
Top 500 Libba Bray Quotes (2025 Update)
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Libba Bray Quote: “New York is a city short on patience, cleanliness, clement weather, and citizens who hold faint opinions. It is not a city short of people trying to make a career of being famous, no matter what the opportunity.”
Libba Bray Quote: “I want to ask him if it’s possible that a girl can be born unlovable, or does she just become that way?”
Libba Bray Quote: “One could argue that it’s romantic to die for love. Of course, then you’re dead and unable to take that honeymoon trip to the Alps with all the other fashionable young couples, which is a shame.”
Libba Bray Quote: “You have been deceived. Spiritualism is no more a science than thievery. For that’s all this is – very skilled dodgers stealing money from the bereaved for a little glint of hope. People see what they want to see when they need to.”
Libba Bray Quote: “May I suggest that you all read? And often. Believe me, it’s nice to have something to talk about other than the weather and the Queen’s health. Your mind is not a cage. It’s a garden. And it requires cultivating.”
Libba Bray Quote: “He took comfort in the neon signs, the wild strands of jazz creeping out of clubs whenever happy swells of people pushed through the doors in their finery.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Everyone seems to want more form me. I am a thoroughly disappointing girl around. I shall wear a scarlet ‘D’ upon my bosom for all to see so that they will know not to raise their expectations.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Prepared to fly, even if she has to loose her legs to do it.”
Libba Bray Quote: “It’s as if I’ve inherited a skin I cannot quite fit, and so I walk about constantly pulling and and tugging, pinning and pruning, trying desperately to fill it out, hoping that no one will look at me struggling and say, ‘That one there- she’s a fraud, Look how she doesn’t fit at all.”
Libba Bray Quote: “What Hamlet suffers from is a lack of zombies. Let us say Rosencrantz and Guildenstern show up – Ho-HO! Now you’ve got something that stirs the, um, something that stirs things that are stirrable. BOOM! A pack of ravenous flesh-eaters breaks open their heads and sucks out their eyeballs. No need for iambic pentameter because they are grunting, groaning annihilators of humanity with no time for meter. You’re not asleep in the back of English class anymore, are you? This is what I’m talking about. Zombies. Learn it, live it, love it.”
Libba Bray Quote: “If this were a movie, I would bust a secret move so fierce the entire place would be razed to the ground. I’d finish with something snappy like “And don’t forget my soda, punk” while I strolled off into the night.”
Libba Bray Quote: “I know because I read. Might I suggest you try it?”
Libba Bray Quote: “It was a machine that required constant feeding- Henry hated the machine, and he hated himself for wanting the sort of admiration it promised, as if he had no worth unless someone was there to applaud it.”
Libba Bray Quote: “A gentle breeze catches in the branches then and I hear it, soft and low, a murmured prayer – Gem-ma, Gem-ma – and then the leaves bend down and trail delicate fingers across my cold cheeks.”
Libba Bray Quote: “History was haunted by the ghosts of buried crimes, which required periodic exorcisms of truth. Actions had consequences. Will.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Evie was still crying and so didn’t know what Sam whispered to Theta over the top of her head. She only knew that now there were two sets of arms around her, holding her close, holding her up. She only knew that she had family after all.”
Libba Bray Quote: “It’s always darkest before the ultimate sparkle.”
Libba Bray Quote: “I can see his pain, see it in the way he runs his fingers through his hair, over and over, and I understand what it costs him to hide it all.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Without further warning, the sky opens up and cries.”
Libba Bray Quote: “When I dream, I dream of him.”
Libba Bray Quote: “God save me from a woman’s tears, for I’ve no strength against them.”
Libba Bray Quote: “I’ve never been in love. I will die without knowing what it feels like to need to see one person’s face when you go to sleep at night, to crave seeing it when you wake up. I wish I knew.”
Libba Bray Quote: “This is what they have in place of freedom – time and gossip. Their lives are small and careful. I do not wish to live this way. I should like to make my mark. To venture opinions that may not be polite or even correct but are mine nonetheless.”
Libba Bray Quote: “With each shimmy, the bugle beads on their scandalously revealing costumes swung and shook. It was the sort of display Evie knew her mother would have found appalling – an example of the moral decay of the young generation. It was sexual and dangerous and thrilling, and Evie wanted more of it.”
Libba Bray Quote: “They don’t know what they’re in for at Spence, getting me, a ghost of a girl who’ll nod and smile and take her tea but who isn’t really here.”
