
Top 500 Kilroy J. Oldster Quotes (2025 Update)
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Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The nonessential employees, the type of workers whom remain at home when it snows, are the quickest to complain about how the talented persons of an organization behave.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We must be able to love other people or forever endure the stain of disgraceful loneliness. By recognizing and expressing empathy for other people, we come to accept our own fallibility.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “An enlightened person strives to live a meaningful life, defined by their personal humility joy, passion, and profound reverence for life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Life toughens us while also softening us.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Life is neither a glorious highlight reel nor a monstrous tragedy. Every day is a good day to live and a good day to die. Every day is also an apt time to learn and express joy and love for the entire natural world. Each day is an apt time to make contact with other people and express empathy for the entire world. Each day is perfect to accept with indifference all aspects of being.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Telling our personal story reveals the shape shifting landscape of our mind.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Every encounter with the external world presents a conflict with a person’s cherished inner world. How we resolve these ongoing boarder conflicts between reality and ideas results in tectonic shifts in our mental makeup, which influx we incorporate by responding to the never-ending chaos of a worldly life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person does not want to lead or follow their friends. Friendship implies a close association, a sharing amongst equals. The difficulty in maintaining a friendship is that no two people are equal, and at some point, one person must concede part of their pride in order to maintain the relationship that is growing lopsided in power or prestige.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Personal change requires motivation, a plan, and determination to see a plan through to fruition. Although I elected to change the way that I live, this decision was not easy to implement. We frequently act against our better judgment. We sometimes know the correct thing to do, but still struggle doing so. The Ancient Greeks used the term akrasia to refer to a person knowing what course of action is correct and righteous, but electing do somethings else because of a lack of self-control.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A humble person realizes that they do not know everything and demonstrates the ability to inspect their own behavior free of egotistical distortions in order to prompt growth.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We must live a genuine life in order to discover personal happiness and self-fulfillment. Understanding that a person is living a lie is the first step into realizing what is possible. No matter how frightful such a proposition is, we must dare to be an original self.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Personal autonomy including freedom of thought and action enable a person to escape fallacies and oppression. Life challenges everyone daily. I can achieve personal liberation from pain and suffering by acknowledging unfavorable facts bracketing my existence and honestly laboring to overcome personal bouts of insanity. The truth is the beacon that calls loudest to me. Self-understanding and taking responsibility for my own actions frees me from the agony of infinite despair.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The passage of time will ultimately obliterate the pallid signs of my toneless existence. My faint light will disappear entirely in the ebb and flow of the sprawling continuum of time, the impeccable sea of perpetuity that yawning encasement serves as the impeachable mantel for the inescapable predicament that horns the human condition.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Conflicting egos destroy many relationships. Lasting, stable marriages are a true treasure because they demand that both parties adjust to the constant cellular flux of their partner as they metaphase through changing seasons of life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person’s life is a glint and oftentimes the climax is incalculably brutal.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Borrowing and spending money never leads to prosperity or happiness. It is advisable to live within our means and avoid debt. Borrowing money is simply one method of deferring absorbing today’s pain in exchange for repaying it with greater pain on a later day. Acceptance of a short period of discomfort is wiser than to mortgage a person’s future.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “All of our thoughts – ideas – are traceable to a sensation, an encounter with the world that leaves an impression upon the mind.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Pent-up anger is oftentimes more destructive than a good quarrel.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We are born with the innate capacity to express empathy. Experiencing our own cuts and bruises, encountering our own difficulties and disappointments, expands our cognitive world and rouses the universal desire to understand and comfort other people in pain.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “There exists a universal order that we each play a distinct role in carrying out. Light always struggles to emerge from darkness. Each of us is the bearer of our own lantern. We find ourselves when we realize our place in an interconnected world. The struggle to pierce the darkness that shrouds us from realizing a state of perceptive awareness is the biggest part of both our individual story and our communal storyline.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Personal experiences that disrupt stale routines result in the phenomena of cognitive dissiliency, jolting our minds and enhancing our ability to internalizing new information.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “An anonymous prank is one of the most efficacious ways to enforce discipline. A prank performed with appropriate finesse avoids a direct confrontation and the resulting laughter elicited from a prank informs the offender that their actions are unacceptable. The utilitarian aim of laughter is group improvement. A practical joke must avoid verging on cruelty.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person must shrug off lies, embrace the unknown and unknowable, and control personal terror in order to do to discover the right path for leading a worthy life. Dare to be an original. Make your life a vivid example for other people how to live splendidly.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Writing about personal thoughts and observations, subjective feelings and objective reality is a gateway experience that intensifies a person’s level of consciousness. Every degree of increased consciousness can lead to increased knowledge of the world and self-understanding.