
Top 500 Ryan Holiday Quotes (2025 Update)
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Ryan Holiday Quote: “If something is in our control, its worth every ounce of our efforts and energy. Death is not one of those things. It is not in our control how long we’ll live or what will come and take us from life. But thinking about mortality creates real perspective, and urgency. It doesn’t need to be depressing. Because its invigorating.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Arrogance and self-absorption inhibit growth. So does fantasy and “vision.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “A crowded world thinks that aloneness is always loneliness and that to seek it is perversion. – JOHN GRAVES.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “It is sad to consider how much time many people spend in the course of a day doing things they “have” to do – not necessary obligations like work or family, but the obligations we needlessly accept out of vanity or ignorance. Consider the actions we take in order to impress other people or the lengths we’ll go to fulfill urges or sate desires we don’t even question.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Let’s be honest. Most of the time we don’t find ourselves in horrible situations we must simply endure. Rather, we face some minor disadvantage or get stuck with some less-than-favorable conditions. Or we’re trying to do something really hard and find ourselves outmatched, overstretched, or out.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The image of the Zen philosopher is the monk up in the green, quiet hills, or in a beautiful temple on some rocky cliff. The Stoics are the antithesis of this idea. Instead, they are the man in the marketplace, the senator in the Forum, the brave wife waiting for her soldier to return from battle, the sculptor busy in her studio. Still, the Stoic is equally at peace.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “In failure or adversity, it’s so easy to hate. Hate defers blame. It makes someone else responsible. It’s a distraction too; we don’t do much else when we’re busy getting revenge or investigating the wrongs that have supposedly been done to us.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Have you taken the time to get clarity about who you are and what you stand for? Or are you too busy chasing unimportant things, mimicking the wrong influences, and following disappointing or unfulfilling or nonexistent paths?”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “I cannot understand how some people live without communicating with the wisest people who ever lived on earth.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “She had purpose. She had direction. She wasn’t driven by passion, but by reason.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Getting upset is like continuing the dream while you’re awake. The thing that provoked you wasn’t real – but your reaction was. And so from the fake comes real consequences. Which is why you need to wake up right now instead of creating a nightmare.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Your own experiences have value. You have accumulated your own wisdom too. Stake your claim. Put something down for the ages – in words and also in example.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “An aide to Lyndon Johnson once remarked that around the man “there was a feeling – if you did everything, you would win.” Everything. Or as Marcus Aurelius put it, if it’s humanly possible, you can do it.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The power of being a student is not just that it is an extended period of instruction, it also places the ego and ambition in someone else’s hands.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “If we expect to be leaders, we must see that thankless service comes with the job. We must do what leaders do, because it’s what leaders do – not for the credit, not for the thanks, not for the recognition. It’s our duty.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Things must be negative but not too negative. Hopelessness, despair – these drive us to do nothing. Pity, empathy – those drive us to do something, like get up from our computers to act. But anger, fear, excitement, or laughter – these drive us to spread. They drive us to do something that makes us feel as if we are doing something, when in reality we are only contributing to what is probably a superficial and utterly meaningless conversation.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Forgive them; they are deprived of truth. They wouldn’t do this if they weren’t. Use this knowledge to be gentle and gracious.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “John D. Rockefeller, who was as rich as they come, believed that “a man’s wealth must be determined by the relation of his desires and expenditures to his income. If he feels rich on $10 and has everything he desires, he really is rich.” Today, you could try to increase your wealth, or you could take a shortcut and just want less.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Richard Branson likes to say, is that “business opportunities are like buses; there’s always another coming around.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The writer Anne Lamott jokes in Bird by Bird, “Ever wonder what God thinks of money? Just look at the people he gives it to.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “A mind that isn’t in control of itself, that doesn’t understand its power to regulate itself, will be jerked around by external events and unquestioned impulses.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “You don’t control the situation, but you control what you think about it.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The more difficult the task, the more uncertain the outcome, the more costly talk will be and the farther we run from actual accountability.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Ego leads to envy and it rots the bones of people big and small.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Blessings and burdens are not mutually exclusive. It’s a lot more complicated. Socrates had a mean, nagging wife; he always said that being married to her was good practice for philosophy.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The observing eye sees what is. The perceiving eye sees what things supposedly.