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Top 300 Ben Carson Quotes (2024 Update)
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Ben Carson Quote: “Influence could get me inside the door, but my productivity and the quality of my work were the real tests.”
Ben Carson Quote: “What is the best thing that happens if we refuse to abide by the dictates of political correctness? I believe that we could return to a nation that truly cherishes freedom of speech and freedom of expression.”
Ben Carson Quote: “I’ve had a lot of experience building things, organizing things, a national scholarship program.”
Ben Carson Quote: “When I entered Yale, I had to face two important facts about myself. First, though I could consider myself a smart enough person – I was not quite as smart as I thought I was. Second, I did not know how to do in-depth studying.”
Ben Carson Quote: “If you’re good, you’ll be recognized. Because people, even if they’re prejudiced, are going to want the best. You just have to make being the best your goal in life.”
Ben Carson Quote: “I like the idea of a proportional tax. That way you pay according to your ability.”
Ben Carson Quote: “I’ve gotten literally thousands of contacts from people across the country – and the most poignant ones being elderly people – who said I had given up on America and I was just waiting to die.”
Ben Carson Quote: “We are not like dogs who are kind of “What am I going to eat today? Oh, there is a rabbit; I am going to go chase it.””
Ben Carson Quote: “Let’s teach those people that when they go to work, they get skills, they meet people, they get opportunities, they get to climb the ladder, they get much better off than the person who’s just sitting at home receiving those things.”
Ben Carson Quote: “If God thinks proportionality is fair who are we to say that it is unfair?”
Ben Carson Quote: “When someone is being particularly mean and nasty, I simply think to myself, he or she used to be a cute little baby, I wonder what happened?”
Ben Carson Quote: “Civility and political correctness, contrary to the thinking of many, are not the same. Civility constrains behavior and words based on genuine caring about others, while political correctness is only a facade of caring while hoping to cultivate public approval.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Surrendering to fear and allowing ourselves to be paralyzed by peril isn’t something most of us can afford to do.”
Ben Carson Quote: “So after a while, if people won’t accept your excuses, you stop looking for them.”
Ben Carson Quote: “We need to be doing lots of other things with the resources that we have. So economic power works just as well as military power, perhaps even better. And speaking of that, our Military needs to be upgraded.”
Ben Carson Quote: “What we have to stop and think about is that we have weakened ourselves militarily to such an extent that if affects all of our military policies.”
Ben Carson Quote: “We also need a way to regulate the way some companies and individuals buy up patents of promising ideas that would threaten their sources of revenue.”
Ben Carson Quote: “I feel very blessed to have been involved with some of the most complex surgical procedures in the history of the world.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Our founders were committed to a belief in the importance of life and liberty, and we must fight to see those rights extended to our children still in the womb.”
Ben Carson Quote: “I would support whoever the people have chosen. We have to abandon the thinking that there is a bunch of politically elite people who know what is best, let the people determine for themselves who is best.”
Ben Carson Quote: “If you want to be relevant only in your household, then you only need to know the things that are important in your house, and if you want to be relevant in your neighborhood, you need to know what’s important in your neighborhood. The same thing applies to your city, state, and country. And if you want to be relevant to the entire world, program that computer known as your brain with all kinds of information from everywhere in order to prepare yourself.”
Ben Carson Quote: “The fact that the Republican Party in particular often seems to stand for principle, only to cave in to pressure at the last minute, has turned off a huge number of voters.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Why would I want to run for Congress and continue to get tainted with all the things that people get tainted with as they come along the system.”
Ben Carson Quote: “They were saying you would be a tremendous addition to the military, and we can get you into West Point with a full scholarship. And I simply said, I want to be a doctor. I really appreciate it.”
Ben Carson Quote: “They forbid the use of the word slavery by conservatives, the mention of Nazism by conservatives, or the mention of homosexuality in anything other than a positive context, to name a few of their rules.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Great things were going to happen in my life, and I had to do my part by preparing myself and being ready.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Craig is not yours that you should demand to keep him. He doesn’t belong to you, Susan. He is mine.”
