
Top 500 Kilroy J. Oldster Quotes (2025 Update)
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Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Large families are communities unto their own.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Doubt is the stock in trade all philosophers as well as all scientific persons. Conversely, certainty is the cane that all religious fanatics and other zealots wield with outrageous righteousness. Only by allowing for doubt can we probe our ignorance. Doubt, therefore, is the essential seed of thought.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Pain touches everyone differently. Some people suffer from a genetic defect that weakens and kills their pain neurons. People who are unable to register physical pain usually die young because they lack an essential survival monitor that tells them how to protect themselves.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Love is the ultimate salvation of the soul.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Everyone experiences the feelings of sadness and loneliness. We might rue our lack of companionship, but some people present a desperate need for aloneness. Being alone allows a person to think, imagine, and take in nature. Because being alone is essential for specific human actions, similar to all other aspects of life, it is a gift.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “By repeatedly losing worthy battles with the self, I gain a sense of faithful mysticism that a person’s realizes whenever his or her paltry earthly reality fails to match up their quixotic notions.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person suffering a meaning crisis in their life can ill afford not to investigate their life and examine their beliefs before personal disdain for living conspires to exterminate their most precious gift, the spark of creativity and desire to produce an artistic testament to their existence.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “There are times in life when the best part of our life and the worst part seemingly coincide, especially those periods that demark commencement of significant personal transformation.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We tend to live down to other people’s expectations, especially the people closest to us. It is more difficult to obtain approval of people who hold us in high regard than to accept the lower standards that other people hold of us.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Talking aloud to oneself is usually indicative of a mental malady. Self-talk is also the stock in trade of an essay writer.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person devolves his or her hardiness from the ark-like powers of love to create, protect, and destroy. When we are in love, we discover what we long to become, we also discover what we lack. When we are in love, we are empowered to seek out our destiny. When we lose at love, our confidence is devastated. In the wake of a breakup with a lover, we languish in solitude. Caught in the riptide of incompleteness, we suffer terribly.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Human beings experience sadness because they want what is beyond human ability – absolute control and an immortal life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Human consciousness is a law of nature. Humankind’s inherent intelligence is an indivisible component inalterably linked to the whole beatitude of the natural world. We experience truth, beauty, goodness, harmony, and bliss when we live in the light of the soul.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “In the forest canopied with the leafy niche of daily events, a benevolent listener reverberates in the canonical poetry of the ages humming irrepressible visceral contradictions. A squall of tears of bereavement pierces the elegiac sea of a silent night. The red-rimmed eye of sunrise greets us with a torrent of rage spilling over from frontlines of an examined life’s vital quarrels. The flute of life ushers in a welcoming breeze of reassuring resonance.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Only the harshest personal experiences open our eyes to the immaculate possibilities and the splendor of our world.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We do not create happiness without integrating our passion into our work life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Our actions reflect the distilled wisdom that we possess of the innermost self. Our personal philosophy is an activated way of living. A peaceful person delves the truest definition of the self by maintaining an attentive state of conscious awareness and ceases escaping from reality with mindless diversions. Self-inquiry is the principal method to remove ignorance, increase self-awareness, and abide in a tranquil existence.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Self-knowledge is the foundation stone of every principled person, and any changes of a person’s mutable character commences with an extensive course of self-evaluation. Personal evolution is a product of the independent choices we make. Progress in the development of oneself depends upon how honestly a person judges oneself, and what corrections a person makes to align their character with an ideal version of a self.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Working efficiently and enduring long hours of physical exertion is an acquired skill.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Tedium represents the soul’s disaffection with life, the profound heartache that comes from a soul accepting the bareness of existence.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “I wish to create a piece of work that produces a permanent mark in the record book of human existence. I also write to insulate myself from leading a meaningless life. Awareness of an inescapable mortality urges me to write at a frantic pace, in a hysterical attempt to assign a purpose to my life by creating something external that endures.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We are made of flesh that bruises and bleeds, bones that break, and a mind that is susceptible to wild mood swings.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Literature is map of humanity, the documenter of civilization. Books introduce us to the landscape of the greatest minds of every century.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Without parlaying with the renunciation of the world, a person must establish a means to live in harmony with the uncertainties of a chaotic world.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Human beings intuitively divide time into the past, the present, and the future. We perceive the past as immutable and fixed, the present as reflecting actuality, and the future as undefined and nebulous. As time passes, the moment that was once was part of the present becomes part of the past; and a moment of the heretofore previously unrealized future arrives and becomes the new present. The past is a record, the present is real, and the future is an imaginary thought.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “I am metaphysical being, mystical and emotional, skeptical and cynical, happy and boisterous, loud and bawdy, quiet and melancholy, tender and cruel, full of mirth and despair. Inherent inconsistences mark me as part of nature, which is neither cruel nor fair, or reliable or predictable.