
Top 80 Rahul Jandial Quotes (2025 Update)
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Rahul Jandial Quote: “It is true that, in rare cases, the effects of a concussion can last for months before finally resolving. Even more rarely, and for reasons that continue to puzzle researchers, some people continue to report mood swings, concentration problems, fatigue, dizziness, and other problems that go on for years.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Although it was once believed that motor control was the cerebellum’s only function, neuroscientists now understand that it also plays an important role in a variety of mental and emotional functions. Some now think of it as a “supervised learning machine” that refines thoughts and emotions just as it does movements.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Every great advance in music, biology, and astronomy, in literature and technology has involved overturning orthodoxy and doing what the experts said couldn’t or shouldn’t be done.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Intermittent hunger clears the mind, awakens the senses, and improves brain functioning. Plus it lowers your blood sugar, reduces your insulin levels, and helps you lose weight by reducing total calories.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Even when they leave for college, keep in mind that only half of all students who enter college will graduate. So keep on texting and calling – and visiting them in person. Their developing brains still need you.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Not only do 96 percent of children experience a total or significant reduction in epileptic seizures following it, but few show any significant effects on their memory, intelligence, personality, or even sense of humor.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “When I went to medical school, I was taught that the cerebellum’s only job was to coordinate fine muscle movements learned from years of practice. But new studies published in the past few years have shown that increased activity in the cerebellum is directly linked to creative problem-solving. It coordinates creative thinking, we now believe, just as it coordinates the fine muscle movements of an athlete.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Other organs can go hours without blood flow before their cells die, but neurons survive only a few minutes without blood.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “The first morning off after a 120-hour week, there are too many cobwebs. Only after the second morning of not setting an alarm clock did I feel the clarity and calm that sleep can provide: that feeling of being human again. Only then did I feel I had caught up on sleep.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “When you’re carefully paying attention to what your teacher or boss is saying, that’s your frontal lobe at work. Doing math? Frontal lobe. Crossword puzzle? Frontal lobe. Trying to figure out how to handle a former friend who has lately been talking behind your back? The integration of all those feelings, memories, and possible responses requires the quarterbacking of the frontal lobe.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Flynn, however, insists that kids are literally getting smarter in part because of school, but also because of better nutrition and fewer childhood illnesses than their grandparents experienced. Even more important, Flynn says, is that our world has become ever more cognitively challenging.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “It’s not only for scientists like myself that the borderlands between slumber and wakefulness have proved so fertile.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Aricept “appears to have beneficial effects on retention of training on complex aviation tasks in nondemented older adults,” and these findings were ultimately published in Neurology. There is already a major pharmacologic market for physical performance-enhancing drugs. With an aging population, interest in medications for cognitive enhancement will likely grow.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “But you don’t have to spend a week hiking in the forest to have your creativity nourished by the outdoors. Even a half-hour walk near your home, office, or school will do. Einstein made a habit of walking the mile and a half to and from his office at Princeton University every day. A little exercise, some fresh air, the passing of the seasons: it’s all fuel for your creative brain.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “In chapter 9, I shared with you the power of food in the form of an all-fat ketogenic diet to break seizures in children. For them, food is medicine. Depression and anxiety are increasingly being understood in terms of aberrant electrical brain waves, and doctors in the emerging field of “nutritional psychiatry” are prescribing diets that can lessen anxiety and improve your mood.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Broca’s area, is where your ability to speak resides.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Another serious brain disorder appears to be caused by the opposite problem: excessive pruning. People who carry genes that code for extreme culling of synapses are at increased risk for developing schizophrenia, marked by hallucinations and delusions.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “By the end of middle school, the dual-language kids had gained a full year in English-reading skills on their peers.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “On days when I am operating, in fact, I eat nothing until late afternoon. I don’t even have a cup of coffee, because once I enter the OR, there is no skipping out to the bathroom. I am routinely in there working for eight hours straight without a break. It may sound surprising that I’m not dragging from lack of food, but quite the opposite: I find it keeps me more alert.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “The epic that is brain development involves not just growth, but death. During gestation, the fetal brain grows about twice as many neurons as it will eventually need. This surplus of juvenile neurons is culled and winnowed to what the maturing brain needs; the misfits that aren’t picked to stay on the squad, so to speak, simply wither and die.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Physical activity turns out to be one of the absolute best ways to maintain and even improve cognitive health.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “To create the CAR T-cell therapy, we begin with T-cells taken from a patient’s own blood. Next we add the patient’s specific cancer receptors, making millions of copies of sensitized T-cells. Then these custom-built, supercharged immune cells are administered back into the patient’s blood.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “And while it’s true that the amygdalae do play an important role in fear, they also do so for other positive emotions. It’s not the fear center, but it is an intense emotion hub.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Semantic Memory is general knowledge about the world, everything from who Isaac Newton was, to what a bagel tastes like, and where your office is – all the kinds of basic facts and meanings that computers and robots don’t understand. Thankfully, in normal brain aging, this huge knowledge base not only remains generally stable in an older adult but can continue to grow as a person learns more.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “One interesting quality of NSCs is that they naturally gravitate toward any brain tumor. What if, our team wondered, they could be tweaked to deliver chemotherapy selectively to the cancer while sparing the rest of the brain?”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “That second concussion is the one to worry about. Whereas the vast majority of people recover from a single concussion with no long-term damage, those who experience a second concussion before recovering from the first are at increased risk of developing CTE.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “42 percent of people shot in the head survive and do well enough to be discharged from the hospital within six months. I doubt that many of them do as well as Theo, but still, even as a brain surgeon, I find that incredible.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Synaptic pruning is the scientific term for how nature works like a master gardener, snipping stems here and there to permit other stems to grow and strengthen.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “Surprisingly, though, cardiovascular exercise has demonstrated the least benefit in older adults. By contrast, Teresa Liu-Ambrose, PhD, of the University of British Columbia, has found that resistance training with weights improves cognition.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “By the time this book is published, I expect that the CAR T-cell study will have already begun, with myself as one of the three surgeons. The brain cancer we will be treating is not glioblastoma, as mentioned above, but a different kind that is much more common: brain metastasis from breast cancer.”
Rahul Jandial Quote: “My philosophy is that they get fifteen hours to do what they want the rest of the day; they can give me sixty minutes.”
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