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Top 250 Titon Rahmawan Quotes (2024 Update)
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Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Human logic is too narrow to state the truth for itself. We cannot possibly ask others to testify for what they do not know and believe to be true. Because the truth is not as simple as what we believe only comes from what we hear from the words of other people.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Religion, I think, is not just a value to memorize and pronounce. It will not mean anything if it is not done and acted upon.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Momen kesendirian adalah ketakutan terbesar dari seorang badut. Momen di mana tidak ada orang lain yang bisa dia hibur dan dia buat mereka tertawa. Itulah sebabnya mengapa para badut itu sering merasa kesepian.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Dalam banyak hal aku merasa, bahwa fiksi seringkali lebih jujur daripada realitas. Fiksi memungkinkan kita membebaskan diri dari penjara kemunafikan, tanpa terbeban oleh penilaian orang lain.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “How often do we hear voices from outside, so that we forget the whispers of our own hearts. We take too much pride in other people’s judgments, so we ignore our own feelings. We are even afraid of other people’s opinions and perceptions, so that if we feel necessary we can sacrifice our own interests just to please others.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “I have a lot of love for other people, there is a lot of value that I can share for them. But I’m not making a house out of paper. I want to build trust and not jealousy or false hopes. But how difficult it is to make people understand it.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Feeling is not just about what we want to express or how we express it but also about how we should control ourselves.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Pada saat seorang penulis mengabaikan pembacanya dan hanya fokus pada dirinya sendiri atau pada kepuasan estetiknya sendiri. Itu sama saja mengingkari tujuan mulia, bahwa sebuah karya harus ditulis dengan sebentuk kepedulian dan bukannya sekedar upaya untuk mendapatkan orgasme pribadi lewat cara masturbasi.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Happiness is the song and the flapping of the birds’ wings in the spring. Happiness is the chatter of children playing happily in the garden. We don’t need any expense to enjoy it.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Cinta, mungkin tak ubahnya dengan kegilaan. Ia bisa membuatmu tertawa atau menangis sendirian. Ia bahkan bisa memaksamu melakukan kedua duanya sekaligus dalam satu kesempatan.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Ketahuilah Kawan, ini bukan semata mata tentang bagaimana dan mengapa engkau ditolak untuk pertama kali atau bahkan untuk keseratus kali. Ini tentang ketahanan diri. Tentang semangat dan juga komitmen. Lebih dari sekedar bakat, visi atau tehnik penulisan. Ini tentang bagaimana kita sebagai penulis tetap konsisten menulis, dan terus menulis walau berulang kali mengalami penolakan.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “You are wrong if you consider success as a goal, because there is no definite benchmark for success. The process that we have to go through is what counts. How we are able to overcome all obstacles and steep winding roads.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Takdirkulah untuk menjadi seorang penggoda. Bukan untuk meruntuhkan iman laki-laki, melainkan untuk mengukuhkan keberadaan mereka sendiri. Bagi pria lemah, godaan akan membuat mereka terguncang dan jatuh. Namun bagi pria kuat, mereka akan berdiri semakin teguh seberapa pun besarnya godaan godaan itu.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “The heaviest burden of our human side is not sin. Because heaven or hell is a choice that we create ourselves. The heaviest burden of our humanity is the ego. how can we defeat and subdue the personal ego. Sin is just a condition and consequence of the wrong life choices. It is impossible for us to separate that consequences from the interests of our personal egos.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “It is up to the craftsman, whether he wants to make a cauldron or a pot. He wants to make a jar or a jug. Truth may only come from the hand of the craftsman and not vice versa. No matter how hard the clay desires to make itself something, it will never exist without the craftsman’s blessing.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “It was not the freedom of imagination that pushed me to go beyond the boundaries of what my humanity meant. Rather it is reality itself which affirms that I am nothing less than an ordinary human being. In other words, as freely as birds fly in the sky, at one time they need reality as a place to stand on.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Kamu salah kalau berpikir, bahwa cinta itu tentang dirimu sendiri, pukau dari pesona yang kamu tangkap sekilas. Apa yang membuatmu terperangkap dalam ilusi dan angan-angan. Apa yang membuatmu terlelap di dalam mimpi. Cinta itu tak selalu cantik dan menyenangkan. Ia kadang kasar, keras hati dan menyakitkan. Tapi justru di situlah letak esensinya. Ini bukan semata mata tentang dirimu. Sebab cinta tak pernah sendiri. Ia bisa saja sunyi, namun ia tak pernah sendiri.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Hanya dengan kesadaran atas keterbatasan kemanusiaan, kita bisa sampai kepada Kesempurnaan Ilahi.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Bila engkau ingin lebih memahami dirimu sendiri, bacalah buku. Bila engkau ingin memahami hidup, bacalah buku. Bila engkau ingin memahami dunia, bacalah buku. Yang perlu engkau lakukan adalah, menemukan buku bacaan yang tepat yang sesuai dengan kebutuhanmu.