
Top 160 Caitlin Doughty Quotes (2025 Update)
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Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Because this ever-growing geriatric army reminds us of our own mortality, we push them into the shadows.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Then again, death brings the inevitable loss of control. It seemed unfair that I could spend a lifetime making sure I was dressed well and saying all the right things only to end up dead and powerless at the end.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Death represented a failure of the medical system; it would not be permitted to upset the patients or their families.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “That’s why all the questions in this book come from 100 percent ethically sourced, free-range, organic children.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “My own grandfather died after a long, debilitating bout with Alzheimer’s, including one memorable Christmas Eve where he managed to steal the car keys in the middle of the night and disappear for seven hours into downtown Honolulu. Ho-ho-horrible Christmas morning to you too, family.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Every time a woman gives birth, she is creating not only a life, but also a death.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “With Q-tips and cotton I cleaned out Elena’s nose, ears, and mouth – a deeply unpleasant task. In the last throes of life, basic hygiene is often ignored. This is reasonable, but reason does not make the aftermath any less abhorrent. In moving the corpse, there is always a chance there may be a sudden burst of “purge” – a frothy, reddish-brown liquid expunged from the lungs and stomach. I did not envy nurses, whose living patients produced these disagreeable fluids every day.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Exposing a young child to the realities of love and death is far less dangerous than exposing them to the lie of the happy ending.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “There is a freedom found in decomposition, a body rendered messy, chaotic, and wild. I relish this image when visualizing what will become of my future corpse.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “A heart kept on ice can be transplanted up to four hours after death. A liver, ten. A particularly good kidney will last twenty-four hours, and sometimes as long as seventy-two if doctors use the right equipment after surgery. This is known as the “cold ischemic time.” Consider it the five-second rule, but for organs.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran said that suicide is the only right a person truly has.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Since I first discovered sky burial I have known what I wanted for my mortal remains. In my view burial by animals is the safest, cleanest, and most humane way of disposing of corpses, and offers a new ritual that might bring us closer to the realities of death and our true place on this planet.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Look at young people today in the presence of death... the first thing they do is call a funeral company. They act like helpless children. Such an embarrassing situation never arose in the past. The truly shocking part... is that young people today don’t seem to be embarrassed about it either. So not only do the young have zero death literacy, they don’t seem to mind.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “It’s normal to be curious about death.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “I will argue with you all day long that it isn’t legal in any state in the United States to reduce a human head to a skull.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “In a moving – and often funny – memoir about working in a crematorium and other parts of the ‘death industry,’ Caitlin Doughty argues for radical change in how we face the details of death.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Even if we move through the day finding creative ways to deny our mortality, no matter how powerful, loved, or special we may feel, we know we are ultimately doomed to death and decay.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “So why do these local governments continue to resist? The answer is as bleak as it is obvious: money. The average American funeral costs $8,000 to $10,000 – not including the burial plot and cemetery costs. A Crestone End of Life funeral costs $500, technically a donation “to cover wood, fire department presence, stretcher, and land use.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The most salacious stories – bones ground in a metal blender or torture-spike eye caps – had the power to disrupt people’s polite complacency about death. Rather than denying the truth, it was a revelation to embrace it, however disgusting it might sometimes be.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “This isn’t for other people,” he explained. “This is for me. I’m terrified at the thought of my body decaying. I don’t want to die. I want to live forever.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Even with the knowledge that they may die a slow, grueling death, many people still wish to remain kept alive at all costs. Larry Ellison, the third wealthiest man in America, has sunk millions of dollars into research aimed at extending life, because, he says, “Death makes me very angry. It doesn’t make sense to me.” Ellison has made death his enemy and believes that we should expand our arsenal of medical technology to end it altogether.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Whereas before a religious leader might preside over a dying person and guide the family in grief, now it was doctors who attended to a patient’s final moments. Medicine addressed life-and-death issues, not appeals to heaven.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The archetypal woman is as a bringer of life,” Sarah said, “but my body was a tomb.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “No matter what I did, Byron refused to act in a manner befitting a gentleman about to get his afternoon shave.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Buddhists say that thoughts are like drops of water on the brain; when you reinforce the same thought, it will etch a new stream into your consciousness, like water eroding the side of a mountain.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “It is worth noting that the main players in the recomposition project are women – scientists, anthropologists, lawyers, architects. Educated women, who have the privilege to devote their efforts to righting a wrong.