the critics and let only the facts and the law dictate which half.”
James Comey Quote: “In that moment, something hit me: It’s just us. I always thought that in this place there would be somebody better, but it’s just this group of people – including me – trying to figure stuff out.”
James Comey Quote: “Policies come and go. Supreme Court justices come and go. But the core of our nation is our commitment to a set of shared values that began with George Washington – to restraint and integrity and balance and transparency and truth. If that slides away from us, only a fool would be consoled by a tax cut or a different immigration policy.”
James Comey Quote: “Being an outsider, being picked on, was very painful, but it made me a better person. It instilled in me a lifelong hatred for bullies and sympathy for their victims.”
James Comey Quote: “The more stressful the job, the more intentional I’ve always been about helping my team members find joy in our work. Laughter is the outward manifestation of joy, so I believe if I’m doing it right, and helping people connect to the meaning and joy in their work, there will be laughter in the workplace. Laughter is also a good indication that people aren’t taking themselves too seriously.”
James Comey Quote: “Our investigation required us to answer two questions. The first question was whether classified documents were moved outside of classified systems or whether classified topics were discussed outside of a classified system. If so, the second question was what the subject of the investigation was thinking when she mishandled that classified information.”
James Comey Quote: “I was struck by the way he could see and evaluate a variety of angles on a complicated issue.”
James Comey Quote: “All of us labor, to one degree or another, under the belief that if other people really knew us, if they knew us the way we know ourselves, they would think less of us. That’s the impostor complex – the fear that by showing ourselves we will be exposed as the flawed person we are. If you don’t have this, in some measure, you are an incredible jerk and should stop reading immediately.”
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