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Top 500 Anton Chekhov Quotes (2024 Update)
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Anton Chekhov Quote: “Isolation in creative work is an onerous thing. Better to have negative criticism than nothing at all.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “It is depressing to hear the unfortunate or dying man jest.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “The air of one’s native country is the most healthy air.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “The bourgeoisie loves so-called “positive” types and novels with happy endings since they lull one into thinking that it is fine to simultaneously acquire capital and maintain one’s innocence, to be a beast and still be happy.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Moscow is a city that has much suffering ahead of it.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “But if you had asked him what his work was, he would look candidly and openly at you with his large bright eyes through his gold pincenez, and would answer in a soft, velvety, lisping baritone: “My work is literature.””
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Everyone judges plays as if they were very easy to write. They don’t know that it is hard to write a good play, and twice as hardand tortuous to write a bad one.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “The critics suppose that it is easy to write a play. They aren’t aware that writing a good play is difficult and writing a bad one is twice as hard.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “An actress without talent, forty years old, ate a partridge for dinner, and I felt sorry for the partridge, for it occurred to me that in its life it had been more talented, more sensible, and more honest than the actress.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Great Jove angry is no longer Jove.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Not one of our mortal gauges is suitable for evaluating non-existence, for making judgments about that which is not a person.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “In short stories it is better to say not enough than to say too much, because, because – I don’t know why.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “No matter how corrupt and unjust a convict may be, he loves fairness more than anything else. If the people placed over him are unfair, from year to year he lapses into an embittered state characterized by an extreme lack of faith.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “In one-act pieces there should be only rubbish that is their strength.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “I swear fearfully at the conventions of the stage.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Sometimes we go to a play and after the curtain has been up five minutes we have a sense of being able to settle back in the arms of the playwright. Instinctively we know that the playwright knows his business.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “A person loves to talk about his illnesses although that is the least interesting part of his life.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Write about how this young man squeezes the slave out of himself drop by drop and how one fine morning he wakes to find that the blood coursing through his veins is no longer the blood of a slave but that of a real human being.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “And it is the way with us that you may express disapproval of the sun or the moon, or anything you like, but God preserve you from touching the Liberals! Heaven forbid!”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Others made me a slave, but I must squeeze the slave out of myself, drop by drop.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “There are in life such confluences of circumstances that render the reproach that we are not Voltaires most inopportune.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “If you can’t distinguish people from lap-dogs, you shouldn’t undertake philanthropic work.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “The more simply we look at ticklish questions, the more placid will be our lives and relationships.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “A grimy fly can soil the entire wall and a small, dirty little act can ruin the entire proceedings.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “She had a passionate longing for the garden, the darkness, the pure sky, the stars.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “To describe drunkenness for the colorful vocabulary is rather cynical. There is nothing easier than to capitalize on drunkards.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “I understand that in our work – doesn’t matter whether it’s acting or writing – what’s important isn’t fame or glamour, none of the things I used to dream about, it’s the ability to endure.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Neither I nor anyone else knows what a standard is. We all recognize a dishonorable act, but have no idea what honor is.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Gurov thought how in reality everything is beautiful in this world when one reflects: everything except what we think or do ourselves when we forget our human dignity and the higher aims of our existence.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “The geniuses of all ages and of all lands speak different languages but the same flame burns in them all. Oh, if you only knew what unearthly happiness my soul feels now from being able to understand them.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Please leave me alone. I’m dreaming.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “There is something sad, dreamy, and in the highest degree poetic in a lonely grave... You can hear its silence, and in this silence you sense the presence of the soul of the unknown person who lies under the cross. Is it good for this soul in the steppe? Does it languish.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “My life has been a failure. I am clever and brave and strong. If I had lived a normal life I might have become another Schopenhauer or Dostoieffski. I am losing my head!”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “I confessed my love for her, and with a burning pain in my heart I realized how unnecessary, petty, and deceptive everything which had got in the way of our love had been. I realized that when you love someone, your reasoning about that love should be based on what is supreme, on what is more important than happiness or unhappiness, sin or virtue, in the way that they are usually understood, otherwise it is not worth reasoning at all.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Can words such as Orthodox, Jew, or Catholic really express some sort of exclusive personal virtues or merits?”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Desription should be very brief and have an incidental nature.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “To leave town, and the struggle and the swim of life, and go and hide yourself in a farmhouse is not life – it is egoism, laziness; it is a kind of monasticism, but monasticism without action. A man needs, not six feet of land, not a farm, but the whole earth, all Nature, where in full liberty he can display all the properties and qualities of the free spirit.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “I don’t know what sadness, grief, or boredom is. Here I am not asleep; I suffer from sleeplessness, but I am not dull. I say it in earnest; I begin to feel perplexed.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “True happiness is impossible without solitude. The fallen angel probably betrayed God because he longed for solitude, which angels do not know.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Come, my dear, my precious one, be sensible! You have mermaid blood in your veins – well, then, be a mermaid! Let yourself go for once in your life: Fall head over ears in love with some water goblin, plunge headlong into the whirlpool with him, and leave the Herr Professor and all of us gasping with surprise.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “They say man only needs six feet of Earth. But it is a corpse, and not man, which needs these six feet.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “When the geese have cackled they will be still again. First they cackle and then they stop.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Lonely people read a great deal, but say little and hear little. Life for them is mysterious; they are mystics and often see the devil where he is not.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “I love him, love him. He’s a millstone round my neck – he’ll take me to the bottom with him. But I love this millstone of mine – I can’t live without it.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “I am drunk. I usually only drink like this once a month. At such times my audacity and temerity know no bounds. I feel capable of anything. I attempt the most difficult operations and do them magnificently. The most brilliant plans for the future take shape in my head. I am no longer a poor fool of a doctor, but mankind’s greatest benefactor. I evolve my own system of philosophy and all of you seem to crawl at my feet like so many insects or microbes.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “I know exactly the potential of the people around here. They have the potential to lie. They have the potential to deceive. They have the potential to inveigle. They’ll change nothing. Sometimes, when I can’t sleep, I lie awake thinking, my God! We have so much. We have these huge forests. We have boundless open fields. We can see the deepest, furthest horizons. Look around you. Look. We should be giants. We really, really aren’t.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “I feel as if I had been in the world a thousand years, and I trail my life behind me like an endless scarf.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “You are cultured and intelligent, Ivan, and you surely understand that the world is not destroyed by villains and conflagrations, but by hate and malice and all this spiteful tattling. It is your duty to make peace, and not to growl at everything.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Those who take an official, business-like attitude towards other people’s suffering, like judges, policemen, doctors, from force of habit, as time goes by, become callous to such a degree that they would be unable to treat their clients otherwise than formally even if they wanted to; in this respect they are no different from the peasant who slaughters sheep and calves in his backyard without noticing the blood.”
Anton Chekhov Quote: “Forgiven? No. I am a bad, low woman; I despise myself and don’t attempt to justify myself. It’s not my husband but myself I have deceived. And not only just now; I have been deceiving myself for a long time.”
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