
Top 120 Jeff Wheeler Quotes (2025 Update)

Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. – Dawanjir proverb.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “One cannot overestimate the power of persistence. It is persistence that guides a stonemason’s hands and causes mighty castles and temples to be built.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “There is a story told about the sculptor Michelangelo. As he was chiseling the statue David out of a huge marble block, a young boy asked him, “How did you know he was in there?”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Courage isn’t the absence of fear, Owen. Courage is moving forward even when you’re afraid.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Words are powerful. We need always be wary how we speak to others and even more so how we speak of ourselves. – Dawanjir proverb.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “In our lives, we don’t always get what we deserve or what we want. But how we deal with those misfortunes mold our character.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “The Medium is intent on your personal growth. That progress can be quick when you willingly allow it to lead you through every experience you encounter, whether it initially be to your individual liking or not. – Richard Syon, Aldermaston of Muirwood Abbey.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Never trust another person to do your thinking for you.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “You cannot buy integrity, as the mastons say. No man can hold his virtue too dear, for it is the only thing whose value will ever increase with its cost. Our integrity is never worth so much as when we have parted with our all to keep it.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “The hunter is patient. The prey is careless.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “The world is full of fools eagerly waiting to hear what they long to be told.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “It will be no greater miracle that brings us into another world to live forever with our dearest friends than that which has brought us into this one to live a lifetime with them. Or almost a lifetime. Therefore, we weep when they depart. But we will see them again in another world.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Hear the other side. What is usually lacking, when there is trouble, is the lack of listening. So quick we are to rush to judgment. We would do well to listen more. There would be far fewer disputes.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is law and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “To fully master your mind, you must learn not to react to being observed by others. We naturally seek to please. To be acceptable. And in so doing, we give others – even our loved ones – power over our minds.” He shook his bald head and gave her a fierce look. “Never let another person have control over your thinking. It is yours by right and by destiny.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Never greet a devil till you meet one or cross a bridge before you’ve reached it. Ten times out of nine, thing aren’t as bad as we fear them to be.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “If your master demands loyalty, give him integrity. But if he demands integrity, give him loyalty.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “The greatest achievement was at first and for a time only a dream. Just as the oak sleeps in the acorn, and the bird waits in the egg, so dreams are the seedlings of realities.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Even wild beasts feel kindness, nor is there any animal so savage that good treatment will not tame it and win love from it. It is a true principle. And it is even more true when dealing with men. Men can be persuaded to many things through small acts of kindness.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “When an opponent threatens you, the best way to respond is not by reacting to the threat but by turning the game around and delivering a new threat.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Pain is a teacher, as I have told you before. Most people fear it. We do not. We would never stop a child from touching a burning piece of wood. We would warn, but never prevent. Wisdom comes through listening to those with more experience. Only fools blunder through unnecessary pain.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “He who is not contented with what he has would not be contented with what he would like to have.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Revenge is a terrible tool, a dagger where the hilt is as sharp as the blade.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Like fragile ice, anger passes away in time. Therefore, the greatest remedy for anger is delay.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “New ideas are delicate. They can be crushed easily. New ideas can be killed by a sneer or a yawn... or even a frown.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Where there is reverence, there is fear, but there is not reverence everywhere that there is fear, because fear has a wider scope than reverence. We fear what we cannot see. We fear what we do see. We fear what we cannot know. We fear what we do know. We fear what may not happen. We fear what does happen. Death may be the greatest of all human blessings. If only because it finally puts an end to fear. Myrddin.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “I have learned, mostly through painful experience, never to be dismissive of a friend’s accusation, even if it seems unreasonable. More often than not, it is well meant, the truth, and something I have needed to hear but did not want to. It is an easy thing to be offended. It is difficult to learn something new about ourselves.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Our integrity is never worth so much as when we have parted with our all to keep it.” He.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “There are always two reasons we do anything, Paedrin. The real reason and the one that sounds good to everyone else.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “We are all ruled by emotions. One of the most powerful is a state called enmity, which I spoke of earlier. It is irrational, deeply rooted, and can endure generations. It is fostered by a lack of trust in anyone outside our own culture. When there is enmity, we tend to see only the faults in others, and our own virtues.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Memory is the mother of all wisdom.” – Possidius Adeodat, Archivist of Kenatos.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Speak the truth. Do not yield to anger. Give much when you are asked for little.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “You see, it is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Never trust another person to do your thinking for you.” That sounded a little strange to Owen, but he accepted it.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “When there is enmity, we tend to see only the faults in others, and our own virtues.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “That is why I refuse to shutter the windows. We need more light. Even a flower withers without sunshine.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “In our lives, we don’t always get what we deserve or what we want. But how we deal with those misfortunes mold our character. As with this second book, time will leap-frog again into the future for book three, where the ramifications of the decisions made here will play out.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “The young are hasty in falling in love. Youths always wish to hurry romance and commit their hearts. King Drew was such and told me he wished to have a bride. By all means, marry, I told him. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors; that which it loves, and also, that which it fears. So often we bring into our lives that which would ruin us merely by thinking and fearing it.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Dying is easy. Living has always been the challenge.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “We are more wicked together than separately. If you are ever forced to be in a crowd, then most of all you should withdraw into yourself. Never trust another to do your thinking.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “By all means, marry, I told him. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher. Myrddin.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of your opponent’s fate. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Only the brave lift up their heads and demand more. And when you make demands of life, it is forced to pay you.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “Doubt is poison. You must fix your thoughts in your mind. Do not doubt. Believe and then act. Fear stops you from acting.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “The greatest power over a man is his desire to please a particular woman.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of its homes. And integrity is measured by conduct, not by professions of honor. Well did the ancients say that no man can purchase his virtue too dear, for it is the only thing whose value must increase with the price it has cost us. Our integrity is never worth so much as when we have parted with our all to keep it.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “We are always wanting. We crave another man’s hat or his shoes. Women are jealous of other women for the color of their hair. He who is not contented with what he has would not be contented with what he would like to have.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “It is a harsh reality in this world that those in power need no justification and beg no excuses.”
Jeff Wheeler Quote: “What is allowed us is disagreeable, what is denied us causes intense desire.”
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