
Top 30 Todd Burpo Quotes (2025 Update)

Todd Burpo Quote: “It is the opposite of ignorance – it is intellectual honesty: to be willing to accept reality and to call things what they are even when it is hard.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “You might as well tell God what you think. He already knows it anyway.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – JESUS OF NAZARETH.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “Jesus clearly viewed children as precious – and that if he loved kids enough to say that adults should be more like them, we should spend more time loving them too.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “A student is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.”1.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “Sometimes laughter is the only way to process tough times.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “Is heaven a hope or as real as the earth and sky?”
Todd Burpo Quote: “It’s fun to talk about heaven, about the throne of God and Jesus and Pop and the daughter we thought we had lost but will meet again someday. But it’s not fun to talk about how we got there.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “What is childlike humility? It’s not the lack of intelligence, but the lack of guile. The lack of an agenda.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “Like an engineer understands a car he or she designed, no one understands your limitations and possibilities better than the God who created you.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “How do you scare some sense into a child who doesn’t fear death?”
Todd Burpo Quote: “Jesus has markers.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “In a boxing match, the fighters absorb some vicious blows because they’re ready for them. And usually, the knockout punch is the one they didn’t see coming.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “The wall was built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, clear as glass. The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst.2.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “As a pastor and as a dad, I want my son to know I tell the truth. He can read the book. He knows if I exaggerated or if I didn’t. My son is forever gonna believe that I’m an honest person or I’m a liar by what I wrote in that book, because he can read.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “There are things God allows to happen because he knows the outcome is going to be greater than anything we could ever do on our own.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “Let’s face it: about the only thing that can provide any comfort when we lose a loved one is knowing we will see that person again.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “If I’d let my mind roll with that boxing metaphor just a little longer, I might’ve followed it to its logical conclusion: In a boxing match, the fighters absorb some vicious blows because they’re ready for them. And usually, the knockout punch is the one they didn’t see coming.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “All these sufferers wanted something better, and they looked forward to heaven as a place where their suffering or sadness would end.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “A friend of ours, the wife of a pastor at a church in Colorado, had once told me about something her daughter, Hannah, said when she was three years old. After the morning service was over one Sunday, Hannah tugged on her mom’s skirt and asked, “Mommy, why do some people in church have lights over their heads and some don’t?”
Todd Burpo Quote: “What we learned during those challenges was that we learn more during challenges than while life is good!”
Todd Burpo Quote: “The Bible’s been attacked. What is truth? It’s relative.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “I realized for the first time that I had been feeling like I’d been in a fight. For months, I’d had my guard up, waiting for the next punch life could throw.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “When people are facing a trial, they find strength and support from others who have been through the same situations.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “We know Satan uses people to hurt us, tear us down, but God uses people to build us up, to come alongside us and comfort us when we need it. Make it your goal to be those people he uses!”
Todd Burpo Quote: “But you may feel differently. Maybe you’re one of those church members who get annoyed by the noise that comes with children or you get offended by the stains they leave behind in a perfectly clean church. If that’s you, I hope you’ll have the courage to reconsider. To start, maybe you’ll go to one of those marks on the wall or the stain on the brand-new carpeting and ask yourself this question: did Jesus die to save the carpet you’re standing on or the kid who made the stain?”
Todd Burpo Quote: “The same un-self-conscious honesty that enables a three-year-old to splash joyfully in a rain puddle, or tumble laughing in the grass with a puppy, or point out loudly that you have a booger hanging out of your nose, is what is required to enter heaven. It is the opposite of ignorance – it is intellectual honesty: to be willing to accept reality and to call things what they are even when it is hard.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “If we put God front and center in our lives, if we give him more attention throughout each and every day, we may just find that the challenging times, when they come, are a little less challenging.”
Todd Burpo Quote: “Sometimes I wonder, what do people do when they have no extended family and no church? In times of crisis, where does their support come from?”
Todd Burpo Quote: “Asking me to sit down while I delivered the Sunday message was like asking an Italian to talk without using his hands.”
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