
Top 400 Julia Cameron Quotes (2025 Update)
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Julia Cameron Quote: “Many of us find that we have squandered our own creative energies by investing disproportionately in the lives, hopes, dreams, and plans of others. Their lives have obscured and detoured our own. As we consolidate a core through our withdrawal process, we become more able to articulate our own boundaries, dreams, and authentic goals. Our personal flexibility increases while our malleability to the whims of others decreases. We experience a heightened sense of autonomy and possibility.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Mystery is at the heart of creativity.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Your own healing is the greatest message of hope for others.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Spending time in solitude with your artist child is essential to self-nurturing.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Love is not love if it compelled by reason and driven by logic – love exists in spite of those things, not because of them. It is a emotion which needs no fuel to fire it or oxygen to feed it; if you have to look for the why, then stop looking; it was never there at all.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “In order to achieve escape velocity, we must learn to keep our own counsel, to move silently among doubters, to voice our plans only among our allies, and to name our allies accurately.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “It is important to remember that at first blush, going sane feels just like going crazy.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Take a small step in the direction of a dream and watch the synchronous doors flying open.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Trying to do “one more thing,” we do much less.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “You are either losing your mind – or gaining your soul.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Jealousy is always a mask for fear: fear that we aren’t able to get what we want; frustration that somebody else seems to be getting what is rightfully ours even if we are too frightened to reach for it. At its root, jealousy is a stingy emotion.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “When we let God be God and work through us, we experience both a sense of serenity and excitement.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Nothing dies harder than a bad idea. And few ideas are worse than the ones we have about art.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Boredom is just “What’s the use?” in disguise. And “What’s the use?” is fear, and fear means you are secretly in despair.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “When people ask, “Why do we write morning pages?” I joke, “To get to the other side.” They think I am kidding, but I’m not. Morning pages do get us to the other side: the other side of our fear, of our negativity, of our moods. Above all, they get us beyond our Censor. Beyond the reach of the Censor’s babble we find our own quiet center, the place where we hear the still, small voice that is at once our creator’s and our own.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “I believe that the dark night of the soul is a common spiritual experience. I believe, too, that the answer is continued seeking and perseverance. It helps to know that others have endured a loss of faith.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “We knew each other in Taos, New Mexico, where a deep source of our creativity sprung. I know her now also in Santa Fe, walking her dog through the chamisa.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Working with the morning pages, we begin to sort through the differences between our real feelings, which are often secret, and our official feelings, those on the record for public display.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “If you think of the universe as a vast electrical sea in which you are immersed and from which you are formed, opening to your creativity changes you from something bobbing in that sea to a more fully functioning, more conscious, more cooperative part of that ecosystem.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “The growth of one blesses all. I am commited to grow in love. All that I touch, I leave in love. I move through this world consciously and creatively.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “The world is a forest of verdant possibility. No one person controls my happiness. No one person is the source of my joy. I am rooted in universal flow. My needs for love and affection are met by many sources. I am blessed by the ability to receive love through many channels. I open my heart to the love that is offered to me by multiple sources. My heart is a mountain meadow fed by many streams.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “When we open ourselves to exploring our creativity, we open ourselves to God: good, orderly direction.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “In order to thrive as artists we need to be available to the universal flow. When we put a stopper on our capacity for joy by anorectically declining the small gifts of life, we turn aside the larger gifts as well.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “If we lean into what we love instead of soldiering toward what we ‘should,’ our pace quickens, our energy rises, optimism sets in. What we love is nutritious for us.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “It takes constant vigilance not to slip into negativity or simple apathy. It takes courage to believe over any given period of time that we are getting better and not sliding into decline.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “The reward for attention is always healing. It may begin as the healing of a particular pain – the lost lover, the sickly child, the shattered dream. But what is healed, finally, is the pain that underlies all pain: the pain that we are all, as Rilke phrases it, “unutterably alone.” More than anything else, attention is an act of connection.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “The process of identifying a self inevitably involves loss as well as gain. We discover our boundaries, and those boundaries by definition separate us from our fellows. As we clarify our perceptions, we lose our misconceptions. As we eliminate ambiguity, we lose illusion as well. We arrive at clarity, and clarity creates change.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “We always do the best we can by the light we have to see by.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Technology teaches passivity. Absorbed in our devices – at any age – we are absorbed in someone elses perspective.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “When you are feeling depreciated, angry or drained, it is a sign that other people are not open to your energy. SANAYA ROMAN.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Each of us has an inner compass. Its voice calls us to our highest good. Sometimes it requires that we alter a longstanding but stifling situation. It is difficult to face the severing or alteration of a relationship even when we know such change is for the highest good.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Work is a part of my identity but it is not my essence.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Our tears prepare the ground for our future growth.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Mystery is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Remember that in order to recover as an artist, you must be willing to be a bad artist. Give yourself permission to be a beginner. By being willing to be a bad artist, you have a chance to be an artist, and perhaps, over time, a very good one.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “All of us are far richer than we imagine. None of us possesses a life devoid of magic.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Each of us has an inner dream that we can unfold if we will just have the courage to admit what it is, and the faith to trust our own admission. The admitting is often very difficult.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Don’t try to ‘fix’ the child’s boredom – rather, let the child find his or her inner resources.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “No matter how slow the film, Spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer It has chosen. MINOR WHITE.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “The opposite of Prosperity is not poverty. It is anxiety.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “We have this idea that we need to be in the mood to write. We don’t.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “We are not accustomed to thinking that God’s will for us and our own inner dreams can coincide.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “For today, all you need is the grace to begin beginning.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck. EMMA GOLDMAN.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “All of us contain a divine, expressive spark, a creative candle intended to light our path and that of our fellows.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “As an experienced artist, I carry my work like a secret pregnancy. I am always aware of inner life and the need to protect it.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “We don’t always know what makes us happy. We know, instead, what we think SHOULD. We are baffled and confused when our attempts at happiness fail...”
Julia Cameron Quote: “You cannot pray a prayer I cannot hear. There is no wrong way to reach out to me.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, “Grow, grow.” THE TALMUD.”
Julia Cameron Quote: “When we put the pen to paper, we articulate things in our life that we may have felt vague about. Before you write about something, somebody says, ‘How do you feel?’ and you say, ‘Oh, I feel okay.’ Then you write about it, and you discover you don’t feel okay.”
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