
Top 500 Marcus Aurelius Quotes (2025 Update)
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Marcus Aurelius Quote: “The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Direct thy attention to what is said. Let thy understanding enter into the things that are doing and the things which do them.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Nature in no case cometh short of art, for the arts are copiers of natural forms.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Do every act of your life as if it were your last.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Do not be wise in words – be wise in deeds.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “The happiness of those who want to be popular depends on others; the happiness of those who seek pleasure fluctuates with moods outside their control; but the happiness of the wise grows out of their own free acts.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “You don’t have to turn this into something. It doesn’t have to upset you. Things can’t shape our decisions by themselves.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Live your life as if you are ready to say goodbye to it at any moment, as if the time left for you were some pleasant surprise.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Your days are numbered. Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun. If you do not, the sun will soon set, and you with it.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Begin – to begin is half the work, let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt have finished.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “How much more grievous are the consequences of anger than the causes of it.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “You have to assemble your life yourself – action by action.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Here is the rule to remember in the future, When anything tempts you to be bitter: not, ‘This is a misfortune’ but ‘To bear this worthily is good fortune.’”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Why should we feel anger at the world? As if the world would notice?”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Be like the cliff against which the waves continually break; but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinions of himself than on the opinions of others.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Do not indulge in dreams of having what you have not, but reckon up the chief of the blessings you do possess, and then thankfully remember how you would crave for them if they were not yours.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “The body of an actor can be either his best friend or his worst enemy.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “A man’s true delight is to do the things he was made for.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “It’s silly to try to escape other people’s faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “There was a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “If unwilling to rise in the morning, say to thyself, ‘I awake to do the work of a man.’”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Remember that very little is needed to make a happy life.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Soon you will have forgotten the world, and soon the world will have forgotten you.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Stop whatever you’re doing for a moment and ask yourself: Am I afraid of death because I won’t be able to do this anymore?”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Be like the rocky headland on which the waves constantly break. It stands firm, and round it the seething waters are laid to rest.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Everything that happens happens as it should, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “There is but one thing of real value – to cultivate truth and justice, and to live without anger in the midst of lying and unjust men.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Don’t be ashamed to need help. Like a soldier storming a wall, you have a mission to accomplish. And if you’ve been wounded and you need a comrade to pull you up? So what?”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “When another blames you or hates you, or people voice similar criticisms, go to their souls, penetrate inside and see what sort of people they are. You will realize that there is no need to be racked with anxiety that they should hold any particular opinion about you.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Ambition means tying your well-being to what other people say or do. Self-indulgence means tying it to the things that happen to you. Sanity means tying it to your own actions.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “That which is not good for the bee-hive cannot be good for the bees.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “It is not the body, nor the personality that is the true self. The true self is eternal. Even on the point of death we can say to ourselves, “my true self is free. I cannot be contained.””
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Whoever does wrong, wrongs himself; whoever does injustice, does it to himself, making himself evil.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “The universe is in change, life is an opinion.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “The only wealth which you will keep forever is the wealth you have given away.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Just as nature takes every obstacle, every impediment, and works around it – turns it to its purposes, incorporates it into itself, so, too, a rational being can turn each setback into raw material and use it to achieve its goal.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “In the morning, when you are sluggish about getting up, let this thought be present: ‘I am rising to a man’s work.’”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “External things are not the problem. It’s your assessment of them. Which you can erase right now.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Your time has a limit set to it. Use it, then, to advance your enlightenment; or it will be gone, and never in your power again.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “It’s normal to feel pain in your hands and feet, if you’re using your feet as feet and your hands as hands. And for a human being to feel stress is normal – if he’s living a normal life. And if it’s normal, how can it be bad?”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Because other people are fools, must you be so too?”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Your mind will be like its habitual thoughts; for the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. Soak it then in such trains of thoughts as, for example: Where life is possible at all, a right life is possible.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “My true Self is free. I cannot be contained.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “All is as thinking makes it so.”
Marcus Aurelius Quote: “Life is short. That’s all there is to say. Get what you can from the present – thoughtfully, justly.”
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