
Top 160 Caitlin Doughty Quotes (2025 Update)
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Caitlin Doughty Quote: “To future corpses of all ages.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “No matter how many heavy-metal album covers you’ve seen, how many Hieronymus Bosch prints of the tortures of Hell, or even the scene in Indiana Jones where the Nazi’s face melts off, you cannot be prepared to view a body being cremated. Seeing a flaming human skull is intense beyond your wildest flights of imagination.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “In death, corpses don’t hold themselves together. They no longer have to play by the living’s rules.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The question is: how do we get to be that guy? The one who is facing his own death with complete calm, ready to get on with the moving-on.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Even if we recognize the benefits of another culture’s ritual, we often allow bias to undermine those feelings of acceptance.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “He had been a criminal, but he was also beautiful. I wasn’t there to judge, only to make him clean and dressed him in his powder-blue polyester suit with the ruffled tuxedo shirt. Holding up his arm to wash it, I paused: I was comfortable. I wanted other people to know that they could do this too. The washing, the comfort. This confident, stable feeling was available to anyone, if society could overcome the burden of superstition.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “In many ways, women are death’s natural companions. Every time a woman gives birth, she is creating not only a life, but a death. Samuel Beckett wrote that women “give birth astride of a grave.” Mother Nature is indeed a real mother, creating and destroying in a constant loop.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Many children and grandchildren of immigrants, have, like Sarah, found themselves severed from their family’s cultural rituals. The funeral system in the United States is notorious for passing laws and regulations interfering with diverse death practices and enforcing assimilation toward Americanized norms.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “As a business, the funeral industry has developed by selling a certain type of “dignity.” Dignity is having a well-orchestrated final moment for the family, complete with a well-orchestrated corpse. Funeral directors become like directors for the stage, curating the evening’s performance. The corpse is the star of the show and pains are taken to make sure the fourth wall is never broken, that the corpse does not interact with the audience and spoil the illusion.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “In my practice as a mortician I’ve found that both cleaning the body and spending time with it serves a powerful role in processing grief. It helps mourners see the corpse not as a cursed object, but as a beautiful vessel that once held their loved one.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Insist on going to the cremation, insist on going to the burial. Insist on being involved, even if it is just brushing your mother’s hair as she lies in her casket. Insist on applying her favorite shade of lipstick, the one she wouldn’t dream of going to the grave without. Insist on cutting a small lock of her hair to place in a locket or a ring. Do not be afraid. These are human acts, acts of bravery and love in the face of death and loss.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The psychoanalyst Otto Rank declared modern love a religious problem. As we grow increasingly secular and move away from the towns where we were born, we can no longer use religion or community to confirm our meaning in the world, so we seize a love partner instead, someone to distract us from the fact of our animal existence. French existentialist Albert Camus said it best: “Ah, mon cher, for anyone who is alone, without God and without a master, the weight of days is dreadful.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Holding the space doesn’t mean swaddling the family immobile in their grief. It also means giving them meaningful tasks... A sense of purpose helps the mourner grieve. Grieving helps the mourner begin to heal.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Death should be KNOWN. Known as a difficult mental, physical and emotional process, respected and feared for what it is.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “There are many words a woman in love longs to hear. “I’ll love you forever, darling,” and “Will it be a diamond this year?” are two fine examples. But young lovers take note: above all else, the phrase every girl truly wants to hear is “Hi, this is Amy from Science Support; I’m dropping off some heads.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “They say the way to figure out your porn-star name is to combine the name of your childhood pet with the name of the street that you grew up on. By that rule, my porn-star name would be Superfly Punalei. I have no intention of pursuing a career in pornography, but the name is almost reason enough to try.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Your cat might eat you after you die, but a vulture can’t wait to rip you to pieces and carry you off into the sky.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Even if all we love will die, I still ached for a love like theirs, to be adored so completely. Had not Disney guaranteed all of us such an ending?”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “This is a fantastic question. You, young person, are a pint-sized death revolutionary. Everyone should be on the lookout for new possibilities for our future corpses. Let’s hang out and brainstorm ideas sometime.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “When the feelings would come, the emotions, the grief, I would push them down deeper, furious at myself for allowing them to peek through. My inner dialogue could be ruthless: You’re fine. You’re not starving, no one beats you. Your parents are still alive. There is real sadness in the world and yours is pathetic, you whiny, insignificant cow.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Death is the engine that keeps us running, giving us the motivation to achieve, learn, love, and create... The great achievements of humanity were born out of the deadlines imposed by death... if he lived forever, chances are he would be rendered boring, listless, and unmotivated, robbed of life’s richness, by dull routine.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “It is no surprise that the people trying so frantically to extend our lifespans are almost entirely rich, white men. Men who have lived lives of systematic privilege, and believe that privilege should extend indefinitely.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “He won’t be diving straight for the human flesh. But a cat has got to eat, and you are the person who feeds him. This is the cat-human compact. Death doesn’t free you from performing your contractual obligations.