
Top 180 Russell Simmons Quotes (2025 Update)
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Russell Simmons Quote: “I like to move towards a place where my greatest experience is promoting happiness for others. I know that that creates a cycle of the same great experience.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “It is crucial that rappers have the chance to express the truth that is in their heart.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “Well, it’s the last step of the civil rights movement: You know, wrap your hands around some money, right?”
Russell Simmons Quote: “Actresses are kind of a little crazy.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “You can decide that no matter what is happening around you, the sun will always be shining in your world. Or you can decide that your world is always going to be a cold, dark place.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “Mistakes only cost you when you don’t acknowledge them.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I would never condone violence against women in any form, and for all of those I offended, I am sincerely sorry.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I just try to, in my own way, contribute to making a better Hollywood, to move Hollywood to be a leader in social justice, as it always has been, and not to have any holes in their own backyard while they continue to push for equality and all the things that they always stand up for.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I applaud what the Oscars are doing to promote diversity. I think it’s great.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “People who know better do better. If.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I don’t want to appease everyone. It seems very difficult to be steadfast on truth and be a politician.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I think if you’re open-minded, the road will take you where it takes you. If you’re closed, you might not get to go where the road is heading.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “You don’t expect a 94-year-old white guy to pick “Dope,” which was an awesome movie not even close to being considered by the Academy. And that’s what it’s all about, like, promoting people who might not otherwise get promoted and celebrating people who might not get celebrated.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I don’t eat any animals or anything that has to do with animals. No fish or egg or dairy because I personally don’t feel it’s a good practice to eat anything that might run away from you.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “Learn to let your thoughts exist on their own without getting too involved in them.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “Service is the key to everything in life.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I think I will always have a connection to young people, to try to bring their voices to the polls, bring their voices wherever they can make a difference. Even to protect their own interests or the interests of the planet or the animals or other individuals, which is critical. I try to keep it.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “There’s one overriding issue, namely, that we live in a police state so long as the police get to police themselves. And that is why cops go unindicted.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I want to fight poverty and ignorance and give opportunity to those people who are locked out.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “That was never my intention to compete with the Oscars.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “The beautiful thing about meditation is that it allows you to access that cool guy or girl inside of you that’s waiting to come out. You’ll be able to access the part of you that people like to be around. The part of you that feels upbeat about things. That feels like you’re moving toward your goals without frustration and anxiety. That feels ecstatic to be alive! The more I meditate, the more I have these moments.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I try to make my life about service, and hope that one day we can all ‘see’ a little better because God is with everyone and everywhere.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “Hip-hop is about tearing down the system to better it, tearing down the system to better themselves. No matter how flimsy it might seem, they always wanted the finer things in life.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “That’s because the truth is, the only things that are going to bring lasting happiness to your life are good health and knowledge of self, which lead to a compassionate relationship with the world.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “In my heart, I know that marriage equality for every human being isn’t a question of if, but only a matter of when. I ask those who feel that giving freedom to others somehow binds you, to please take a good look at what you are standing behind.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I know a lot of angry liberals right now. Hell, I know a lot of angry vegans.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I mostly eat healthy. I just do. I’m not a vegan for health reasons – although obviously I’m 20 pounds lighter than when I started. I stayed 20 pounds lighter. I feel better. My friends say I look better. All that’s true. But I’m a vegan for compassionate reasons.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “Hip-hop took some lessons from rock ‘n’ roll, and rock ‘n’ roll took some lessons from hip-hop.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “That really is the best part of being a dad. You remember what’s important in life.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “The conditions of suffering that exist today in our impoverished communities are not acceptable. The reflection of those conditions are less concerning to me. And I work everyday about changing the conditions.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “You know, I love all kinds of activism. I certainly think blacks deserve to have something whether it is affirmative action or an opportunity that should be opened up to them. But at the same time I believe that people of color are not the only poor people in America and all over the world.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I have 2 million Twitter followers. Some of those people are also yogis and activists and people who really go out and make a difference. I do as much as I can with my voice. It’s effortless in some cases. I try to remind everybody that they have that kind of voice.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I try to use my voice. I know that celebrity is valuable, and people do listen.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “In meditation we experience the silence from which all creativity springs. The act of creation – whether from a blank page to a poem, an empty space to a building, a thought to a song or film – starts with a void. The more intimate a relationship we can build with that silent void, the more clearly the art can shine through and spring forth. Meditation is the vehicle to connect to that silence.” – Rick Rubin, Malibu 2013.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “My experiences have been, from the very beginning, cultural and creative. And my business has been a way of exposing the culture, exposing the artists so that the world could hear and see them.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “True happiness lies in being compassionate and appreciating the world and our circumstances, rather than being coldhearted and greedy. We often realize too late that our favorite moments are those spent simply with the people we love. In seeing the miracles that unfold around us every day. Eventually we all come to understand that our happiness is derived from being present in the moment. Why wait until the end of your life to discover this Truth?”
Russell Simmons Quote: “Our bodies are designed to remain in balance, and when they go out of balance, a natural mechanism has been interfered with.” – DEEPAK CHOPRA Not.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “I understand that for beginners it isn’t that easy to sit down, close your eyes, and settle into stillness. Your thoughts have gotten used to making SO MUCH NOISE! They have enjoyed too much influence over you to simply fade the first time you try.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “After my first experience via yoga, I became incredibly focused on experiencing that sense of stillness again. The stillness that reminded me that I could be a better person, a better friend, a better citizen of the world, as well as a better businessman.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “What I learned is ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is ignorance. You can’t help or contribute to this planet without knowing what’s really going on.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “The longer we eat healthier foods, the better they taste.” – Dr. Michael Greger, Humane Society Most.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “What I’ve always tried to explain to those artists is that the reason they’re feeling out of whack is because they got too caught up in the celebrating. If you’re an artist, what truly makes you happy isn’t buying new cars or popping bottles. It’s making beautiful music for other people to enjoy. That’s it. You’re going to be your happiest when you’re in the studio writing a song, not when you’re out celebrating how many records that song eventually sold.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “When we become more aware of how powerfully our choices in diet and lifestyle affect us – for better and for worse – then we can make different ones.” – DR. DEAN ORNISH Sorry.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” – ALBERT EINSTEIN Considering.”
Russell Simmons Quote: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – GANDHI It’s.”
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