
Top 500 Shunya Quotes (2025 Update)

Shunya Quote: “Good times pass very fast. Bad times pass very slow. When you detach from both good and bad, time doesn’t pass at all. That is Timelessness or Eternal Bliss.”
Shunya Quote: “Every single human being has a theory about God, soul and life. The ignorant ones are satisfied with their theory, wise ones doubt it and the awakened ones have become free from it.”
Shunya Quote: “Sacrifice your ego for inner peace.”
Shunya Quote: “Attachment hurts you, detachment heals you back. At the end of the cycle, you are no longer the same person. This entire cyclic process is love. It evolves you. Attachment alone is not love.”
Shunya Quote: “Sadness comes like dark clouds and goes away. It turns into depression if we consider it as a bad thing and become sad that we are sad.”
Shunya Quote: “Those who have hurt you don’t know that they have hurt themselves. Their pain will be incurable because the only cure will be with you and you will have gone far away from them by the time they get symptoms.”
Shunya Quote: “Human mind also has teeth and digestive system. Most people use just teeth. They react immediately to everything. They don’t digest. Teeth can only chew things. To extract nutrients, you need to swallow and digest.”
Shunya Quote: “No matter on which path you are, keep walking. Even wrong paths can lead you to right path if you keep walking. You get stuck when you become a security guard of a path.”
Shunya Quote: “When two egos clash, they both grow and grow. An endless drama ensues. If one chapter ends, another starts. Only egolessness can defeat ego because when they meet, ego falls into its own traps.”
Shunya Quote: “Not taking an action is also an action. Not making a choice is also a choice. Body-mind can’t escape from action. But if your action or inaction is guided by the awareness of your soul and silence of your inner self, it will take you out of the mess.”
Shunya Quote: “Family members are like default wallpapers that come with a computer. We don’t choose them; we just get used to them.”
Shunya Quote: “You don’t value things that easily come to you. You value things that are hard to get. You keep running after them and complain, “Why are things I desire hard to get?”
Shunya Quote: “Good wins over evil. Then Evil wins over good again. This circle goes on till eternity. Permanent winner is the awakened soul who becomes free from both.”
Shunya Quote: “If you have said something wrong, say sorry. But if you have done something wrong, feel sorry. Feeling sorry will telepathically communicate your apology to the other person if they deserve it.”
Shunya Quote: “Those who think a lot don’t talk much. Those who talk a lot don’t think much.”
Shunya Quote: “If you are allowing someone to lift you up with praise and compliments, you are giving them power to throw you down with blame and insults.”
Shunya Quote: “Breathing out is as important as breathing in. You have to let go of some things so that their fresh version can enter in your life.”
Shunya Quote: “Domination and submission can be healthy traits in an environment of trust. But superiority complex in man and inferiority complex in woman forms a toxic circle. One becomes oppressor, the other becomes manipulative. Both harm each other.”
Shunya Quote: “Everything is not your responsibility. Trees grow in jungle without your help. Birds fly high without your help. Universe takes care of everything.”
Shunya Quote: “Moving in the right direction is better than arriving at wrong destination. Obstacles are good because they either take our time or change our direction so that we reach the right destination at right time.”
Shunya Quote: “The universe looks different from different angles. Everyone is right from their perspective. If you say, ‘No. Some are right. Others are wrong, then you are also right. There is no absolute right or wrong. Absolute is just silence of nothingness.”
Shunya Quote: “Every time you feel sad, you become a little silent Now your mind has started associating silence with sadness. Be silent when you are happy. When mind starts associating silence with happiness, going into meditative silence becomes easier.”
Shunya Quote: “Spiritual knowledge is like a detergent powder. It is added to take out the dirt. It is not supposed to stay inside along with the dirt.”
Shunya Quote: “In spiritual context, ego doesn’t mean just the superiority complex. Those who have inferiority complex have even bigger egos. Ego means strong identification with a particular body-mind which leads to unhealthy comparison with other body-minds.”
Shunya Quote: “When people need a reason to go, they turn the blame on you. When the rain of love turns into arrows of blame, throw away the umbrella and take up the shield.”
