
Top 250 Pearl S. Buck Quotes (2025 Update)
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Pearl S. Buck Quote: “There will never cease to be ferment in the world unless people are sure of their food.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Life is the wonder with which we are all infused.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “But what happens when her beauty is torn from her like a cover from a book? Will he care to read her then, although her pages speak of nothing but love for him?”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “I do not believe in a child world. It is a fantasy world. I believe the child should be taught from the very first that the whole world is his world, that adult and child share one world, that all generations are needed.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “A hungry man can’t see right or wrong. He just sees food.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Science and religion, religion and science, put it as it may, they are the two sides of the same glass, through which we see darkly until these two focus together, reveal the truth.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “It is easy to destroy but hard to create. Remember that, when you want to destroy something.” The.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “The rich are always afraid.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “We need to restore the full meaning of that old word, duty. It is the other side of rights.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “When hope is taken away from a people, moral degeneration follows swiftly thereafter.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Praise out of season, or tactlessly bestowed, can freeze the heart as much as blame.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Write a novel if you must, but think of money as an unlikely accident. Get your reward out of writing it, and try to be content with that.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “The boundary between civilization and barbarism is difficult to draw: put one ring in your nose and you are a savage, put two rings in your ears and you are civilized.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “We must have hope or starve to death.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “An intelligent, energetic, educated woman cannot be kept in four walls-even satin-lined, diamond-studded walls-without discovering sooner or later that they are still a prison cell.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Be proud of your child, accept him as he is and do not heed the words and stares of those who know no better. This child has a meaning for you and for all children. You will find a joy you cannot now suspect in fulfilling his life for and with him.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “People on the whole are very simple-minded, in whatever country one finds them. They are so simple as to take literally, more often than no, the things their leaders tell them.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “In a mood of faith and hope my work goes on. A ream of fresh paper lies on my desk waiting for the next book. I am a writer and I take up my pen to write.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “It is love itself that is important – the ability to love, no matter whom you love. For when you can no longer love anyone, you are no longer a living person. The heart dies if it loses the capacity to love.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “It is not healthy when a nation lives within a nation, as colored Americans are living inside America. A nation cannot live confident of its tomorrow if its refugees are among its own citizens.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Somehow I had learned from Thoreau, who doubtless learned it from Confucius, that if a man comes to do his own good for you, then must you flee that man and save yourself.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “What the common man cannot understand he hates.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Nothing is menial where there is love.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Gods she did not worship, and faith she had none, but love she had and forever.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “The only real danger to our country is from within, that we forget our own power to be what we want to be.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “I learned to distinguish between the two kinds of people in the world: those who have known inescapable sorrow and those who have not.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “If you start to revise before you’ve reached the end, you’re likely to begin dawdling with the revisions and putting off the difficult task of writing.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “The highest civilizations – the longest to last and I believe the most successful in human terms – are those which have come the closest to achieving real understanding and mutual appreciation between men and women.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Iowans know themselves and what they are doing. They are doing well.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Only very coarse persons wanted wars.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “The truth has never been told about women in history: that everywhere man has gone woman has gone too, and what he has done she has done also. Women are ignorant of their own past and ignorant of their own importance in that past.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “All in all, Vermont is a jewel state, small but precious.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Love dies only when growth stops.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Men would rather be starving and free than fed in bonds.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “God is not in the vastness of greatness. He is hid in the vastness of smallness. He is not in the general. He is in the particular.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “She had always been too wise to tell him all she thought and felt, knowing by some intuition of her own womanhood that no man wants to know everything of any woman.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Some of the biggest failures I ever had were successes.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Food for all is a necessity. Food should not be a merchandise, to be bought and sold as jewels are bought and sold by those who have the money to buy. Food is a human necessity, like water and air, it should be available.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “No daughter is ever her mother’s darling. That spot is always reserved for the son.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “For no country is a true democracy whose women have not an equal share in life with men, and until we realize this we shall never achieve a real democracy on this earth.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “We can’t stop time, but it will sometimes stand still for love.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “At my age the bones are water in the morning until food is given them.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Men and women should own the world as a mutual possession.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “As for New York City, it is a place apart. There is not its match in any other country in the world.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “If our American way of life fails the child, it fails us all.”
Pearl S. Buck Quote: “Then the good land did again its healing work and the sun shone on him and healed him and the warm winds of summer wrapped him about with peace.”
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