
Top 500 Virginia Woolf Quotes (2025 Update)
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Virginia Woolf Quote: “As a woman, I have no country.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “It might be possible, Septimus thought, looking at England from the train window as they left Newhaven, it might be possible that the world itself is without meaning.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Our friends – how distant, how mute, how seldom visited and little known. And I, too, am dim to my friends and unknown; a phantom, sometimes seen, often not. Life is a dream surely.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “We are giants, lying here, who can make forests quiver.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “I was in a queer mood, thinking myself very old: but now I am a woman again – as I always am when I write.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “June was white. I see the fields white with daisies, and white with dresses; and tennis courts marked with white. Then there was wind and violent thunder. There was a star riding through clouds one night, and I said to the star, “Consume me”. That was at midsummer.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “La bellezza del mondo ha due tagli, uno di gioia, l’altro d’angoscia, e taglia in due il cuore.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Nothing is stronger than the position of the dead among the living.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “I see through most people; I’m hardly ever wrong. I see at once what they’ve got in them.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “I want to dance, laugh, eat pink cakes, yellow cakes, drink thin, sharp wine. Or an indecent story, now – I could relish that. The older one grows the more one likes indecency.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Fiction here is likely to contain more truth than fact.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “But love... it’s only an illusion. A story one makes up in one’s mind about another person. And one knows all the time it isn’t true. Of course one knows; why one’s always taking care not to destroy the illusion.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “You cannot lecture on really pure poetry any more than you can talk about the ingredients of pure water-it is adulterated, methylated, sanded poetry that makes the best lectures.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “In illness words seem to possess a mystic quality.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “I got out this diary and read, as one always reads one’s own writing; with a kind of guilty intensity.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “They came to her, naturally, since she was a woman, all day long with this and that; one wanting this, another that; the children were growing up; she often felt she was nothing but a sponge sopped full of human emotions.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “The most important thing is not to think very much about oneself. To investigate candidly the charge; but not fussily, not very anxiously. On no account to retaliate by going to the other extreme – thinking too much.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “The mind which is most capable of receiving impressions is very often the least capable of drawing conclusions.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “To some few friends, and to thy sorrows sing, For groves of laurel thou wert nevermeant; Be dark enough thy shades, and be thou there content.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, of thinking by the body of the people, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “No sooner have you feasted on beauty with your eyes than your mind tells you that beauty is vain and beauty passes.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “When I am grown up I shall carry a notebook – a fat book with many pages, methodically lettered. I shall enter my phrases.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Criticism? An artist wants praise. Praise.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Great bodies of people are never responsible for what they do.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “I always have such need to merely talk to you. Even when I have nothing to talk about – with you I just seem to go right ahead and sort of invent it. I invent it for you. Because I never seem to run out of tenderness for you and because I need to feel you near. Excuse the bad writing and excuse the emotional overflow. What I mean to say, perhaps, is that, in a way, I am never empty of you; not for a moment, an instant, a single second.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Knitting is the saving of life.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “She felt very young; at the same time unspeakably aged.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “I feel that by writing I am doing what is far more necessary than anything else.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “A thing there was that mattered; a thing, wreathed about with chatter, defaced, obscured in her own life, let drop every day in corruption, lies, chatter. This he had preserved. Death was defiance. Death was an attempt to communicate; people feeling the impossibility of reaching the centre which, mystically, evaded them; closeness drew apart; rapture faded, one was alone. There was an embrace in death.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “I sleep among ravishing illusions and wake to their burden.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “I was lying in bed this morning and saying to myself, ‘the remarkable thing about Ethel is her stupendous self-satisfaction’ when in came your letter to confirm this profound psychological observation. How delighted I was!”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “O why do I ever let anyone read what I write! Every time I have to go through a breakfast with a letter of criticism I swear I will write for my own praise or blame in future. It is a misery.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Often on a wet day I begin counting up; what I’ve read and what I haven’t read.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “I find that when I’ve seen a certain number of people my mind becomes like an old match box – the part one strikes on, I mean.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “We scarcely want to analyse what we feel to be so large and deeply human.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “That complete statement which is literature.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Our apparitions, the things you know us by, are simply childish. Beneath it is all dark, it is all spreading, it is unfathomably deep; but now and again we rise to the surface and that is what you see us by.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “As for my next book, I won’t write it till it has grown heavy in my mind like a ripe pear; pendant, gravid, asking to be cut or it will fall.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “How tired I am of stories, how tired I am of phrases that come down beautifully with all their feet on the ground! Also, how I distrust neat designs of life that are drawn upon half-sheets of note-paper. I begin to long for some little language such as lovers use, broken words, inarticulate words, like the shuffling of feet on the pavement.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “The world is crammed with delightful things.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “But it is just when opinions universally prevail and we have added lip service to their authority that we become sometimes most keenly conscious that we do not believe a word that we are saying.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Talvolta penso che il paradiso sia leggere continuamente, senza fine.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “To tell the truth about oneself, to discover oneself near at hand, is not easy.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Orlando had become a woman. In every other aspect, Orlando remained precisely as he had been.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “This core of darkness could go anywhere, for no one saw it.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “But for pain words are lacking. There should be cries, cracks, fissures, whiteness passing over chintz covers, interference with the sense of time, of space; the sense also of extreme fixity in passing objects; and sounds very remote and then very close; flesh being gashed and blood spurting, a joint suddenly twisted – beneath all of which appears something very important, yet remote, to be just held in solitude.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. The lamp in the spine does not light on beef and prunes.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “It is only when we look at the past and take from it the element of uncertainty that we can enjoy perfect peace.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “Woolf was breaking new ground in the way she rendered consciousness and her understanding of human subjectivity.”
Virginia Woolf Quote: “In other words, now that she had rid herself of falsehood, that young woman had only to be herself. Ah, but what is “herself”? I mean, what is a woman? I assure you, I do not know. I do not believe that you know. I do not believe that anybody can know until she has expressed herself in all the arts and professions open to human skill.”
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