
Top 15 Michiko Kakutani Quotes (2025 Update)

Michiko Kakutani Quote: “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic. – ROBERT A. HEINLEIN.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “Nationalism, tribalism, dislocation, fears of social change, and the hatred of outsiders are on the rise again as people, locked in their partisan silos and filter bubbles, are losing a sense of shared reality and the ability to communicate across social and sectarian lines.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “I learned long ago, covering the ethnic cleansing and genocide in Bosnia, never to equate victim with aggressor, never to create a false moral or factual equivalence, because then you are an accomplice to the most unspeakable crimes and consequences.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “The current memoir craze has fostered the belief that confession is therapeutic, that therapy is redemptive and that redemption equals art, and it has encouraged the delusion that candor, daring and shamelessness are substitutes for craft, that the exposed life is the same thing as an examined one.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “Social media would further accelerate the ascendance of what the Columbia Law School professor Tim Wu described as “the preening self” and the urge to “capture the attention of others with the spectacle of one’s self.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “Facts need testimony to be remembered and trustworthy witnesses to be established in order to find a secure dwelling place in the domain of human affairs.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “More and more, your computer monitor is a kind of one-way mirror, reflecting your own interests while algorithmic observers watch what you click.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “With this embrace of subjectivity came the diminution of objective truth: the celebration of opinion over knowledge, feelings over facts – a development that both reflected and helped foster the rise of Trump.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “In addition to amplifying polarization, the report concluded, social media tends to undermine trust in institutions and makes it more difficult to have the sorts of fact-based debates and discussions that are essential to democracy.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “Because social media sites give us information that tends to confirm our view of the world – what Pariser calls “an endless you-loop” – people live in increasingly narrow content silos and correspondingly smaller walled gardens of thought.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “In his 2007 book, The Cult of the Amateur, the Silicon Valley entrepreneur Andrew Keen warned that the internet not only had democratized information beyond people’s wildest imaginings but also was replacing genuine knowledge with “the wisdom of the crowd,” dangerously blurring the lines between fact and opinion, informed argument and blustering speculation.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “If citizens do not bother to gain basic literacy in the issues that affect their lives,” Nichols wrote, “they abdicate control over those issues whether they like it or not. And when voters lose control of these important decisions, they risk the hijacking of their democracy by ignorant demagogues, or the more quiet and gradual decay of their democratic institutions into authoritarian technocracy.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “In the future, we could be exposed to realistic videos of politicians saying things they never said: Baudrillard’s simulacrum come to life. These are Black Mirror–like developments that will complicate our ability to distinguish between the imitation and the real, the fake and the true.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “Deconstruction, in fact, is deeply nihilistic, implying that the efforts of journalists and historians – to ascertain the best available truths through the careful gathering and weighing of evidence – are futile.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “Once he has left office, the damage he has done to American institutions and the country’s foreign policy will take years to repair.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “To examine how a disregard for facts, the displacement of reason by emotion, and the corrosion of language are diminishing the very value of truth, and what that means for America and the world.”
Michiko Kakutani Quote: “I hold it, therefore, certain,” Jefferson went on, “that to open the doors of truth, and to fortify the habit of testing everything by reason, are the most effectual manacles we can rivet on the hands of our successors to prevent their manacling the people with their own consent.”
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