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Autobiographical writing acts as a timeless testament to each person’s epic record of adventure, heartache, road to perdition, and achievement of a spiritual life devoid of the consternation, trepidation, foreboding fear, and inconsolably hankering for what is unattainable for humankind.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Childhood introduces children to the wounds of the world.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person must make peace with oneself before they will find peace with the world.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Although routinely criticized, a pessimist attitude enables a person never to be disappointed with the vagrancies of life or frustrated by the outcome of any event. A pessimist prepares for reality by considering every possible contingency. Having reckoned with the worst possible circumstances, and game planned what to do in the event of the most drastic outcome, a pessimist is pleasantly surprised when they achieve a better than expected result.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Why does it seem as if the poorly adjusted people – the misfits and social outsiders – create art and the most sane and rational of the human species make money? Does creating art require a person to tap into the irrational magma of their soul?”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We learn about life by exploring the texture and depth of space that composes our private inner world. In solitude we revisit our wounded feelings, sins, doubts, and deepest despair, replay poignant memories of loved ones, project what we are becoming, and ascertain the purpose of our being.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The writer’s obsessions are twofold. First, communicate their thoughts onto paper with a great degree of precision in order accurately to express everything that they know. Secondly, to gain a better understanding regarding concepts such as truth, beauty, love, friendship, loyalty, freedom, and the reason for existence by attempting to express in words what these ideas mean to them.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The darker part of humanity is familiar to my ebony soul. I am familiar with all that is chaotic, dangerous, and irrational in humankind. Securely lodged in my breast is everything that escapes human logic.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Select people in every era must work outside the boundary lines of conventional society in order to make the clearest and most penetrating observations. A person whom makes advancements that rock the cradle of civilization is always a maverick preacher.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Hatred hardens and spiritually defeats a resentful person. Animosity aligns a person with what he or she despises and not with what they revere.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Any attorney with a conscience always speaks the truth. An attorney can and should practice law in a scrupulous manner, but some dishonest attorneys disregard ethical mandates in order to win. Unethical attorneys shape their clients stories, which is a fancy way of assisting them tell a fib.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The origin behind myths and religion is human terror of annihilation. Human societies invented mythology and religion in order to militate against people’s fear of living a mortal life. People fear time as a destroyer of human happiness, human beings, and human societies.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The one factor that nobody can deny in life is the influence of weather; it makes demands upon human beings, every person faces its reality. Weather reminds us that the world is not composed of technological gismos and climate controlled office buildings.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Every road leads to sorrow. All aspects that make life beautiful – friendship, love, art, and truth – will end. All aspects that make life hideous – pain, poverty, illness, betrayal, hate, crime, war – will also end. The fact that human life is a mere blip on a cosmic scale is no reason for personal angst as we came from nothingness and will return to the great void that birthed us.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Joy always follows on the heels of pain. If a person escapes a mindset that current events represent an ongoing tragedy, they will encounter and comprehend all the beauty that surrounds them. We find bliss by living alertly and unequivocally accepting whatever is occurring in the present moment. If a person realizes that the present moment is all that matters, they will gain an inner stillness and appreciate the beauty and joy of each day.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Change is essential for survival. All life forms must adapt to their fluctuating circumstances. All form of life result from the process of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance. The universe is in a constant state of chaos. We each have chaos implanted into our bones. Nature wires all of us for change.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “It is only after a person surrenders achieving “The American Dream,” and annihilates any personal thought of living exclusively for material gain that a person commences a journey worthy of a spiritual warrior, a glorious destiny of self-realization in lieu of pursing the opulence of a gilded life.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Losing in love is as crucial of a step to developing goodness and humility in character as is failure to win is in any other endeavor. A love lost fires the hearth; a love won girds us with untold resolve. We find then lose love. We experience heartache and pain. We must continue our search for love. Feelings of love open us to experience all human emotions with a heightened sense of self-awareness.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “We tell stories that help define us by unveiling the role we played in our life altering events. We are the product of stories that we tell other people and replay in our minds. We are essentially the character that we can describe through our stories.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The greatest crime in human history was not the creation of the armaments of warfare and destruction of life, but the invention of hand mirror, which enticed humankind to peer at their surface appearance instead of seeking spiritual salvation. Prior to the invention of the mirror, people saw themselves through other people’s eyes or by looking deep within themselves.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “No one can claim they are mature until they experience the hallucinogenic ramifications of being in love, and undertaken an urgent personal assessment and soul-searching discernment that is mandated after experiencing the bitterness of losing in the love game.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “Loyalty is the quantizing basis of all emotions. Faithfulness is the cornerstone to love, hate, anger, patriotism, friendship, compassion, and self-respect. Love is the agent of universal synthesis. Love links and draws together the elements of the world.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “The white noise of an industrial and commercial society drowns out our ability to think.”
Kilroy J. Oldster Quote: “A person’s outlook on life colors their interpretation of specific events. Human beings’ behavioral and thinking patterns enable people to thrive or cause them to live in despondency and despair.”
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