Ben Carson Quote: “The only reason I can imagine that it would be a good idea for government to foster dependency in large groups of citizens is to cultivate a dependable voting bloc that will guarantee continued power as long as the entitlements are provided. The problem of course is that such a government will eventually “run out of other people’s money,” as Margaret Thatcher once famously said.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Similarly, if the American people and their representatives do not know and understand what is in our Constitution, others will take advantage of them. Only when we understand the law of our land can we effectively hold our representatives accountable. Knowledge is power, and we must refuse to be bullied.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Today we produce only 60,000 to 70,000 engineers per year, 40 percent of whom are foreigners, while China produces over 400,000 engineers per year. With this kind of technological discrepancy, we will be left far behind in the not too distant future unless we begin to address our educational shortcomings with more than political rhetoric.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Our founders did not believe that our society could thrive without this kind of moral social structure. In fact, it was our second president, John Adams, who said of our thoroughly researched and developed governing document, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Ben Carson Quote: “I came to understand that very day that I was always angry because I was selfish. I felt that someone was always infringing on my rights, getting in my space, messing with my things, disregarding my positions, and so on, which offended me, leading to inappropriate behavior. Through wisdom provided by God it dawned on me that I should step outside of the center of the circle so that everything wasn’t always about me.”
Ben Carson Quote: “I recognized others’ abilities as well. But in any career, whether it’s that of a TV repairman, a musician, a secretary – or a surgeon – an individual must believe in himself and in his abilities. To do his best, one needs a confidence that says, “I can do anything, and if I can’t do it, I know how to get help.”
Ben Carson Quote: “If I had a little kid in kindergarten somewhere, would feel much more comfortable if I knew on that campus there was a police officer or somebody who was trained with a weapon. I would feel more comfortable.”
Ben Carson Quote: “All citizens need to arm themselves with a basic knowledge of American history and stay abreast of current events, analyzing them with respect to history. Knowledge is power and at a time when the people are becoming increasingly impotent while the government grows larger and more powerful, it is vital that we arm ourselves with knowledge.”
Ben Carson Quote: “As citizens, we need to get beyond squabbling with one another about tactics. For example, instead of arguing about how fast the debt should be reduced, we should unite on the common ground that it ought to be reduced at all. As we fight over details, our children’s future is worsening. It’s time to focus on common ground and take swift action based on our agreement before our nation moves beyond saving.”
Ben Carson Quote: “I would love it if party labels were not allowed on ballots and people were forced to actually know who they were voting for. Blind loyalty to a party platform is tantamount to relinquishing the important duties of intelligent voting.”
Ben Carson Quote: “The babies had been successfully anesthetized after only a few hours, a complex procedure because of their shared blood vessels.”
Ben Carson Quote: “I sank down on the toilet, sharp mental pictures of other temper fits filling my mind. I saw my anger, clenched my fists against my rage. I wouldn’t be any good for anything if I couldn’t change. My poor mother, I thought. She believes in me. Not even she knows how bad I am. Misery engulfed me in darkness. “If you don’t do this for me, God, I’ve got no place else to go.” At one point I’d slipped out of the bathroom long enough to grab a Bible. Now I opened it and.”
Ben Carson Quote: “You’re going to be much less likely to point the finger at somebody and create a huge brouhaha when it wasn’t necessary if you had stopped and asked yourself, ‘Could I have done things to prevent this situation?’”
Ben Carson Quote: “Compromise is most likely when both parties respect each other no matter how much they disagree. In stressful situations where you need a consensus, respect sometimes means saying nothing and refraining from name-calling even when irritated.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Thinking Big means opening our horizons, reaching for new possibilities in our lives, being open to whatever God has in store for us on the road ahead. Thinking Big is another way of restating one of my mother’s favorite sayings: “You can do anything they can do – only you must try to do it better!” That’s Thinking Big.”
Ben Carson Quote: “It’s time for voters to reject politicians of both parties who continue to jeopardize the financial future of our nation. These people must be replaced with individuals who understand how to balance a budget and reduce our debt by stimulating growth and implementing financial restraint.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Even if somebody disagrees with you, their life is still valuable.”
Ben Carson Quote: “We have the purveyors of hatred who take every single incident between people of two races and try to make a race war out of it, and drive wedges into people. And this does not need to be done.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Rather than trying to control or confiscate guns, it might be smarter to offer free, public gun-safety courses. In countries like Switzerland, every man within a certain age range is required to possess a gun and to know how to use it, and Switzerland has one of the lowest gun homicide rates in the world.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Every time I am looking into the depths of somebody’s brain, I’m thinking, ‘This is what makes a person who they are. That structure contains memories. Everything that they’ve ever experienced is right in there.’”
Ben Carson Quote: “We want to make decisions based on facts. Many people do not. They make their decisions based on what their momma says or what their daddy says or what their political party says – without engaging their brains.”
Ben Carson Quote: “Some feel that it is fair for those with incomes under a certain dollar amount not to pay any federal tax. They say that these people are too poor and it would be a great burden to require them to contribute to the common pot. While I appreciate their compassion, serious problems arise when a person who pays nothing has the right to vote and determine what other people are paying.”
Ben Carson Quote: “One way to develop courage is to consider what will happen if we fail to act.”
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