Libba Bray Quote: “We create the illusions we need to go on. And one day, when they no longer dazzle or comfort, we tear them down, brick by glittering brick, until we are left with nothing but the bright light of honesty. The light is liberating. Necessary. Terrifying. We stand naked and emptied before it. And when it is too much for our eyes to take, we build a new illusion to shield us from its relentless truth.”
Libba Bray Quote: “The only thing I’m trying to steal is your heart, doll.” Sam smirked. “You’re not that talented a thief, Sam Lloyd.”
Libba Bray Quote: “It keeps her purity vacum-sealed to preserve its freshness for her future husband.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Think: who has vans, huh? Soccer moms and serial killers.”
Libba Bray Quote: “She loved attention. It was like a glass of the best champagne – bubbly and intoxicating – and as with champagne, she always wanted more of it. Still, she didn’t want to seem like an easy mark. “If you must know, I’ve come to join a convent,” Evie said, testing him.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Felicity and I watch the dancers moving as one. They spin about like the earth on it’s axis, enduring the dark, waiting for the sun.”
Libba Bray Quote: “People you loved could be gone in a breath. So why didn’t knowing that make it any easier to be vulnerable? To tell people that you loved them, that you were hurting, that you were afraid, or that, sometimes, at five in the morning, you were so alone in your own skin that you watched the weak light play across the ceiling, willing it toward dawn?”
Libba Bray Quote: “Evie’s eyes widened. “More interesting than dope and sorcery?”
Libba Bray Quote: “Creostus’s booming laugh leaves gooseflesh upon my arms. He paces close to me. “Jealous, Priestess? Do you wish to compete for my affections? I should like to see that.” “I’m sure you would. But you will die first and so let us journey to Philon, if you please.”
Libba Bray Quote: “I’m floating inside my skin. I could go on floating like this for days. Right now, the real world with its heartbreak and disappointments is just a pulse against the protective membrane we’ve drunk ourselves into. It’s somewhere outside us, waiting.” A Great and Terrible Beauty, Page 141, by.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Can we really conquer chaos so easily? If that were so, I should be able to prune the pandemonium of my own soul into something neat and tidy rather than this maze of wants and needs and misgivings that has me forever feeling as if I cannot fit into the landscape of things.”
Libba Bray Quote: “HI. I’m from Arkansas, the cantaloupe state. And tonight, I hope you will hold my melons close to your heart and vote me your Miss Teen Dream.”
Libba Bray Quote: “We are the dead. We are the keepers of the stories. We hold the history of blood and promises. We are speaking. Are you listening? Will you hear?”
Libba Bray Quote: “We’re like pretty horses, and just as on horses, they mean to put blinders on us so we can’t look left or right but only straight ahead where they would lead.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Any good world would allow for us to have free will, yes?” he continued. “Can we agree to this point? But once human beings have free will, they also have the ability to make choices – and commit evil. Thus, this very good thing, free will, allows the possibility of evil into our fine world.”
Libba Bray Quote: “It was a thread woven through all of humankind: this need for story to explain the unexplainable, to comfort the hurting, to promise that no one was alone. Evie’s uncle Will had said there was no greater power on earth than story. And in this shared moment, Memphis knew that it was so.”
Libba Bray Quote: “I can be whatever. You can be whatever. We can be whatever. Whatever, together.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Agent Jones held Sinjin’s face in his hands. “I’m going to make balloon animals. People need balloon animals.” “How right you are, strange delusional man,” Sinjin said.”
Libba Bray Quote: “If God has nothing better to do than punish schoolgirls for a bit of tomfoolery, then I’ve no use for God.”
Libba Bray Quote: “There was such fear in the world. But love was everywhere if you looked. It was the best thing about humans. That they could stare into the abyss and still open up their hearts. A spit in the eye to fear.”
Libba Bray Quote: “That’s what living in their world is-a big lie. An illusion where everyone looks the other way and pretends that nothing unpleasant exists at all, no goblins of the dark, no ghosts of the soul.”
Libba Bray Quote: “My misery is reaching epidemic proportions.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Sorry for all the pain and loneliness and disappointment. But there is this, too.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Might. Is there any opiate more powerful than that word?”
Libba Bray Quote: “The ladies pass the timee with gossip and hearsay. This is what they have in place of freedom- gime and gossip. Their lives are small and careful. I do not wish to live this way. I should like to make my mark. To venture opinions that may not be polite or even correct but are mine nonetheless. If I am to be hanged for anything, I should like to feel that I go to the gallows on my own strength.”
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