
Top 500 Neale Donald Walsch Quotes (2025 Update)
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Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “And if we’re all one, we need to stop our competition with each other. Most of the decisions we make are about survival and winning.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “You will not have that for which you ask, nor can you have anything you want. This is because your very request is a statement of lack, and your saying you want a thing only works to produce that precise experience – wanting – in your reality.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “There is only one emotion, one energy, in the universe: the energy, the emotion, that we call Love. When you know this, everything changes.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Betrayal of yourself in order not to betray another is betrayal nonetheless. It is the highest betrayal.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Smiling can be a deliberate, intentioned act. When it is that, it becomes an act of creation, and a powerful tool. Be quick to smile, and quick to share your smile with others. You will light up your heart and light up the room.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Hell is the opposite of joy. It is unfulfillment. It is knowing Who and What You Are, and failing to experience that. It is being less.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Expectations ruin relationships.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “A good cry can be wonderful sometimes, and sadness is nothing more than love announced. Sadness and Unhappiness are not the same thing, and it is good to remember that. And there is this: sadness cleanses the heart.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Fear clings to and clutches all that we have, love gives all that we have away. Fear holds close, love holds dear. Fear grasps, love lets go. Fear rankles, love soothes. Fear attacks, love amends.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Creation is the highest form of Divinity, and your birthright. Truth is, you are creating all the time. The central question in your life is whether you are doing this consciously or unconsciously.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “You cannot experience yourself as what you are until you’ve encountered what you are not.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Never, ever, ever think that your life is over, but know always that each day, each hour, each moment is another beginning, another opportunity, another chance to re-create yourself anew.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Stopping smoking was most dramatic for me. After 23 years, I picked up a cigarette one day and didn’t know why I was doing it. Smoking was no longer in alignment with what I had intended to experience of myself.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “All great truths begin as blasphemy. Every single revolutionary idea that has ever been visited upon the human experience began as an idea which was rejected.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “When you give your children knowledge, you are telling them what to think. When you give your children wisdom, you do not tell them what to know, or what is true, but rather, how to get to their own truth.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “We are all one. Ours is not a better way, ours is merely another way.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “See the flower as dying and you will see the flower sadly. Yet see the flower as part of a whole tree that is changing, and will soon bear fruit, and you see the flower’s true beauty. When you understand that the blossoming and the falling away of the flower is a sign that the tree is ready to bear fruit, then you understand life.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Religion asks you to learn from the experience of others. Spirituality urges you to seek your own.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Choose, but don’t want.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “There is not a day that goes by that does not include a conversation with God. There is not a day that goes by that does not contain signs. There are many days that go by on which we do not hear the conversation, do not see the signs. So stay awake.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “All that is required is to know this. For you are the creator of your reality, and life can show up no other way for you than that way in which you think it will.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Life can show up no other way than that way in which you perceive it.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “There is nothing scary about life if you are not attached to results.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Yet I have said over and over again that there is no “right” or “wrong” in the universe. A thing is not intrinsically right or wrong. A thing simply is.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “The Highest Thought is always that thought which contains joy. The Clearest Words are those words which contain truth. The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call love.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “You must learn to honor and cherish and love your Self. You must first see your Self as worthy before you can see another as worthy. You must first know your Self to be holy before you can acknowledge holiness in another.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “It is you who are choosing, in any moment, to be happy or choosing to be sad, or choosing to be angry, or forgiving, or enlightened, or whatever. You are choosing.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Yes. Read the writings of the man called Rudolf Steiner. Explore the methods of The Waldorf School, which he developed.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “There can be only one purpose for relationships-and for all of life: to be and to decide Who You Really Are.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “In the quiet moments of your day, what do you think and do? When you are with your Self and no one else, how does life proceed for you? Who are you when you are alone? Self-creation is a Holy Experience. It is sacred. It is you, deciding Who You Are.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “What you get to choose today is who you are and what you wish to experience in your life. Remember, not to decide is to decide.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Forever is longer than you know. Eternal is longer than Forever. God is more than you imagine. God is the energy you call imagination. God is creation. God is first thought. And God is last experience. And God is everything in between.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “True abundance has nothing to do with what I am having, but everything to do with what I am being.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “The Ultimate Reality is that everything you think you need, you already have. It exists inside of you. Indeed, it is you. You are what you need – and therefore, you give yourself everything you need in any given moment.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Do not confuse excellence with perfection. The first is possible to achieve, the second is probably not.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Your happy destiny is unavoidable. You cannot be “saved.” There is no hell except not knowing this.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Do you want your life to truly take off? Then change your idea about it. About you. Think, speak and act as the God You Are.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Do not dismantle the house, but look at each brick, and replace those which appear to be broken, which no longer support the structure.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Look to see who is truly serving the world, truly seeking to share wisdom and knowledge, insight and understanding, caring and compassion. Provide for these people, for these are the Bringers of the Light.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “The more that you act on your intuition fearlessly, the more your intuition will serve you. Intuition is the ear of the soul.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “You cannot let go of anything if you cannot notice that you are holding it. Admit your ‘weaknesses’ and watch them morph into your greatest strengths.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “If you need to know in advance that everything will ‘work out’ before you jump in, you’ll never jump into anything.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Nothing can happen, nothing can occur in your life which is not a precisely perfect opportunity for you to heal something, create something, or experience something that you wish to heal, create, or experience in order to be who you really are.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Whatever it is that you wish to experience more of in your life, be the source of it in the life of another.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “It is the great sadness of our species that we have not found a way to eliminate the conflict and to eliminate violence as a device to resolve our conflicts throughout the entire history of the human race.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “All that appears in your life is a blessing, presenting you with a greater opportunity to define who you are, and to know yourself as that.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “God is in the sadness and the laughter, in the bitter and the sweet.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Worry is the activity of a mind which does not understand its connection with Me.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “In every moment God expresses Himself in, as, and through you. Built into you is an internal guidance system that shows you the way home. This is the voice that speaks to you always of your highest choice, that places before you your grandest vision.”
Neale Donald Walsch Quote: “Success in any area of your life is not found in producing what you think you must produce on your journey, it’s found in the love, the joy, the happiness, and the sense of True Self that you experience – and that others experience in their life because of you – along the way. That alone can produce the rest of what you think you are “supposed to” produce.”
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