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “I understood that I had been given my atoms, the ones that made up my heart and toenails and kidneys and brain, on a kind of universal loan program. The time would come when I would have to give the atoms back, and I didn’t want to attempt to hold on to them through the chemical preservation of my future corpse. There.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “As Kafka said, “The meaning of life is that it ends.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Our great-grandparents were told that babies were found under gooseberry bushes or cabbages; our children are likely to be told that those who have passed on... are changed into flowers, or lie at rest in lovely gardens.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “We are all just future corpses.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “I could see why the discovery of a six-foot-tall white girl in a polka-dot dress in the corner of a cave filled with skulls would be an Instagrammable moment.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “A culture that denies death is a barrier to achieving a good death. Overcoming our fears and wild misconceptions about death will be no small task, but we shouldn’t forget how quickly other cultural prejudices – racism, sexism, homophobia – have begun to topple in the recent past. It is high time death had its own moment of truth.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The concept of the body as canvas becomes more powerful if the canvas is dead.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Death had brought them all here for a kind of United Nations summit, a roundtable discussion on nonexistence.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Today, not being forced to see corpses is a privilege of the developed world.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Dying in the sanitary environment of a hospital is a relatively new concept. In the late nineteenth century, dying at a hospital was reserved for indigents, the people who had nothing and no one. Given the choice, a person wanted to die at home in their bed, surrounded by friends and family. As late as the beginning of the twentieth century, more than 85 percent of Americans still died at home.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Mythologist Joseph Campbell wisely tells us to scorn the happy ending, “for the world as we know it, as we have seen it, yields but one ending: death, disintegration, dismemberment, and the crucifixion of our heart with the passing of the forms that we have loved.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Such was the case with dead bodies. Every time you opened the box you could find anything from a ninety-five-year-old woman who died peacefully under home hospice care to a thirty-year-old man they found in a dumpster behind a Home Depot after eight days of putrefaction. Each person was a new adventure.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Sometimes death can be violent, sudden, and unbearably sad. But it’s also reality, and reality doesn’t change just because you don’t like it.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The headstone is placed on top of the whole affair, like the cherry on a death-denial sundae.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The fastest-growing religion in America is “no religion” – a group that comprises almost 20 percent of the population in the United States. Even.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “It would be simple to allow open-air pyres in any community that wanted them. Yet government cemetery and funeral boards put up enormous resistance to the idea. Like the curmudgeonly neighbors in Crestone, they argue that outdoor pyres would prove too hard to control, and that they would impact air quality and the environment in unknown ways. Crestone has proven that open-air pyres can be inspected for safety compliance just like any industrial crematory.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Mexican poet Octavio Paz famously said that while citizens of Western cities like New York, Paris, and London would “burn their lips” if they so much as uttered the word “death,” “the Mexican, on the other hand, frequents it, mocks it, caresses it, sleeps with it, entertains it; it is one of his favorite playthings and his most enduring love.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Making the choice to be naturally buried says, “Not only am I aware that I’m a helpless, fragmented mass of organic matter, I celebrate it. Vive la decay!”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “All that surrounds us comes from death, every part of every city, and every part of every person.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The earth is expertly designed to take back what it has created.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Good afternoon, here I am in your multimillion-dollar home covered in people dust and smelling vaguely of rot. Please pay me a large sum of money to mold the impressionable mind of your teenager.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “I wanted to quiet my brain, to stop its incessant ruminations on the whys and hows of mortality.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Four thousand years ago, the Hindu Vedas described cremation as necessary for a trapped soul to be released from the impure dead body.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “The earth is expertly designed to take back what it has created. Bodies left for carrion in enclosed, regulated spaces could be the answer to the environmental problems of burial and cremation. There is no limit to where our engagement with death can take us.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Dead people look very, very dead. It is difficult to grasp what that means, since it’s unlikely that any of us will stumble across a roving pack of dead bodies in the wild. We live in a world where people rarely die in their homes, and if they do, they’re carted off to the funeral home the second after taking their last breath. If a North American has seen a dead body, that body has likely been embalmed, made up, and dressed in its Sunday finest by a funeral-home employee.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Accepting death doesn’t mean you won’t be devastated when someone you love dies. It means you will be able to focus on your grief, unburdened by bigger existential questions like, “Why do people die?” and “Why is this happening to me?” Death isn’t happening to you. Death is happening to us all.”
Caitlin Doughty Quote: “Women’s bodies are so often under the purview of men, whether it’s our reproductive organs, our sexuality, our weight, our manner of dress. There is a freedom found in decomposition, a body rendered messy, chaotic, and wild. I relish this image when visualizing what will become of my future corpse.”
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