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “A corpse doesn’t need you to remember it. In fact, it doesn’t need anything anymore-it’s more than happy to lie there and rot away. It is you who needs the corpse. Looking at the body you understand the person is gone, no longer an active player in the game of life. Looking at the body you see yourself, and you know that you, too, will die. The visual is a call to self-awareness. It is the beginning of wisdom.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “In spite of my fear of living, I chose not to die.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Here’s the deal: It’s normal to be curious about death. But as people grow up, they internalize this idea that wondering about death is “morbid” or “weird.” They grow scared, and criticize other people’s interest in the topic to keep from having to confront death themselves.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “We can do our best to push death to the margins, keeping corpses behind stainless-steel doors and tucking the sick and dying in hospital rooms. So masterfully do we hide death, you would almost believe we are the first generation of immortals. But we are not.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The tragedy of the women who were accused of witchcraft was that they never actually ground the bones of babies to help them fly to a midnight devil’s Sabbath. But they were unjustly killed for it anyway, burned alive at the stake. I, on the other hand, did grind the bones of babies. Often I was thanked by their poor parents for my care and concern. Things change.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Fearing death, I wanted to reclaim control over it. I figured it had to play favourites; I just needed to make sure I was one of those favourites. To limit my anxiety I developed a whole bouquet of obsessive compulsive behaviours and rituals. My parents could die at any moment. I could die at any moment. It was my job to do everything right – counting, tapping, touching, checking – to retain balance in the universe and avoid further death.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Nine years ago, when I began working with the dead, I heard other practitioners speak about holding the space for the dying person and their family. With my secular bias, “holding the space” sounded like saccharine hippie lingo. This judgment was wrong. Holding the space is crucial, and exactly what we are missing. To hold the space is to create a ring of safety around the family and friends of the dead, providing a place where they can grieve openly and honestly, without fear of being judged.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Gross’ is such a simple word, with simple connotations.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Most unsettling of all was the possibility that he was one of the rare creatures genuinely comfortable with bodies that have already moved into the stages of decomposition. In which case Mike was right, maybe this guy was my dream man.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “My next drone folk album will be called “The Cremation Reforms of Octavius B. Frothingham”.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “What remains consistent is that the pyre experience, for those present, is transformative.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Encountering a corpse forced the man who would be Buddha to see life as a process of unpredictable and constant change. It was life without corpses, trapped behind the palace walls, that had prevented him from reaching enlightenment.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “At just the right time, a wooden staff is brought forth and used to crack open the dead man’s skull. At that moment, it is believed the man’s soul is released.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “As a general rule, if anyone ever asks you to put stockings on a ninety-year old deceased Romanian woman with oedema, your answer should be no.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Some animals, like vultures, can safely consume rotting flesh because of their highly corrosive stomach acid.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “To market the effectiveness of their services, the embalmers would display real preserved bodies they had plucked from the unknown dead, propping the corpses up on their feet outside the tents to better demonstrate their talents.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “I practiced what I would say if the worst occurred: Oh, yes, that conveyer belt always stops right there. This is the part where I take a sprint across the crematory and slam myself into the box containing your mother and shoot her into the flames. Common procedure, sir; worry not.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The girl kept up at night by fear, crouched under the covers, believing if death couldn’t see her, then he couldn’t take her.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Young people were braver and often more perceptive than the adults. And they weren’t shy about guts and gore. They wondered about their dead parakeet’s everlasting soul, but really they wanted to know how fast the parakeet was putrefying in the shoebox under the maple tree.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The hat, worn in combination with the gold beads that hung from his pointy black beard, made him look like Genghis Khan on his way to a furry convention.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The ICU was not the thrill ride I had expected. Turns out, they never called the high school student in from the reception desk to assist the doctors in lifesaving procedures. Instead, the job entailed hours of watching incredibly worried families wander in and out of the waiting room to use the restroom and retrieve cups of coffee.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “What little information we have comes from studies done in altitude chambers on unfortunate humans and even more unfortunate animals.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “A culture that denies death is a barrier to achieving a good death.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Sometimes I think about my childhood would have been different if I had been introduced directly to death. Made to sit in his presence, shake his hand. Told that he would be an intimate companion, influencing my every move and decision, whispering, “You are food for worms” in my ear. Maybe he would have been a friend.”
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