
Top 30 Christopher Ryan Quotes (2025 Update)

Christopher Ryan Quote: “When you’re going in the wrong direction, progress is the last thing you need.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Intermittent fasting was associated with more than a 40 percent reduction in heart disease risk in a study of 448 people published in the American Journal of Cardiology reporting that “most diseases, including cancer, diabetes and even neurodegenerative illnesses, are forestalled” by caloric reduction.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Having no coercive power, leaders are simply those who are followed – individuals who have earned the respect of their companions. Such “leaders” do not – cannot – demand anyone’s obedience.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “In light of the hypersexuality of humans, chimps, and bonobos, one wonders why so many insist that female sexual exclusivity has been an integral part of human evolutionary development for over a million years. In addition to all the direct evidence presented here, the circumstantial case against the narrative is overwhelming.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “The NPP insists that we venerate the crooks, rapists, and pillagers credulous historians have repackaged as “founders,” “conquerors,” and “civilizers.” We erect statues and consecrate tombs to commemorate their difference-making. But in fact, most of these monuments memorialize the dark deeds of unhinged lunatics driven by rampant ego and raving greed.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Man is an animal suspended in a web of significance that he himself has spun. – Max Weber.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “If you’re unhappy at the amount of sexual opportunity in your life, don’t blame the women. Instead, make sure they have equal access to power, wealth, and status. Then watch what happens.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “No creature needs to be threatened with death to act in accord with its own nature.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Monogamy is not found in any social, group-living primate except – if the standard narrative is to be believed – us.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “One wonders, in fact, why marriage is a legal issue at all – apart from its relevance to immigration and property laws. Why would something so integral to human nature require such vigilant legal protection?”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “For thousands of years, males have seen women not as women could be, but only as males want them to be.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “One of the most important hopes we have for this book is to provoke the sorts of conversations that make it easier for couples to make their way across this difficult emotional terrain together, with a deeper, less judgmental understanding of the ancient roots of these inconvenient feelings and a more informed, mature approach to dealing with them. Other than that, we really have little helpful advice to offer.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “But with trust we can strive to accept even what we cannot understand.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Human beings will be happier – not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That’s my utopia. KURT VONNEGUT, JR.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Why is it so easy to believe that a mother’s love isn’t a zero-sum proposition, but that sexual love is a finite resource?”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Fear is certainly natural, and like any other kind of insecurity, jealousy is an expression of fear.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Hobbes took the madness of his age, considered it “normal,” and projected it back into prehistoric epochs of which he knew next to nothing. What Hobbes called “human nature” was a projection of seventeenth-century Europe, where life for most was rough, to put it mildly. Though it has persisted for centuries, Hobbes’s dark fantasy of prehistoric human life is as valid as grand conclusions about Siberian wolves based on observations of stray dogs in Tijuana.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Unlike her closest primate cousins, the standard human female doesn’t come equipped with private parts that swell up to double their normal size and turn bright red when she is about to ovulate. In.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Social forces that convince people to stretch their necks beyond the breaking point, schmush the heads of their infants, or sell their daughters into sacred prostitution are quite capable of reshaping or neutralizing sexual jealousy by rendering it silly and ridiculous. By rendering it abnormal.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “I sometimes try to imagine what would have happened if we’d known the bonobo first and chimpanzee only later or not at all. The discussion about human evolution might not revolve as much around violence, warfare, and male dominance, but rather around sexuality, empathy, caring, and cooperation. What a different intellectual landscape we would occupy!”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Could it be that the atomic isolation of the husband-wife nucleus with an orbiting child or two is in fact a culturally imposed aberration for our species – as ill-suited to our evolved tendencies as corsets, chastity belts, and suits of armor?”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Modern man’s seemingly instinctive impulse to control women’s sexuality is not an intrinsic feature of human nature. It is a response to specific historical socioeconomic conditions – conditions very different from those in which our species evolved. This is key to understanding sexuality in the modern world.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Before the war on drugs, the war on terror, or the war on cancer, there was the war on female sexual desire. It’s a war that has been raging far longer than any other, and its victims number well into the billions by now. Like the others, it’s a war that can never be won, as the declared enemy is a force of nature. We may as well declare war on the cycles of the moon.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “We rush impetuously into novelty, driven by a mounting sense of insufficiency, dissatisfaction, and restlessness. We no longer live on what we have, but on promises, no longer in the light of the present day, but in the darkness of the future, which, we expect, will at last bring a proper sunrise. We refuse to recognize that everything better is purchased at the price of something worse.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “The depiction of human nature embedded in the NPP isn’t science; it’s a marketing campaign for the status quo. The politics of perpetual fear is corrosive to our well-being and our innate capacities for cooperation, community, and kindness. Fear of terrorists, fear of running out of money, fear of getting old, fear of strangers, fear of death, fear of sharks, fear of being hit by lightning, fear of fear itself. It keeps us quiet and complacent in our supposedly protective cages.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Recall your own rage when trapped behind distracted idiots texting in traffic or wedged between smelly, snoring strangers in economy class while someone’s demon spawn is kicking the back of your seat. Is your hostility an expression of human nature – or is it perhaps better understood as a minor facet of human nature magnified by the unnatural conditions you’re trapped in?”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “There is hope; though not for us. – Franz Kafka.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “People who say the system works work for the system. – Russell Brand.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “We are enriched not by what we possess, but by what we can do without. IMMANUEL KANT.”
Christopher Ryan Quote: “Civilization is like a hole our clever species dug and then promptly fell into.”
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