
Top 500 Emily Dickinson Quotes (2025 Update)
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Emily Dickinson Quote: “How softly summer shuts, without the creaking of a door...”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “I dwell in Possibility A fairer house than Prose More numerous of Windows Superior – for Doors.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Sweet hour, blessed hour, to carry me to you, and to bring you back to me, long enough to snatch one kiss, and whisper goodbye again.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “To attempt to speak of what has been, would be impossible. Abyss has no Biographer -.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Looking at Death, is Dying –...”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “A Bayonet’s contrition is nothing to the dead.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “You remember my ideal cat has always a huge rat in its mouth, just going out of sight – though going out of sight in itself has a peculiar pleasure.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “I cling to nowhere until I fall – the crash of Nothing...”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Oh my darling one, how long you wander from me, how weary I grow of waiting and looking, and calling for you; sometimes I shut my eyes, and shut my heart towards you, and try hard to forget you because you grieve me so, but you’ll never go away, oh you never will.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “I do not like the man who squanders life for fame; give me the man who living makes a name.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “God, keep me from what they call ‘households,’”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “They address an Eclipse every morning, whom they call their “Father.””
Emily Dickinson Quote: “I miss the grasshoppers much, but suppose it is all for the best. I should become too much attached to a trotting world.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “To venerate the simple days Which lead the seasons by, Needs but to remember That from you or I They may take the trifle Termed mortality!”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “September’s Baccalaureate A combination is Of Crickets – Crows – and Retrospects And a dissembling Breeze That hints without assuming – An Innuendo sear That makes the Heart put up its Fun And turn Philosopher.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “The only secret people keep is immortality.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “The Pleading of the Summer – That other Prank – of Snow – That Cushions Mystery with Tulle, For fear the Squirrels – know.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Behold this little Bane- The Boon of all alive- As common as it is unknown The name of it is Love.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “MY river runs to thee: Blue sea, wilt welcome me? My river waits reply. Oh sea, look graciously! I ’ll fetch thee brooks From spotted nooks, – Say, sea, Take me!”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “THE soul should always stand ajar, That if the heaven inquire, He will not be obliged to wait, Or shy of troubling her. Depart, before the host has slid The bolt upon the door, To seek for the accomplished guest, – Her visitor no more.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “The past is not a package one can lay away.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “When I state myself, as the representative of the verse, it does not mean me, but a supposed person.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Our journey had advanced; Our feet were almost come To that odd fork in Being’s road, Eternity by term.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “How lucious lies the pea within the pod.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “We outgrow love like other things and put it in a drawer, till it an antique fashion shows like costumes grandsires wore.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Grant me, O Lord, a sunny mind-Thy windy will to bear!”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “I started early, took my dog, And visited the sea; The mermaids in the basement Came out to look at me.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Will you tell me my fault, frankly as to yourself, for I had rather wince, than die. Men do not call the surgeon to commend the bone, but to set it, Sir.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “My best Acquaintances are those With Whom I spoke no Word.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Spring’s first conviction is a wealth beyond its whole experience.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “This world is just a little place, just the red in the sky, before the sun rises, so let us keep fast hold of hands, that when the birds begin, none of us be missing.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “For each ecstatic instant We must an anguish pay In keen and quivering ratio To the ecstasy.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “I would have drowned twice to save you sinking, dear.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Love can do all but raise the Dead I doubt if even that From such a giant were withheld Were flesh equivalent But love is tired and must sleep, And hungry and must graze And so abets the shining Fleet Till it is out of gaze.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Could you tell me how to grow – or is it unconveyed – like Melody – or Witchcraft?”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “My business is circumference.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “The smitten rock that gushes, The trampled steel that springs; A cheek is always redder Just where the hectic stings!”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “The power to console is not within corporeal reach – though its attempt is precious.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Drab Habitation of Whom? Tabernacle or Tomb – or Dome of Worm – or Porch of Gnome – or some Elf’s Catacomb?”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “When the best is gone, I know that other things are not of consequence. The heart wants what it wants, or else it does not care.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Heaven is so far of the mind that were the mind dissolved – the site of it by architect could not again be proved.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “A shady friend for torrid days Is easier to find Than one of higher temperature For frigid hour of mind.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “Belshazzar had a letter, – He never had but one; Belshazzar’s correspondence Concluded and begun In that immortal copy The conscience of us all Can read without its glasses On revelation’s wall.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “We are the only poets,” Emily told Susan, “and everyone else is prose.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “The Past is such a curious Creature To look her in the Face A Transport may receipt us Or a Disgrace-.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “The things of which we want the proof are those we know the best.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “To lose ones faith-surpass The loss of an Estate- Because Estates can be Replenished- faith cannot-.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “I am very busy picking up stems and stamens as the hollyhocks leave their clothes around.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “I’ve got a Tomahawk in my side but that don’t hurt me much.”
Emily Dickinson Quote: “The steeples swam in amethyst, the news like squirrels swam.”
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