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “In an age of images and entertainment, in an age of instant emotional gratification, we neither seek nor want honesty or reality. Reality is complicated. Reality is boring. We are incapable or unwilling to handle its confusion.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Maintain control over your mind and perceptions, they’d say. It’s your most prized possession.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Remember, there’s no greatness in the future. Or clarity. Or insight. Or happiness. Or peace. There is only this moment.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “You must stop blaming God, and not blame any person. You must completely control your desire and shift your avoidance to what lies within your reasoned choice. You must no longer feel anger, resentment, envy, or regret.” – EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 3.22.13.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The gift of free will is that in this life we can choose to be good or we can choose to be bad. We can choose what standards to hold ourselves to and what we will regard as important, honorable, and admirable. The choices we make in that regard determine whether we will experience peace or not.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “In every situation, life is asking us a question, and our actions are the answer.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “We can’t blame other people for making us feel stressed or frustrated any more than we can blame them for our jealousy. The cause is within us.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “How different would the world look if people spent as much time listening to their conscience as they did to chattering broadcasts? If they could respond to the calls of their convictions as quickly as we answer the dings and rings of technology in our pockets?”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “While everyone else is running around with a list of responsibilities a mile long – things they’re not actually responsible for – you’ve got just that one-item list. You’ve got just one thing to manage: your choices, your will, your mind. So mind it.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “He is a bold surgeon, they say, whose hand does not tremble when he performs an operation upon his own person; and he is often equally bold who does not hesitate to pull off the mysterious veil of self-delusion, which covers from his view the deformities of his own conduct. – ADAM SMITH.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “The combination of power, fear, and mania can be deadly. The leader, convinced that he might be betrayed, acts first and betrays others first. Afraid that he’s not well liked, he works so hard to get others to like him that it has the opposite effect. Convinced of mismanagement, he micromanages and becomes the source of the mismanagement. And on and on – the things we fear or dread, we blindly inflict on ourselves.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Epictetus was reminded daily how little control he had, even of his own person. As he came to study and understand Stoicism, he adopted this lesson into what he described as our “chief task in life.” It was, he said, simply “to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “We underestimate our capabilities just as much and just as dangerously as we overestimate other abilities. Cultivate the ability to judge yourself accurately and honestly. Look inward to discern what you’re capable of and what it will take to unlock that potential.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “As the famous conqueror and warrior Genghis Khan groomed his sons and generals to succeed him later in life, he repeatedly warned them, “If you can’t swallow your pride, you can’t lead.” He told them that pride would be harder to subdue than a wild lion. He liked the analogy of a mountain. He would say, “Even the tallest mountains have animals that, when they stand on it, are higher than the mountain.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “When you have a goal, obstacles are actually teaching you how to get where you want to go – carving you a path. “The Things which hurt,” Benjamin Franklin wrote, “instruct.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Keep your own journal, whether it’s saved on a computer or in a little notebook. Take time to consciously recall the events of the previous day. Be unflinching in your assessments. Notice what contributed to your happiness and what detracted from it. Write down what you’d like to work on or quotes that you like. By making the effort to record such thoughts, you’re less likely to forget them.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “How noble and good everyone could be,” she wrote, “if at the end of the day they were to review their own behavior and weigh up the rights and wrongs. They would automatically try to do better at the start of each new day, and after a while, would certainly accomplish a great deal.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “One might say that the ability to evaluate one’s own ability is the most important skill of all. Without it, improvement is impossible. And certainly ego makes it difficult every step of the way. It is certainly more pleasurable to focus on our talents and strengths, but where does that get us? Arrogance and self-absorption inhibit growth. So does fantasy and “vision.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “We have to do the kind of thinking that 99 percent of the population is just not doing, and we have to stop doing the destructive thinking that they spend 99 percent of their time doing.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Great entrepreneurs are never out of the game for long. They slip many times, but they don’t fall.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “You know what is a better response to an attack or a slight or something you don’t like? Love. That’s right, love.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “If you can’t swallow your pride, you can’t lead.” He.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Compassion is always due,” he said to him, “to an enraged imbecile, who lays about him in blows which hurt only himself.”
Ryan Holiday Quote: “Listen and connect with people, don’t perform for them.”
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