Shunya Quote: “As your soul becomes more and more aware, magical coincidences start happening: Things that happen in your life seem related to thoughts that occur in your mind. Ultimately you realize that you are the creator of your own reality.”
Shunya Quote: “In stress, we consume too much food and information. Opposite is also true. When you consume too much information, you get stressed.”
Shunya Quote: “Laws of Karma work in unexpected ways. Help someone who doesn’t deserve it. Sometimes a poisonous well may have the pearl you are looking for.”
Shunya Quote: “Nothing is worth losing your freedom. Nothing can catch hold of you if you value your freedom above everything else.”
Shunya Quote: “The journey you undertake to get your answers is more important than the answers. The journey awakens your soul while readymade answers just pile up in your head.”
Shunya Quote: “Do this experiment: After reading a message, don’t reply immediately. Wait for 24 hours. The reply would be different from what you would have replied immediately. Maybe you won’t even reply. Words hypnotize us and make us react like a drunkard. Silence dehypnotizes us.”
Shunya Quote: “While you are in a dream, everything seems real. If dreams are just a projection of your mind, this world is also a projection of your mind. The people around you are not real. Competing with them is like competing with your own shadow.”
Shunya Quote: “If two types of attachments are pulling you in two opposite direction and you’re not able to decide which way to go, take a break from both attachments. Conflict will automatically resolve. A few months of solitude can save you from lifetime of complications.”
Shunya Quote: “If you are proud of some things in life, you are also tired of some burdens of life. Pride and burdens go hand in hand. Let go of pride to get rid of burdens.”
Shunya Quote: “Let go of something to gain everything; let go of fraction to gain the whole.”
Shunya Quote: “A healthy discussion can take place only if all sides have respect for each other’s views. Otherwise they just drive each other to their extremes and ultimately explode.”
Shunya Quote: “The content you consume on TV and internet is food for mind. It is prepared so as to get likes from maximum people. So it is very low on nutrition and very high on sugar and spices.”
Shunya Quote: “One way to serve people is to let them blame you for their pain. The pain whose source is unknown is most unbearable. So people manufacture a source to reduce that pain.”
Shunya Quote: “Feminine energy is manifestation of Time. Whether you are a man or woman, if you have excess of feminine, you will feel that you have all the time in the world; you will become complacent and slow. If you have lack of feminine, you will feel that you don’t have time; you will try to do too many things at the same time.”
Shunya Quote: “Positivity alone is dangerous. It will keep attracting negative people and circumstances in your life. Discover the neutrality inside you. It will sustain your positivity without attracting outside negativity.”
Shunya Quote: “We relate to the unknown in two ways: fear and attraction. Both fear and attraction go away when unknown becomes known.”
Shunya Quote: “The universe means Time and Space. To befriend Time, be patient. To befriend Space, declutter your life and be simple.”
Shunya Quote: “Mind is like government. Just as we file tax returns of all our transactions to government, we file return of all our experiences to mind.”
Shunya Quote: “In cricket fielding, if catch comes right in your hand, there is no fun. You enjoy the most when you have to dive to catch the ball. This is what playfulness is all about. Difference between being a servant of someone and surrendering to someone is playfulness. Don’t make things too easy in your relationship with your spouse or children or gods. Keep the playfulness alive.”
Shunya Quote: “If it’s not in your hand, it doesn’t need to be in your hand. It’s being taken care of in ways that your mind can’t comprehend.”
Shunya Quote: “After closing a bad chapter in life, allow your soul to heal your old and new wounds. Otherwise the script of next chapter will be the same, only characters will change.”
Shunya Quote: “Don’t feel guilty of being angry at your loved ones. That anger is just a state of love. If love is milk, that anger is boiling milk; it kills harmful bacteria.”
Shunya Quote: “Flowers, trees, rocks... All shapes in nature are beautiful. If you don’t resist change and let universe shape your life, it will always be beautiful.”
Shunya Quote: “If beautiful flowers were edible, you would eat them stale because you would use fresh flowers for decoration and display. Life is like a rare beautiful flower which is edible. We spend most of it in displaying to others.”
Shunya Quote: “If you believe in magic, things will happen to you in magical way. If you’re logical, things will happen in logical way. Magic and Logic are two modes to play the game of life.”
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