
Top 500 Kilroy J. Oldster Quotes (2025 Update)
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Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Change is part of life. Civilizations rise and fall, the tides wax and wane, the planet undergoes periods of climatic revolution, the young grow up, and the old die. What will come is that what shall be. Survival as individuals and as a species demands fluidity of human thought and the demonstrated ability, temperament, and perseverance to change.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Philosophic concepts are a form of sentiment. Conflicts between lofty ideas and vouchsafed values are endemic for any thinking person.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person living an artistic existence refuses to surrender to the winds of time, continues singing and dancing into the teeth of the harshest storm, and marvels in all of the delightful treasures of simply being.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Transitional periods in life are unsettling because a person’s latent fears constantly whisper warnings.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A living philosophy entails a conscious act of awareness. Without a living philosophy to guide and support us, we are not living as receptive, thinking, and emotionally responsive human beings; we are merely surviving as people.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “An array of behavioral decision options establishes opportunities for personal growth. The knowledgeable choices that a person makes in a constantly varying physical setting and capricious social milieu reflect their character, and their evolving personality continues to affect their social and intellectual growth.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A theatrical spectacle is inherent whenever family members congregate and reacquaint themselves with powerful universal themes educed from homecomings including hugs, food, drink, conversation, politics, games, music, conflict, terror, mercy, smiles, tears, prayers, misfortune, and self-discovery.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Humans possess the ability to engage in both external observation and internal introspection. How much time they invest engaged in each activity is reflective of their values, which manifest themselves in behavior, personality formation, and influences the selection of narrative stories that they share with their brethren.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Self-affirmation, accepting the truthfulness of our being, is the highest virtue. Positing the self is an act of self-avowal. All acts of self-discovery commence with honestly facing personal trepidation while engaging in character building activities that promote internal transformation.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Disturbing encounters in life spur reflective thinking that jars a person from his or her exhausted ideologies and way of living. A person who lives passionately will develop a philosophic outlook because the road of excess leads to knowledge. Enthusiasm will frequently make a person look foolish, and result in intermittent periods of despondency and self-questioning, yet only exuberance and a degree of risk-taking leads us to wisdom.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “No person can escape the germs of their eventual deterioration and destruction. A round-table of physical breakdown and death awaits the rich person and the poor person, as well as the common people and world leaders. The skulls of noble men and savages alike litter the streets of ancient cities. Modern humans live longer than the ancient people did, but eventually we all succumb to the same wretched infirmities.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “There are many standards to measure if a person was successful including did they fill a niche role in society, invent something useful, attain professional distinction, or achieve great wealth. A person might also judge someone a success in life if they laughed frequently, were kind to children and animals, and were truthful, loved by their family, and respected by their friends.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person of large dreams does not allow other people’s opinion to damper his or her zestfulness. Overcoming fear of making an irreversible, lifetime mistake is the first step of living an artistic existence.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Every child matures, which is both a blessing and a damn shame. Children can imagine worlds that never exist, worlds far more interesting and consoling than an adult knows.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person can hurry through or sleep walk through life, but whenever they stop to catch their breath or awaken from a long nap, they will find apprehension, disquiet, and fretfulness waiting their directed attention.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Human life is inherently dualistic. It consists of or is explicable as two fundamental entities, including rivalries between subject and object, mind and matter, and conflict between the benevolent and the malevolent forces. Opposition in the universe creates a dynamic living universe composed of good and evil, body and soul. Human thoughts and feelings are the communal products of the conscious and unconscious mind’s interpretation of a constant flow of coded and symbolic dialogue.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Accepting employment in any organization requires the new employee to adjust their personality in order to meld in with the operable business environment and applicable social climate. An employee whom cannot parrot the ideas, standards, mores, and ethical mandates of their professional organization might endure a turbulently relationship that will expose their core ideology.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Dreams fuel human beings imaginative response to existence.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “No one wants to occupy a black hole of sadness and despair or slip on the tight rope that separates sanity from insanity, and reside in a vortex devoid of reality. I entered the world as a freeman and desire to escape a state of existential vertigo. I yearn to discover a synthesizing spirit of my being and hold my head high, free of doubt, and devoid of fear. I wish to foment the cerebral energy to stave off premature destruction and forevermore blunt an intolerable state of anguish.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Creating a self-portrait sounds easy, but to describe oneself with bandages and all, a person must place their inspirational, mundane, vulgar, and dross experiences into a fitting perspective, which entails describing how encounters with other humanoids influenced him or her.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Indecision and fear can cripple any chances of succeeding and lead to maelstroms of regret that fuel our most fantastic nightmares.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The perennial lot of human beings and human societies is animosities, antagonisms, and acrimonies. Power, venality, bitterness, and cynicism result in unavoidable conflict, cleavages, schisms, and disharmonies in human affairs. Erosion of standards and values creates disaffection, disillusionment, dissidence, and social instability.