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Without thoughtful effort and purposeful change, human life does not improve. The key to living a meaningful life is to accept reality. There is no inherent meaning to life just as there is no hidden meaning behind death. Life is limited and death is simply an ending. The only meaning to life is what each person passionately commits their life to accomplishing.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We can learn personal humility from episodes that generate shame and guilt. After retiring from worldly affairs and drawing useful lessons from personal disgrace, we must resume living an expedient life devoted to appreciating truth, beauty, and love.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We are all the products of nature composed with essential elements. Every natural force has an opposite. The components of earth, wind, water, and fire comprise nature. Similar to nature, we contain complementary, contradictory, and counterpoising elements.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “When I write, I enter a transpersonal state of consciousness, a lightheaded realm of mental imagination, a cognitive place where I can lithely finger the coherent and the absurd. I seek to cross over an intricate boarder where the conscious and unconscious minds meet, traversing the aperture where the real and the imaginary intermingle. I aspire to establish a detached vantage point where I can survey the entire human condition.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Existential anguish derives from the human freedom to think and act, experience love for life, and fear death. We must decide whether we wish to embrace all experience and encounters in life or seek escape from various aspect of human nature. How we resolve to address existential anguish becomes a large part of our personal story.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The closest bond that we share with our brethren is that of grief. Every community knows sorrow.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Personal dignity begins by accepting responsibility for our actions, acting humbly, and extending compassion to other people. Personal humility requires choosing living with quietness of the heart over living in the depths of animosity, despair, and discord.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Our sacrosanct obligation is to tend to our own personal wounds and furiously love the entire world irrespective if the world loves us back.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Storytelling creates a healing serum. The thematic unguent of our personal story represents a fusion of the ineffable truths that each of us must discover within ourselves.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Every person will battle with false pride, a sense of loss and aloneness, and feeling defenseless in a world of endless trauma and tragedy.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The human mind’s innate ability to imagine and create ensures that we never remain stalled out in who we are. We constantly seek to amend our circumference and circumstances, craft and redraft our emotional, social, political, economic, and artistic being.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Personal disillusionment accompanied by self-pity and self-loathing are the Achilles’ heel of modern humankind, representing the weakness of the human spirit.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Nostalgia is a bittersweet emotion; it entails the act of recalling complicated memories of bygone days.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We hold within ourselves the medicinal materials to mend self-inflicted injuries sustained while traversing the thorny obstacle course of life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We learn invaluable life lessons from people whom exhibit courage and grace under extraordinary circumstances.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We search our entire lives to create a genuine and reliable self that can relate with other people and faithfully express our artistic temperament. Our battle for personal authenticity requires us to penetrate layers of self-deception, conquer ego defense mechanism, and destroy a false self that is intent upon meeting other people’s expectations.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The artistic creation of the poet, painter, photographer, and writer is a reflection of the artist’s inner world. The agenda of consciousness that spurs all forms of art is not to represent the outward appearance of things, but to portray its inward significance to the creator. A great poem, painting, photograph, and written composition fully express what the creator feels, in the deepest sense, about the distinctively depicted image that captured their imagination.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Personal essay writing is analogous to undertaking a vision quest, a potential turning point in life taken to discover intimate personal truths, form complex abstract thoughts, and ascertain the intended spiritual direction of a person’s life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “People cannot escape the looming specter of a deathwatch and the imposing emptiness that comes with the termination of their existence. People resist going silently into the night. We seek to howl at the moon and make known our search for a diagrammatic overture that voices our unquantifiable existence.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The thing I most fear when writing is my paucity of ideas and the thinness of my emotional lining. I audaciously resolve to write about my greatest fears in an effort to transcend what I most despise about myself – intellectual and emotional poverty. Perchance by making use of all my thoughts and matrix of emotions – both positive and negative – I can escape the labyrinth constructed of my terrible ignorance of the world and an appalling lack of self-awareness.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Life is the one riddle that is denotative, referential. Although every person shares a common ultimate destiny, each person must work out their own life, script their own personal salvation, and wrestle with the fear and trembling that is inherent when we consider our mortality.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We each possess the ability creatively to respond to the ontological mystery of our existence.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “People who possess a thirst for knowledge, are keen observers, and possess a compassionate heart, hold the requisite key for learning and sharing their knowledge with other people.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Rudeness is a means to attract attention, assert power, cover-up ineptitude, deflect personal insecurities, and intimidate meeker people.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Our most intense joy comes not from personal feats, but from helping other persons achieve their goals. We become suppler human beings when we find true joy in witnessing other people’s successes and unabashedly share in their joyful accomplishments.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “An emotionally locked person refuses to let go of their sad memories and live in the now.”
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