
Top 40 Jeremiah Burroughs Quotes (2025 Update)

Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Contentment is not by addition but by subtraction: seeking to add a thing will not bring contentment. Instead, subtracting from your desires until you are satisfied only with Christ brings contentment.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “To be well skilled in the mystery of Christian contentment is the duty, glory and excellence of a Christian.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “If riches increase, set not your hearts upon them: so if friends increase, set not your hearts upon them, but trust in the living God, let it be the living God that you rest on even for all outward things in this world.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “One drop of the sweetness of heaven is enough to take away all the sourness and bitterness of all the afflictions in the world.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “It is a special part of the divine worship that we owe to God, to be content in a Christian way, as has been shown to you.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “It is the happiness of heaven to have God be all in all.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “My brethren, the reason why you have not got contentment in the things of the world is not because you have not got enough of them-that is not the reason-but the reason is, because they are not things proportionable to that immortal soul of yours that is capable of God himself.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Your mercies are more than your afflictions.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “I beseech you to consider that God does not deal by you as you deal with him.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “You will not find one Godly man who came out of an affliction worse than when he went into it. Though for a little while he was shaken, yet, at last, he was better for an affliction. But, a great many Godly men have been worse for their prosperity.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Temptations will no more prevail over a contented man, than a dart that is thrown against a brazen wall.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “In a clock, stop but one wheel and you stop every wheel, because they are dependent upon one other. So when God has ordered a thing for the present to be thus and thus, how do you know how many things depend upon this thing? God may have some work to do twenty years hence that depends on this passage of providence that falls out this day or this week.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “A noble heart is a thankful heart that loves to acknowledge whenever it has received any mercy.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “You can never make a ship go steady by propping it outside; you know there must be ballast within the ship to make it go steady. So there is nothing outside us that can keep our hearts in a steady, constant way, but grace within the soul.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “If I become content by having my desire satisfied, that is only self-love; but when I am contented with the hand of God and am willing to be at His disposal, that comes from my love to God.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “I find that the same Hebrew word which signifies to lodge, to abide, signifies to murmur. They use one word for both, for murmuring is a disorder that lodges in men; where it gets in once it lodges, abides and continues, and therefore, that we may dislodge it and get it out, we will labor to show what are the further reasonings of a discontented heart.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Oh, that we could but convince men and women that murmuring spirit is a greater evil than any affliction, whatever the affliction!”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “It is but one side of a Christian to endeavour to do what pleases God; you must as well endeavour to be pleased with what God does.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “I am discontented because I have not these things which God never yet promised me, and therefore I sin much against the Gospel, and against the grace of faith.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Thus, a godly man wonders at his cross that it is not more, a wicked man wonders his cross is so much:.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “What is the duty of the circumstances God has put me into?”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “So be satisfied and quiet, be contented with your contentment. I lack certain things that others have, but blessed be God, I have a contented heart which others have not.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Faith has this excellency, that it is able to bring life out of death, light out of darkness. It has a kind of creating virtue.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “As in a tree, there is more sap in an Arm of the tree, than in a little sprig; but the sprig hath the same sap for kind that the Arm of the tree hath, and it all comes from the same root. So though there be more venom in some gross, crying sins, than in some others; yet there is no sin but hath the same sap, and the same venom, for the kind, that every sin hath, that the worst sin hath.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “But if I have once overcome my heart, and am contented through the grace of God in my heart, then this makes me content not only in one particular but in general, whatever befalls me.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Christian, how did you enjoy comfort before? Was the creature anything to you but a conduit, a pipe, that conveyed God’s goodness to you? ‘The pipe is cut off,’ says God, ‘come to me, the fountain, and drink immediately.’ Though the beams are taken away, yet the sun remains the same in the firmament as ever it was.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Do not think, Oh, that I were delivered from all these afflictions and troubles here in this world! If you were, then you would have more ease yourself, but this is a way of honoring God, and manifesting the excellence of grace here, when you are in this conflict of temptation, which God shall not have from you in Heaven.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Here lies the bottom and root of all contentment, when there is an evenness and proportion between our hearts and our circumstances.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Note this, I beseech you: in active obedience we worship God by doing what pleases God, but by passive obedience we do as well worship God by being pleased with what God does.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Now this is a mystery to a carnal heart. They can see no such thing; perhaps they think God loves them when he prospers them and makes them rich, but they think God loves them not when he afflicts them. That is a mystery, but grace instructs men in that mystery, grace enables men to see love in the very frown of God’s face, and so come to receive contentment.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Holiness is the very principle of eternal life, the very beginning of eternal life in the heart, and that which will certainly grow up to eternal life.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “Be sure of your call to every business you go about. Though it is the least business, be sure of your call to it; then, whatever you meet with, you may quiet your heart with this: I know I am where God would have me. Nothing in the world will quiet the heart so much as this: when I meet with any cross, I know I am where God would have me, in my place and calling; I am about the work that God has set me.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “If you pour a pail full of water on the floor of your house, it makes a great show, but if you throw it into the sea, there is no sign of it. So, afflictions considered in themselves, we think are very great, but let them be considered with the sea of god’s mercies we enjoy, and then they are not so much, they are nothing in comparison.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “It is a woman’s reason to say I will do such a thing because I will.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “It’s certain that the thing a man’s heart is most taken with and set upon is his God.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “When God has given you your heart’s desire, what have you done with your heart’s desire?”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “The truth is, it is more obedience to submit to God in a low calling than to submit to Him in a higher calling. For it is sheer obedience, mere obedience, that makes you go on in a low calling; but there may be much self-love that makes men go on in a higher calling. For there are riches, credit, and account in the world; and rewards come in by that, which do not in the other.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “There are many people who, when God’s hand is out against them, will say they are troubled for their sin, but the truth is, it is the affliction that troubles them rather than their sin. Their heart greatly deceives them in this very thing.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “I find a sufficiency of satisfaction in my own heart, through the grace of Christ that is in me. Though I have not outward comforts and worldly conveniences to supply my necessities, yet I have a sufficient portion between Christ and my soul abundantly to satisfy me in every condition.”
Jeremiah Burroughs Quote: “It is said of Pompey, that when he was to carry grain to Rome in time of dearth, he was in a great deal of danger by storms at sea, but, says he, ‘We must go on; it is necessary that Rome should be relieved, but it is not necessary that we should live.”
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