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “All nightmares are a peephole through which we see the unsettling particles of our trampled past, whereas all uplifting dreams are a portal to escape the inexplicable undercurrents that worry our survival.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The highest degree of human attainment comes when a person is blissfully at peace with his or her own nature and the natural world.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Our hero’s reflect a projection of our deepest selves.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Life is what we make of it. A pessimistic person is constantly preparing for the worse possible scenario instead of enjoying what life proffers.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Grace represents the sublime glamour of human souls, the ability of physically courageous and emotionally brave people to give part of them in order to protect other people regardless of adverse consequence that they might personally endure.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The grandest form of delusion is misconstruing the obvious. Persons with an open, inquisitive, and intuitive mind can detect hidden clues that aggressive, narrow-minded, and impatient rationalist fail to perceive.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “An author’s operating charter is to unearth embedded symbols that reflect complementary and inconsistent relationships of our collective assemblage, combine harmonizing and contradictory conceptions that motivate us, and delve larger truths out of variable and erratic elements of human nature.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Time provides all of us with the opportunity to change, alter our belief system, and create new perspectives that challenge a person’s character and teach him or her how to become a happier and wiser person.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “With every passing day, we add a page to our personal story, an illustrative script that casts our character shaped by an implacable external environment and fashioned by our supple state of inwardness.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The prospect of mere failure does not terrorize a person with grand dreams.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Summertime is a period for youthful explorations, a joyful time when we learn lessons without grand expectations or harsh consequences.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Feelings of regret represent our aversion to reality.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Great thinkers proffered that man is born broken and he spends a lifetime healing. All men share a germinal sense of innocence, but life leads us into our vices. Temptation surrounds us, and we willingly march into the den of iniquity. We rationalize and attempt to justify commission of great sins.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A writer’s life bleeds into his or her work. Autobiographical writing demands that a historical junky drain their inky plasma onto the parchment of his or her choice. First-person writing enables us to entomb a living person by writing in a posthumous fashion. Each person must design their own obituary, after all, the looped sentences that composes our life story is the type of art that we all can invariable participate.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person must find the courage to live a complete and full life. We learn to live when we stop being afraid and by engaging in critical analysis of our own thoughts, motives, emotions, and behavior. A tolerant person who lives without fear extends charity to the entire world. Courage always precedes an act of human grace, which expresses the luminosity of the human soul.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The quicker a person forgives other people for mistakes the sooner a person moves forward to live their own life free of disabling anger, resentment, bitterness, and regret.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The human spirit’s unquenchable drive for originality and compulsion for creating art is the compelling force of our humanity.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The amount of dynamic energy and physical strength that a person possesses frequently influences the character of their mental and psychological disposition.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Each of us encounters many diverse experiences that make us grow and transform, but we seek to return to our roots, which is quietude.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We must discover our own path to joy and a sense of leading a purposeful existence. I spent the first part of life attempting to discern what a man ought to be, and spent the latter years attempting to reconcile why I was not the man whom I always aspired to be. A person endures a tragic consumption of the spirit when they discover that they are not what they desired to become.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Living deeply requires more than a static vivisection of a person’s history and a cold survey of the world. Living a meaningful life entails immersion in the continuous flow of life through passionate thinking, observation, and directed action.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Personal reason is admittedly a meager asset, but take away human reason and we would exist in a world of utter ignorance and perpetual darkness.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A life of leisure never satisfies anyone who possesses a lively mind.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Writing enables a person to build a protective barrier shielding them from an adverse environment, scrutinize their circumstances, and discover how to employ new perceptions to center oneself in a world filled with strife, conflict, violence, affection, beauty, splendor.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Whereas a belief in an absurd world arises out of the fundamental disharmony of a person searching for meaning in an apparently meaninglessness universe, an existential nihilist displays impassive intellectual stoicism towards their eventual mortality while embracing a passionate artistic commitment to munity against the underlying syndrome of insignificance and confusion encasing life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Equitable and righteous thoughts are essential. A humble person who seeks an authentic life overlooks errors of other people, accepts criticism, and assumes exclusive responsibility for performing the necessary task in his or her own life. A person with integrity throws off darkness and feeds his or her soul.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Self-awareness is one of the preeminent aspects of humankind. If a person fails to know oneself, or loses contact with oneself in a tumultuous world of noise and self-pleasing diversions, he or she lives like an unconscious android.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person can suffer from a lack of dreams.”
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