
Top 500 Libba Bray Quotes (2025 Update)
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Libba Bray Quote: “What kind of person doesn’t let you have gummi bears?”
Libba Bray Quote: “How do people stay in love, anyway? Is it a choice? Or is it like those plants we studied in biology that mutate into something new and totally different but are still part of the same plant family?”
Libba Bray Quote: “They wish, too, that they could warn them about the gray man in the stovepipe hat, about the King of Crows. For not all ghosts remember, and the citizens have need of warning.”
Libba Bray Quote: “It was funny how their odd little family of friends had changed him. Made him feel safe. Theta, Memphis, Henry, Jericho, Mabel, Ling, Isaiah, and especially Evie. They’d been there for him. Opened the parts of him he was afraid would be closed off forever. Why had he wasted so much time bottling up his feelings? What did that ever get anybody but dumb fights? He had friends. He had a home in them. And Evie was home, too.”
Libba Bray Quote: “I am a jumble of passions, misgivings, and wants. It seems that I am always in a state of wishing and rarely in a state of contentment.”
Libba Bray Quote: “You couldn’t be perfect enough to keep the world from betraying you.”
Libba Bray Quote: “But sons are a different matter to a man. More a duty than an indulgence.”
Libba Bray Quote: “She wished she were as inconsequential as the ghosts in her dreams.”
Libba Bray Quote: “When did you become a cynic?” Sam asked. Evie smiled. “When I found out I was a little girl.”
Libba Bray Quote: “It was a kiss small in its ministrations but epic in its feeling.”
Libba Bray Quote: “My head kinda hurts,” Miss New Mexico said. Several of the girls gasped. Half of an airline serving tray was lodged in her forehead, forming a small blue canopy over her eyes. “What is it?” Miss New Mexico checked to make sure her bra straps weren’t showing. “N-nothing.” Miss Ohio managed an awkward smile.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Fashionable debutantes in pastel chiffon party dresses wilt into leather club chairs like frosted petit fours melting under the July sun.”
Libba Bray Quote: “When you peeled back the skin, you were dealing with bone and muscle, blood and nerve endings. It was all the same. She liked the beautiful logic of the circulatory system, the elegance of the neurological, and the fierce warrior spirit of the heart. The body had rules and it had quirks.”
Libba Bray Quote: “It was funny how one afternoon with a best friend could set a girl right.”
Libba Bray Quote: “There is no greater power on this earth than story. People think boundaries and borders build nations. Nonsense – words do.”
Libba Bray Quote: “The dark does not weep for itself because there is no light. Rather, it accepts that it is the dark. It is said that even the gods must die.” He winks. “But not without one hell of a fight.”
Libba Bray Quote: “The citizens rise and wash, shave and brush. They don stockings and dresses, pants, shirts, and suspenders. They button up their need. Affix their aspirations. Tuck histories neatly inside drawers, creating themselves as they go, a rhapsody of reinvention.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Haven’t you been hurt?” Miss Lillian asked. Theta thought of Roy’s fists. Mrs. Bowers’s cold cruelty. Even the first wound of abandonment. “Yes.” “And here you still are. No. The question is this: Haven’t you been hurt enough?”
Libba Bray Quote: “I have met the devil, and her name is Cecily Temple.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Choices. That’s what made a man. Wasn’t it?”
Libba Bray Quote: “There were few things worse than being ordinary, in Evie’s opinion. Ordinary was for suckers.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Why do girls always feel like they have to apologize for giving an opinion or taking up space in the world?”
Libba Bray Quote: “What place lay beyond the reach of evil?”
Libba Bray Quote: “Careful there, Poet. I might start to believe you.”
Libba Bray Quote: “I will never, ever drink whiskey again. From now on, it’s strictly sherry.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Theta rolled over, facing Evie, their noses nearly touching. “Evil?” “Yes?” “I love you. Now, shut up and go to sleep.”
Libba Bray Quote: “When you looked up to the sky and cried “Why?” sometimes the sky shrugged. Yet other times it answered with the warm assurance of linked hands. “Sorry,” it whispered on the wind. “Sorry for all the pain loneliness and disappointment. But there is this, too.”
Libba Bray Quote: “I told myself it was the snow – she couldn’t possibly get to Philadelphia on the roads. I told myself a hundred lies. Children do that. It’s amazing the sorts of things you’ll make yourself believe.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Warning: If you are insufferable, do not walk here. We shall eat you down to the marrow.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Just once, she’d like to be the exciting one, the girl somebody wanted.”
Libba Bray Quote: “It was not a curse to fully inhabit your body.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Felicity laughs and takes on the tone of a fashionable lady. “Darling, the Bryn-Joneses have just done the most marvelous thing in their parlor with human blood. We simply must have ours done straightaway!”
Libba Bray Quote: “And now I understand that truth casts a spell of its own, one I’m not sure of how to hold on to, though I’m desperate to try.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Ain’t that a sight? With all the things we know and learn, we still ain’t touched the big mysteries – where we come from, where we go next, why we even her. And when something truly miraculous happens, we run and hide in our caves. We deny.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Why was there so much silence between men?”
Libba Bray Quote: “Grinning, he grabbed his fisherman’s cap and coat. “I love you,” he whispered quietly. “Ikh hob dikh lib.” He kissed Evie’s head. She rustled in her sleep, turning away. “Fine. I see how it is. I just wasted my best Yiddish on you,” Sam joked to himself.”
Libba Bray Quote: “All things are possible.”
Libba Bray Quote: “When the music is over, she keeps her head down till she finds her seat again, and I wonder how many times each day she dies a little.”
Libba Bray Quote: “And when it comes, her kiss is like something not so much felt as found.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Dude, this is a stoner conversation and we’re not even high.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Whatever is without question is most vulnerable.”
Libba Bray Quote: “There’s no such thing as hideously ordinary. If something is hideous, it’s automatically extraordinary. In a hideous way.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Mawah meenon ne le plus poohlala,” I say with an affected bow.”
Libba Bray Quote: “She’s no beauty, mate.”
Libba Bray Quote: “She would live every day fully. She was not the same girl she’d been nearly a year ago. She would never see things so blithely again. Even now, as Evie watched the parade and the people alight with pride and joy, she knew how easily that same crowd could become angry. The things that divided them. The things that brought them together, too. They couldn’t afford to become complacent.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Go on, darling,” she said, batting her lashes. “Tell them the rest.” “Riiiight,” Sam said, suppressing a smirk.”
Libba Bray Quote: “But this time she’d done everything right and they were leaving her anyway. You couldn’t be perfect enough to keep the world from betraying you.”
Libba Bray Quote: “The steam trains crossed the country, the gleaming tracks clumsy sutures across wounded miles of stolen land.”
Libba Bray Quote: “Memphis – it’s just a bird. Birds fly around, brother. It’s what they do. It’s not following you, and it’s not a sign. Unless you really did give it candy and flowers, in which case you are one strange brother.”
Libba Bray Quote: “But if you abandoned the idea that such a paradise awaited you, and believed that you would live this life over and over again, would you not live the life you had more thoughtfully?”
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