
Top 140 Martin Buber Quotes (2025 Update)
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Martin Buber Quote: “We should stake our whole existence on our willingness to explore and experience.”
Martin Buber Quote: “What has to be given up is not the I, as most mystics suppose: this I is indispensable for any relationship, including the highest, which always presupposes an I and You.”
Martin Buber Quote: “The future stands in need of you in order to be born.”
Martin Buber Quote: “One cannot in the nature of things expect a little tree that has been turned into a club to put forth leaves.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Inscrutably involved, we live in the currents of universal reciprocity.”
Martin Buber Quote: “An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language.”
Martin Buber Quote: “For God does not want to be believed in, to be debated and defended by us, but simply to be realized through us.”
Martin Buber Quote: “You should carefully observe the way toward which your heart draws you, then choose this way with all your strength.”
Martin Buber Quote: “We should also pray for the wicked among the peoples of the world; we should love them too.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Dialogic is not to be identified with love. But love without dialogic, without real outgoing to the other, reaching to the other, the love remaining with itself – this is called Lucifer.”
Martin Buber Quote: “He who loves brings God and the World together.”
Martin Buber Quote: “I shall teach you the best way to say Torah. You must cease to be aware of yourselves. You must be nothing but an ear that hears what the universe of the word is constantly saying within you. The moment you start hearing what you yourself are saying, YOU must stop.”
Martin Buber Quote: “We can learn to be whole by saying what we mean and doing what we say.”
Martin Buber Quote: “The world is not divine sport, it is divine destiny. There is a divine meaning of the world, of man, of human persons, of you and me.”
Martin Buber Quote: “All actual life is encounter.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Read the Bible as though it were something entirely unfamiliar, as though it had not been set before you ready-made. Face the book with a new attitude as something new.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Meet the world with the fullness of your being, and you shall meet God. Of you wish to believe, love.”
Martin Buber Quote: “To produce is to draw forth, to invent is to find, to shape is to discover...”
Martin Buber Quote: “When I meet a man, I am not concerned about his opinions. I am concerned about the man.”
Martin Buber Quote: “In the ice of solitude man becomes most inexorably a question to himself, and just because the question pitilessly summons and draws into play his most secret life he becomes an experience to himself.”
Martin Buber Quote: “If we had the power over the ends of the earth, it would not give us that fulfillment of existence which a quiet devoted relationship to nearby life can give us.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Power abdicates only under stress of counter-power.”
Martin Buber Quote: “If a person kills a tree before its time, it is like having murdered a soul.-Rabbi Nachman.”
Martin Buber Quote: “One who truly meets the world goes out also to God.”
Martin Buber Quote: “When a man grows aware of a new way in which to serve God, he should carry it around with him secretly, and without uttering it, for nine months, as though he were pregnant with it, and let others know of it only at the end of that time, as though it were a birth.”
Martin Buber Quote: “The salvation of man does not lie in his holding himself far removed from the worldly, but in consecrating it to holy, to divine meaning.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Without being and remaining oneself, there is no love.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Feeling one “has”; love occurs.”
Martin Buber Quote: “The historical religions have the tendency to become ends in themselves, and, as it were, to put themselves in God’s place, and, in fact, there is nothing that is so apt to obscure God’s face as a religion.”
Martin Buber Quote: “The ones who count are those persons who – though they may be of little renown – respond to and are responsible for the continuation of the living spirit.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Eclipse of the light of heaven, eclipse of God – such indeed is the character of the historic hour through which the world is now passing.”
Martin Buber Quote: “When we encounter another individual truly as a person, not as an object for use, we become fully human.”
Martin Buber Quote: “So long as you “have” yourself, have yourself as an object, your experience of man is only as of a thing among things.”
Martin Buber Quote: “No purpose intervenes between I and You, no greed and no anticipation; and longing itself is changed as it plunges from the dream into appearance. Every means is an obstacle. Only where all means have disintegrated encounters occur.”
Martin Buber Quote: “That you need God more than anything, you know at all times in your heart. But don’t you know also that God needs you – in the fullness of his eternity, you? How would man exist if God did not need him, and how would you exist? You need God in order to be, and God needs you – for that which is the meaning of your life.”
Martin Buber Quote: “There are people of spirit and there are people of passion, both less common than one might think. Rarer still are the people of spirit and passion. But rarest of all is a passionable spirit.”
Martin Buber Quote: “The basic word I-You can only be spoken with one’s whole being. The basic word I-It can never be spoken with one’s whole being.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Everything is full of sacramental substance, everything. Each thing and each function is ever ready to light up into a sacrament.”
Martin Buber Quote: “We may listen to our inner self-and still not know which ocean we hear roaring.”
Martin Buber Quote: “This is the eternal origin of art that a human being confronts a form that wants to become a work through him. Not a figment of his soul but something that appears to the soul and demands the soul’s creative power. What is required is a deed that a man does with his whole being...”
Martin Buber Quote: “I’m not sure I can take your advice. You are dealing with English Gentlemen. We are dealing with monsters.”
Martin Buber Quote: “As long as the firmament of the You is spread over me, the tempests of causality cower at my heels, and whirl of doom congeals.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Every man’s foremost task is the actualization of his unique, unprecedented and never-recurring potentialities, and not the repetition of something that another, and be it even the greatest, has already achieved.”
Martin Buber Quote: “What has to be given up is not the I, but that drive for self-affirmation which impels man to flee from the unreliable, unsolid, unlasting, unpredictable, dangerous world of relation into the having of things.”
Martin Buber Quote: “I do not accept any absolute formulas for living. No preconceived code can see ahead to everything that can happen in a man’s life. As we live, we grow and our beliefs change. They must change. So I think we should live with this constant discovery. We should be open to this adventure in heightened awareness of living. We should stake our whole existence on our willingness to explore and experience.”
Martin Buber Quote: “The tradition of the camp fire faces that of the pyramid.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Mundus vult decipi. The world winks at dishonesty. The world does not call it dishonesty.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Spirit is not in the I but between I and You.”
Martin Buber Quote: “Feelings are ‘entertained’; love comes to pass. Feelings dwell in man; but man dwells in his love.”
Martin Buber Quote: “I don’t like religion much, and I am glad that in the Bible the word is not to be found.”
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