
Top 500 Ryan Holiday Quotes (2025 Update)
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Ryan Holiday Quote: “The extent of the struggle determines the extent of the growth.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Do I need this? Or is it really about ego?”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Every event has two handles – one by which it can be carried, and one by which it can’t. If your brother does you wrong, don’t grab it by his wronging, because this is the handle incapable of lifting it. Instead, use the other – that he is your brother, that you were raised together, and then you will have hold of the handle that carries.” – EPICTETUS, ENCHIRIDION, 43.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Routine, done for long enough and done sincerely enough, becomes more than routine. It becomes ritual – it becomes sanctified and holy.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “We have to get better at thinking, deliberately and intentionally, about the big questions. On the complicated things. On understanding what’s really going on with a person, or a situation, or with life itself.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “To whatever we face, our job is to respond with: hard work honesty helping others as best we can.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “There’s no time off. There aren’t even weekends. We are always preparing for what life might throw at us – and when it does, we’re ready and don’t stop until we’ve handled it.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Los mejores no son los que esperaron las oportunidades, sino los que las arrebataron; las asediaron, las conquistaron y las pusieron a su servicio.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Don’t let your reflection on the whole sweep of life crush you,” Marcus Aurelius said. “Don’t fill your mind with all the bad things that might still happen. Stay focused on the present situation and ask yourself why it’s so unbearable and can’t be survived.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “You get what you deserve. Instead of being a good person today, you choose instead to become one tomorrow.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Keep strong, if possible. In any case, keep cool. Have unlimited patience. Never corner an opponent, and always assist him to save face. Put yourself in his shoes – so as to see things through his eyes. Avoid self-righteousness like the devil – nothing is so self-blinding.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Churchill’s old acronym: KBO. Keep Buggering On.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Ego is stolen. Confidence is earned.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “If it wasn’t scary, everyone would do it. If it was easy, there wouldn’t be any growth in it.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The process is about doing the right things, right now. Not worrying about what might happen later, or the results, or the whole picture.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Each of us must break the link in the chain of what the Buddhists call samsara, the continuation of life’s suffering from generation to generation.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “As the Quaker William Penn observed, “Buildings that lie so exposed to the weather need a good foundation.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “On the surface of the ocean there is stillness,” the monk Thich Nhat Hanh has said of the human condition, “but underneath there are currents.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “You can’t learn if you think you already know. You will not find the answers if you’re too conceited and self-assured to ask the questions. You cannot get better if you’re convinced you are the best.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “And why should we feel anger at the world? As if the world would notice! – EURIPIDES.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “There’s a saying about how the Irish ship captain located all the rocks in the harbor – using the bottom of his boat. Whatever works, right? Remember.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Man is pushed by drives, but he is pulled by values – Viktor Frankl.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Greek word euthymia, which he defines as “believing in yourself and trusting that you are on the right path, and not being in doubt by following the myriad footpaths of those wandering in every direction.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “If you wish to improve,” Epictetus once said, “be content to appear clueless or stupid in extraneous matters.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Remember that today when you try to extend your reach outward – that it’s much better and more appropriately directed inward.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Character is a powerful defense in a world that would love to be able to seduce you, buy you, tempt you, and change you. If you know what you believe and why you believe it, you’ll avoid poisonous relationships, toxic jobs, fair-weather friends, and any number of ills that afflict people who haven’t thought through their deepest concerns. That’s your education. That’s why you do this work.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “A true student is like a sponge. Absorbing what goes on around him, filtering it, latching on to what he can hold. A student is self-critical and self-motivated, always trying to improve his understanding so that he can move on to the next topic, the next challenge. A real student is also his own teacher and his own critic. There is no room for ego there.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “According to the Stoics, the circle of control contains just one thing: YOUR MIND. That’s right, even your physical body isn’t completely within the circle.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “This obsession with the past, with something that someone did or how things should have been, as much as it hurts, is ego embodied. Everyone else has moved on, but you can’t, because you can’t see anything but your own way. You can’t conceive of accepting that someone could hurt you, deliberately or otherwise. So you hate.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “It’s important for us to remember in our own journey to self-improvement: one never arrives. The sage – the perfect Stoic who behaves perfectly in every situation – is an ideal, not an end.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “And, above all, be willing to learn from anyone and everyone, regardless of their station in life.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “There’s no one to perform for. There is just work to be done and lessons to be learned, in all that is around us.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Doing new things invariably means obstacles. A new path is, by definition, uncleared. Only with persistence and time can we cut away debris and remove impediments. Only in struggling with the impediments that made others quit can we find ourselves on untrodden territory – only by persisting and resisting can we learn what others were too impatient to be taught.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Without virtue and training, Aristotle observed, “it is hard to bear the results of good fortune suitably.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The perceiving eye is weak, he wrote; the observing eye is strong. Musashi understood that the observing eye sees simply what is there. The perceiving eye sees more than what is there. The observing eye sees events, clear of distractions, exaggerations, and misperceptions. The perceiving eye sees “insurmountable obstacles” or “major setbacks” or even just “issues.” It brings its own issues to the fight.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Confucius wrote that the “gentleman is self-possessed and relaxed, while the petty man is perpetually full of worry.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “How you handle even minor adversity might seem like nothing, but, in fact, it reveals everything.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Impressing people is utterly different from being truly impressive.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Take it. Eat it until you’re sick. Endure it. Quietly brush it off and work harder. Play the game. Ignore the noise; for the love of God, do not let it distract you. Restraint is a difficult skill but a critical one.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “We can’t keep learning if we think we already know everything.” Ryan Holiday, Ego is the Enemy, pg 99.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “A wise man can make use of whatever comes his way, he said, but is in want of nothing. “On the other hand,” he said, “nothing is needed by the fool for he does not understand how to use anything but he is in want of everything.” There is no better definition of a Stoic: to have but not want, to enjoy without needing.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Ignore what other people are doing. Ignore what’s going on around you. There is no competition. There is no objective benchmark to hit. There is simply the best that you can do – that’s all that matters.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “If the breaking day sees someone proud, The ending day sees them brought low. No one should put too much trust in triumph, No one should give up hope of trials improving. Clotho mixes one with the other and stops Fortune from resting, spinning every fate around. No one has had so much divine favor That they could guarantee themselves tomorrow. God keeps our lives hurtling on, Spinning in a whirlwind.” – SENECA, THYESTES, 613.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “I have the power within me to keep that out. I can see the truth.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The pretense of knowledge is our most dangerous vice, because it prevents us from getting any better.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “That’s why the philosophers warn us not to be satisfied with mere learning, but to add practice and then training. For as time passes we forget what we learned and end up doing the opposite, and hold opinions the opposite of what we should.” – EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 2.9.13–14.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Just because the conditions aren’t exactly to your liking, or you don’t feel ready yet, doesn’t mean you get a pass. If you want momentum, you’ll have to create it yourself, right now, by getting up and getting started.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “External things can’t fix internal issues.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Our duty is rarely easy, but it is important. It’s also usually the harder choice. But we must do it.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The less you desire, the richer you are, the freer you are, the more powerful you are.”
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