
Top 90 Priscilla Shirer Quotes (2025 Update)

Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Unity does not mean sameness. It means oneness of purpose.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “We often don’t realize that where God puts us is the very place we need to be to receive what He wants to give us.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “We can see hope in the midst of hopelessness. We can see peace in the midst of chaos. We have a hope that the world does not have. We can see clearly that all things work together for the good of them that love Him and are called according to His purpose.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Everything you need God already is.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “It is time for us to breathe and build margin into our lives for God. Sabbath was intended as a gift, and it is still a gift to us today. If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted the concept of Sabbath will change your life.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Only God’s presence can change people’s lives.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “We serve a God who is waiting to hear from you, and He can’t wait to respond.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Fervent prayer keeps your true identity in focus.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Give your hands to Him for His work, your feet to walk His path, and your ears to hear Him speak.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Contentment is the equilibrium between the enjoyment of life now and the anticipation of what is to come.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Whatever you are holding onto in this life, hold it loosely so it won’t hurt when the Lord has to pry your fingers open to take it away.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Today’s difficulties are often a result of yesterday’s disobedience.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Passion is the fuel in the engine of your purpose. It’s your “want-to.” It’s what keeps you going when mundane tasks bore you or difficult ones dissuade you. Passion is what keeps you moving in the direction your best intentions want you to go.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “In the midst of a universe that cannot exist for a second without constant motion, God transcended the order of nature. He stopped. He rested. And He prescribes the same for you and me.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Sometimes the divine intervention of God means breaking allegiance with what you love.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Having your spiritual radar up in constant anticipation of His presence- even in the midst of the joyful chaos and regular rhythms of your everyday living- is paramount in hearing God, because sometimes the place and manner you find Him is the least spectacular you’d expect.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Prayer Releases All Your Eternal Resources.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “God has gone before us so we can walk in the future He has for us.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “I want my life to radiate what happens when God has a person’s heart at His full control, when every event or circumstance is simply another avenue to know Him better and show forth His glory.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “The decisions you’re making today will impact your tomorrows.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Nothing – nothing! – is too far gone that your God cannot resurrect it.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth. It is kryptonite to the enemy and to all his ploys against you.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Now is the time to know that God is able. To connect your current reality with God’s present ability.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “So we strap on weapons that work – weapons divinely authorized for our success in spiritual warfare: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace. Then we take up the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, as well as the sword – the very Word of God. But.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “We can’t anticipate and provide for life’s trials, but the Lord can and does. The Lord wants us to thirst not after a quick fix to our problems but after the life-altering refreshment of His provision.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Yesterday’s partial obedience creates staggering consequences in today’s experiences.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “God’s real desire, in addition to displaying His glory, is to claim your heart and the hearts of those you love.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Theoden: I will not risk open war. Aragorn: Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Most of our days are filled with routine duties required for life to continue with any sort of sanity. But if we take the time look closely, we might discover that God is using these normal activities to prepare us for future tasks, each duty pointing to His blessing in our lives.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Peace is the deep, inner, eternal stability the believer possesses by virtue of relationship with Jesus, a sense of balance that’s not subject to external circumstance. It’s also the quality that enables us to live harmoniously with others.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Praying with precision is key.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Ministry is when the people who hear you, don’t want more of you; they want more of Him because of what you’ve said. When you point them to God’s fire instead of trying to get attention for yourself-that’s ministry.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Making sense of God’s call is not a prerequisite for following it. His Word and His promises are enough.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Will you surrender your plans and purposes into the greater known of God’s unknown designs for your life?”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Hold your own plans loosely and stay ready to submit to His. Consider them to be more important, more desirable than anything you could dream up on your own. He has come down to you with intentionality and purpose because He loves you and knows that you are never more secure than when you’re in His will.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “The “word of the Lord” is designed to reshape your purposes, putting you in a position for Him to do through you what you cannot do on your own.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Persistent, internal inklings matched by external confirmation is often the way God directs believers into His will.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “His Word is not a chore. Not a nag. It’s life. It’s love. It’s living truth, solid as granite yet soft as a baby’s skin. And it’s not just to read. It’s to absorb. To bathe in. To live by. To inspire us, reshape us, and define us.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “If I were your enemy, I’d magnify your fears, making them appear insurmountable, intimidating you with enough worries until avoiding them becomes your driving motivation. I would use anxiety to cripple you, to paralyze you, leaving you indecisive, clinging to safety and sameness, always on the defensive because of what might happen. When you hear the word faith, all I’d want you to hear is “unnecessary risk.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “True success in any endeavor can only come when the Father has initiated the activity and invited our participation.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Yet some of the most faithful, effective Christians I know are those who are living out their quiet calling to the few in their home, to their fledging church, or to the homeless under a bridge in their city. Nothing is meager or insignificant about that.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Living in freedom means learning how to walk again – learning how to walk God’s way for a change – because, listen, you can be 100 percent saved and still spend the majority of your time in Egypt. Unbelievers aren’t the only ones who contribute to Egypt’s overcrowding.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “We pray because our own solutions don’t work and because prayer deploys, activates, and fortifies us against the attacks of the enemy. We pray because we’re serious about taking back the ground he has sought to take from us.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Believing that life interruptions – divine interruptions – are a privilege not only causes us to handle them differently but to await them eagerly.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “It is a privilege for us to look at circumstances and discern God’s involvement in them. To recognize them as more than mere happenstance but rather God’s own detailed design and plan. To see that He is allowing us to cooperate with Him in bringing life from death, growth from loss, testimony from tragedy.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “If I were your enemy, I’d use every opportunity to bring old wounds to mind, as well as the people, events, and circumstances that caused them. I’d try to ensure that your heart was hardened with anger and bitterness. Shackled through unforgiveness.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “I resolved to stop using physical means to fight battles that require spiritual remedies, using instead the power of prayer to do what it’s always been designed to do.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “We think we know what we want. In reality we should want nothing else but to be completely in line with His desires for us and His purposes in our generation. So we must resolve to let God be God on His terms, not ours.”
Priscilla Shirer Quote: “Restricting yourself in the truth of God’s word actually releases you into a freedom you would not otherwise have.”
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