
Top 70 Marshall Goldsmith Quotes (2025 Update)

Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “What got you here won’t get you there.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Those who lead by example and demonstrate passion for what they do make it much easier for their followers to do the same.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Great leaders encourage leadership development by openly developing themselves.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Leadership is providing inspiration and vision, then developing and empowering others to achieve this vision.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “To help others develop, start with yourself.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Successful people become great leaders when they learn to shift the focus from themselves to others.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Structure not only increases our chance of success, it makes us more efficient at it.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “To help others develop, start with yourself! When the boss acts like a little god and tells everyone else they need to improve, that behavior can be copied at every level of management. Every level then points out how the level below it needs to change. The end result: No one gets much better.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “When we do what we have to do we are compliant. When we do what we choose to do we are committed.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Every decision that affects our lives will be made by the person who has the power to make that decision, not the ‘right’ person or the ‘smartest’ person or the ‘best’ person. Make peace with this fact.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The best knowledge workers are working for more than money.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Never confuse acquiring degrees with wisdom.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Peter Drucker, who said, “Our mission in life should be to make a positive difference, not to prove how smart or right we are.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “After living with their dysfunctional behavior for so many years, people become invested in defending their dysfunctions rather than changing them.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Anybody can change, but they have to want to change.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “If we do not create and control our environment, our environment creates and controls us.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “People who believe they can succeed see opportunities where others see threats.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The major challenge of most executives is not understanding the practice of leadership – it is practicing their understanding of leadership.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The only way to find happiness is to understand that happiness is not out there. It’s in here. And happiness is not next week. It’s now.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Change is not a one-way street- it involves two parties: the person who is changing and the people who notice it.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Never wrestle with a pig – because you both get dirty but the pig loves it.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The greatest challenge in behavioral change is not knowing what to do – the greatest challenge is doing it!”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Successful people never drink from a glass that’s half empty.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The best way that we can begin to produce positive change is to make peace with what is in ourselves and others, and then work to move forward and make life even better.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Every decision in the world is made by the person who has the power to make the decision. Make peace with that.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Leadership is not about me. It is all about them.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “If you want to change anything about yourself, the best time to start is now. Ask yourself, “What am I willing to change now?” Just do that. That’s more than enough. For now.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Improvement is hard. If it were easy, we’d already be better.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “If you know what matters to you, it’s easier to commit to change. If you can’t identify what matters to you, you won’t know when it’s being threatened. And in my experience, people only change their ways when what they truly value is threatened.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Fate is the hand of cards we’ve been dealt. Choice is how we play the hand.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The simplest tool I know to finding fulfillment is being open to fulfillment.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “People don’t get better without follow-up. So let’s get better at following up with our people.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “We can’t admit that we need to change – either because we’re unaware that a change is desirable, or, more likely, we’re aware but have reasoned our way into elaborate excuses that deny our need for change.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “It works because helping people be “right” is more productive than proving them “wrong.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “If you aren’t opening doors for people, you are closing them!”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Almost everyone I meet is successful because of doing a lot of things right, and almost everyone I meet is successful in spite of some behavior that defies common sense.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “When you start a sentence with “no,” “but,” “however,” or any variation thereof, no matter how friendly your tone or how many cute mollifying phrases you throw in to acknowledge the other person’s feelings, the message to the other person is You are wrong.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The only way to cure the disease is to find happiness and meaning now.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The more aware we are, the less likely any trigger, even in the most mundane circumstances, will prompt hasty unthinking behavior that leads to undesirable consequences.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “You can continue doing what you’re doing for a long time. But you’ll never become the person you want to be.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The more we are committed to believing that something is true, the less likely we are to believe that its opposite is true, even in the face of clear evidence that shows we are wrong.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “But the higher up you go in the organization, the more you need to make other people winners and not make it about winning yourself.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “People will do something – including changing their behavior – only if it can be demonstrated that doing so is in their own best interests as defined by their own values.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Getting better is its own reward. If we do that, we can never feel cheated.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “To avoid undesirable behavior, avoid the environments where it is most likely to occur.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “The most reliable predictor of what you will be doing five minutes from now is what you are doing now.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “When we presume that we are better than people who need structure and guidance, we lack one of the most crucial ingredients for change: humility.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “But for some reason, many people enjoy living in the past, especially if going back there lets them blame someone else for anything that’s gone wrong in their lives. That’s when clinging to the past becomes an interpersonal problem. We use the past as a weapon against others.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “In her zeal to be a professional negotiator, she behaved like an amateur human being.”
Marshall Goldsmith Quote: “Peter Drucker famously said, “Half the leaders I have met don’t need to learn what to do. They need to learn what to stop.”
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