
Top 50 Sebastien de Castell Quotes (2025 Update)

Sebastien de Castell Quote: “The archer is the true weapon; the bow is just a long piece of wood.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “History is written by the victors,’ she said, ’but the truth has a way of revealing itself.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Here endeth the lesson, kid.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “He said all lovers had their own secret language, even if they didn’t know it at first, and that there was no greater joy than a life spent learning it together.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Jealousy. Smells like regret only more bitter.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “When you’re fighting a crowd, it’s good to shout potentially threatening things like “Crossbows!” or “Fire!” or “Giant Flying Cat!” every once in a while. When people are in the middle of a battle they’ll look more often than not, and in this kind of fight, every second is a chance to do some damage and otherwise avoid the inevitable. I.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “That’s right i was turning into ferius parfax.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “That’s what being free means – not the right to do whatever you want, but the right to take a stand and say what you’ll die for.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “If you’ve never seen a squirrel cat before, picture a mean-faced cat with a big bushy tail and thin furry flaps of skin between his front and back legs that let him glide through the air in a fashion that somehow looks both ridiculous and terrifying.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “But power – and here’s the lesson you get for free, boy – power without humility is an arrow that destroys everything in its path, piercing one life after another until only at the very end does it return to slay the archer who fired it.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Everyone shush now,’ I said, taking a step towards the guards. ‘I’m about to be impressive.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “See, I wasn’t born to be an outlaw. Probably wasn’t built for any of this. But whatever life lay ahead of me was mine, paid for in full, and every point of light in the sky above was another path for me to follow. And there sure are a lot of stars up there.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “A woman. It’s like a man only smarter and with bigger balls.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “I’m going to go murder something.’ ‘It’s called hunting, you know.’ ‘Not the way I do it.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “But no man is all one thing; none of us are pure in our beliefs or our devotions. We are all bound by the frailties of our humanity, some of which feed our hatred, some of which, very occasionally, make us want to be something better.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “First thing you learn wandering the long roads, kid. Everyone thinks they’re the hero of their own story.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “I’ve discovered that a death sentence can be somewhat liberating for someone who’s spent their life curtsying.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “It’s like walking through the gates of the greatest city in the world. The one that can’t exist because no architect could ever conceive of it. The one you’d never think twice of giving your life to protect, because though you know that once you’ve died defending its walls, your spirit will always be part of it.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “The First Law is that men are free, for without the freedom to choose, men cannot serve their heart, and without heart they cannot serve their Gods, their Saints, or their King.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “I’m a woman, kid. You probably haven’t met one before, coming as you do from this backward place, but it’s like a man only smarter and with bigger balls.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Ferious offered up a sardonic smile. “Not everybody hates you, kid. There are entire countries full of people who haven’t met you yet.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “All right, you hairless skinbag sons of bitches. Which one of you wants it first? – Reichis.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Another trap. Never let yourself be tricked into comparing one woman with all others; it rarely turns out well.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Ah, you fool. Dying isn’t sacrifice. Haven’t you figured that out yet? All those years of trying to get yourself killed in battle? That ain’t sacrifice, boy. That’s self-loathing. It’s gleeful suicide. It’s vanity.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Back at the oasis you told me that one day I’d figure out I was special... I’m done waiting. – Nephenia.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Never trust a man who brings a hundred soldiers to a wedding.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Chitra ignored the question, instead collapsing next to Reichis. She extended a paw and placed it on his muzzle. “He will be so full of anger, this one. You must be his caution, as he will be your courage. You will teach him when to flee and he will teach you when to fight.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Dwelling on all the bad things that didn’t even come to pass only makes it harder to celebrate that fact. Stop being so scared about yesterday – it only makes you forget to appreciate today.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “There’s a sad truth about magic: the guy who’s got more of it almost always wins. It’s not like being strong, because a strong man can still be slow. And it’s not like being fast either, because a quick opponent might still make stupid mistakes. Casting a proper spell? It takes power, speed, precision and a mind disciplined enough to envision complex esoteric geometries.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “We are such a small people. For all our magic, we’re scared, paranoid little children trying to protect ourselves from the bullies of the world by becoming bigger bullies ourselves.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “He’d told me the world could be the most lovely place you could imagine, so long as your imagination was fueled by love.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Why is life so much easier to live when people are trying to take it from you than when you’re forced to actually live it?”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Every society has atrocities in its past, Kellen. Do you think the Daroman empire was built on nothing but courage and military brilliance?”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “When you’re fighting a crowd, it’s good to shout potentially threatening things like “Crossbows!” or “Fire!” or “Giant Flying Cat!” every once in a while.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Happiness is a series of grains of sand spread out in a desert of violence and anguish.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “There’s a trick to fighting on the deck of a ship. I don’t know what it is, but I fully intend to find out one day.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Let the meanderings of other lives pass you by, kid. There ain’t nothing you need to give them, or take from them neither.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “It’s stories that inspire people to change. It’s stories that make them believe things can be better.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Words matter. Without words you can’t have stories and without stories we would never have heard of the Greatcoats.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Our nation is weakened by a system that breeds a visceral hatred so deep that most people would as soon see the world burn as stay as it is, but lack the will to try and change it.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “I don’t know how well I can fight, or run, or judge, but when the blade comes, I swear on whatever they want me to swear on, I’ll stop it, with my body if nothing else.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “I had to make myself say it now. Everything after this moment would be driven by cowardice and self-interest. Speaking the truth might be the only real act of freedom left to me.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “When you see the world outside your home town, outside the walls of what you were brought up to see, then you discover that you almost never know if you’re dong the right thing. One action, brave and true, leads to war and destruction. Another, craven and greedy, leads to peace and prosperity.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Despite my repeated attempts, my hands refused to reach out and wrap themselves around Brasti’s throat. The.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Trust your memory to tell you where the target is. Trust your hand to remember how to throw. And most of all, trust your heart to lead you straight.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “We all got ugliness inside us, Kellen. Yours is worse? Then fight harder. Figure it out. But don’t you ever pretend you don’t have a choice.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “Some deaths are worse than others. The one you go to is the worst of all.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “First thing you learn travelling the long roads, kid: language is as much in the way you speak as the words you choose.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “It’s called the Way of Water, Dexan. You tried to kill me, so now I get to keep your hat. – Kellen.”
Sebastien de Castell Quote: “I’m afraid there is a great deal of difference between not doing something and not being responsible for it.”
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