
Top 200 Kate Elizabeth Russell Quotes (2025 Update)
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Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “First love is so special,” she says. “You’ll never forget it.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I go on and on, parroting his arguments, the part of him left inside me suddenly risen and fully alive.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “What about you? Look at you. Aren’t you ok? You certainly look ok. You look beautiful.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “How long were you going to stand there before you said something?”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “What could we have done? We were just girls.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Driven toward it, toward him, I was the kind of girl that isn’t supposed to exist: one eager to hurl herself into the path of a pedophile.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Pathetically in love with you.” As soon as he says this, I become someone somebody else is in love with, and not just some dumb boy my own age but a man who has already lived an entire life, who has done and seen so much and still thinks I’m worthy of his love. I feel forced over a threshold, thrust out of my ordinary life into a place where it’s possible for grown men to be so pathetically in love with me they fall at my feet.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Ik voel me niet en ik weet dat ik nee kan zeggen, maar dat is niet hetzelfde als de baas zijn.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “There’s a photo of him onstage accepting the plaque, a big grin on his face, white teeth shining through black beard. I don’t recognize his shoes and his hair is shorter than I’ve ever seen it. Embarrassment creeps up my spine as I realize he probably wasn’t thinking about me at all in that moment. There isn’t a single moment when I’m not thinking about him.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I don’t think I remember anything about myself that happened before him.” I let out a laugh, rub my face with both hands. “That’s so depressing.” “It is,” Ruby agrees. “But those years aren’t lost. They’ve just been neglected for a while. You can recover yourself.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Do you want me to tell you it’s ok? That I forgive you? Because I don’t.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Hij liet me mezelf zien zoals hij me zag, een meisje met de kracht om met haar uit de as te rijzen en hem als lucht te verslinden.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “If there’s one thing you take away from this class, it should be that the world is made of endlessly intersecting stories, each one valid and true.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “How easy it is to be tricked into building a narrative out of air. Out of nothing.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “If I’m deceitful and cruel, so is he.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Alguma coisa que a gente escreve algum dia fica pronta?”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “It’s a darker feeling, a fear of there being something wrong with me that I won’t ever be able to fix.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “The whole time, I’d been discarded, unwanted.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “He sits beside me, takes my face in his hands. “You’re perfect,” he says. “You’re perfect, you’re perfect, you’re perfect.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I even do laundry on a regular basis and don’t let it get to the point where I have to wear bikini bottoms as underwear.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I know how hard this must be for you,′ he says, ‘but it could be an opportunity, right? To make peace with it and move on.’ I force myself to breathe through the thought. ‘Make peace and move on’ sounds like jumping off a cliff, sounds like dying.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “She looks up at me then, her eyes two blue pools. “What could we have done? We were just girls.” I know what she means – not that we were helpless by choice, but that the world forced us to be.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I start to realize the point isn’t really whether I like the books; it’s more about him giving me different lenses to see myself through. The poems are clues to help me understand why he’s so interested, what it is exactly that he sees in me.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I can take care of myself. Look at me – I’m ok. I’m fine.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I just really need it to be a love story. You know? I really, really need it to be that.” “I know,” she says. “Because if it isn’t a love story, then what is it?” I look to her glassy eyes, her face of wide-open empathy. “It’s my life,” I say. “This has been my whole life.” She stands over me as I say I’m sad, I’m so sad, small, simple words, the only ones that make sense as I clutch my chest like a child and point to where it hurts.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “If you want to talk about luck,” I countered, “try being fifteen and having your soul mate be some old guy.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Can I ask what’s upsetting you?” I take a breath, try to work out the words, but after a moment I shake my head. “It’s too big to explain,” I say. Because it’s about more than my poem being bad, or that I can’t pick a study spot without exhausting myself. It’s a darker feeling, a fear of there being something wrong with me that I won’t ever be able to fix.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Maybe it hurts because it might be true. Maybe I wasn’t loved enough. Maybe that lack of love shaped the loneliness he saw in me.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I open my mouth to let it all in and swallow it whole, where deep in my belly it turns into blame.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I don’t think I remember anything about myself that happened before him.” I let out a laugh, rub my face with both hands. “That’s so depressing.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “It’s the type of novel that asks the reader to relinquish control. You have to experience it rather than try to understand it.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “My rage is left onshore while I’m pulled into deep water, floating on my back, little waves lapping against my ears.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Maybe I wasn’t loved enough. Maybe that lack of love shaped the loneliness he saw in me.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I feel forced over a threshold, thrust out of my ordinary life into a place where it’s possible for grown men to be so pathetically in love with me they fall at my feet.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “It’s easy to pinpoint when it all started, that moment of walking into his sun-soaked classroom and feeling his eyes drink me in for the first time, but it’s harder to know when it ended, if it really ended at all. I think it stopped when I was twenty-two, when he said he needed to get himself together and couldn’t live a decent life while I was within reach, but for the past decade there have been late-night calls, him and me reliving the past, worrying the wound we both refuse to let heal.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “No, not crazy,” Ruby says. “Traumatized.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “So when my mother asks me to forgive her, I say, “Of course I do.“I don’t tell her again that she couldn’t have stopped it, that it wasn’t her fault and that she didn’t deserve it. I swallow those words instead. Maybe somewhere deep in my belly, they’ll take root and grow.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I wonder how much sympathy they have for a girl like me.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “He reaches down then and opens his bottom desk drawer, pulls out a book, and my ears prick like a dog’s. Pavlovian – we learned about that in my psychology elective last spring.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “This time of year just makes me feel nuts. Like I’m running out of time or something. Like I’m wasting my life.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “It’s possible he doesn’t want to see me ever again; maybe that was his goal when he had me sent away, to thrust me out of his life along with all the life-ruining repercussions I embody.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Even though I’m not supposed to, I spend most of my time reading charts.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “For a moment, I hate him.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I did lie. I sat there and let her believe what she wanted and felt no remorse. It didn’t even really feel like lying, more like shaping the truth to fit what she needed to hear, an act of contortion I learned from Strane-and I was good at it, able to manipulate the truth so covertly she had no idea what I’d done. Maybe I should have felt guilt afterward, but all I remember feeling is pride for getting away with it, for knowing how to protect her, him, myself, everyone at once.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Think of all the thoughtless pain we inflict. A mosquito on your arm; you don’t even hesitate to smack it dead.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Or, if I can’t scream it, I want to press the heels of my hands against the table, break through the wood until the whole thing cracks apart and the splintered pieces fall in such a way that the secret spells out across the floor.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “There’s no need to try so hard. He created this mess. It’s his problem, not mine.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “Strange to think that for them it’s just another Friday night, how easily their ordinary lives go on, running parallel to my own.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “I just really need it to be a love story.”
Kate Elizabeth Russell Quote: “At the time, I thought a man being wounded like that was romantic. Looking back, the whole thing was just deranged.”
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