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “The fact is, we don’t live in the truth. Everything we do is falsehood and pretense. We are forced to do whatever it takes to exist.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “People are busy looking for their own happiness, but most of them don’t find it. Because they are looking in the wrong place.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Menjadi pemimpin itu semestinya bukan karena ambisi, melainkan karena semangat dan kesadaran untuk memperbaiki keadaan. Serta atas dasar keyakinan, bahwa dirinya bisa berkorban untuk kepentingan orang banyak. Untuk kepentingan, yang jauh lebih besar dari dirinya sendiri.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Ketika pikiran kita mulai diliputi oleh rasa takut dan kekhawatiran. Itu adalah sebuah sinyal yang dikirimkan oleh otak kepada tubuh, agar kita beristirahat dan melepaskan diri sejenak dari segala pengaruh dan permasalahan dunia ini.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Aku bilang kamu nggak cerdas menyikapinya” begitu Scott menanggapi keluhanku, “Karena kamu tidak jadikan dia istimewa. Ini soal apa yang kamu beri dan apa yang kamu harap akan related pada apa yang akan kamu terima. Jadi pikirkanlah hal itu. Kalau kamu perlakukan dia istimewa, ya kamu akan lihat bagaimana ia akan memperlakukan dirimu.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Pada akhirnya, menulis itu adalah menemukan kembali apa yang pernah hilang, menghadirkan kembali apa yang sempat pergi, menggali apa yang sebelumnya terkubur, dan menghidupkan kembali apa yang semula mati.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “There is a fundamental difference between factual truth which is logical and acceptable to common sense and the truth from what one can believe. Because someone’s belief often does not need logical proof. However, what is logical and makes sense to one person should also make sense to another.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Fiction is a chaotic world, often grungy and disgusting. But here I am free to be what or who. Free to do anything. With the most ridiculous thoughts and the most absurd actions. I can live and die many times. Almost without limitation. I don’t even need a reason. Because here I am free to create my own world. I just need to keep a little distance from the reality that is out there.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Your thoughts will only lead you astray, keep you away from the truth as long as you harden your heart from reality, that you are filled with limitations. And the hardness of your heart will make your soul fall in the abyss of destruction.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Saling bertatap saja dari kejauhan. Seperti ingin menakar rasa dan pikiran masing masing. Tak berani menduga, apakah ini yang orang bilang, cinta pada pandangan pertama? Entahlah, mungkin waktu yang akan membuktikannya nanti.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Dari semua peran di dalam harkat kemanusiaan, peran ibulah yang paling penting.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Aku menulis, karena aku tak ingin melewatkan kesempatan untuk masuk dan menggali ke dalam hati dan pikiranku sendiri.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Sebuah tulisan yang bagus, apapun bentuknya setelah diterbitkan bukan lagi milik penulisnya. Pada intinya itu telah berubah menjadi sebuah pemberian, warisan dari penulis kepada dunia. Dan sebagai gantinya, dunia akan mencatatnya dalam buku sejarah.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Only people with fake personalities who want to edit their own appearance.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Those who are truly rich and sufficient don’t see whatever they have, but they know how to bring true happiness through giving and sharing with others.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “We cannot refuse destiny. We also can’t avoid it. There is no place for us to hide. Anyway that you choose, he will find you.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Then, what are your considerations? We don’t need to argue with rebuttals, because whoever dies will not be a hero. Whoever saved it was clear he would not die. Like in action films that we usually watch. The one who becomes the savior hero is he who until the end of the story will not die. At least he’s the one who will beat the death.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Humans think with all their efforts to make them enlightened. What we often forget and don’t realize is that enlightenment is not the fruit of human effort. That might only come as a blessing. As a gift.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Siapa bilang dunia ini adil? Nyatanya, standar kesucian dan kemurnian hanya berlaku buat perempuan dan tidak berlaku buat laki-laki. Apakah standar ganda moralitas tidak bersikap diskriminatif? Bukankah istilah “perawan” itu tidak kurang diskriminatifnya? Betapa malangnya kita kaum perempuan yang dipaksa mempertaruhkan kehormatan dan harga diri hanya pada sebatas kulit setipis selaput dara.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Blind belief can be terrifying. Even more terrifying than the shadow of death.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “If there is ignorance in a man, because he cannot think other than indulging the wild animal instincts that are within him. Desire that he cannot control. He can turn into a very cruel monster. A being that can do anything to satisfy its instincts to kill or prey on other creatures.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Apakah makna harus ditemukan agar pengertian sampai? Perlukah pengertian dicari agar penghayatan sampai? Mestikah penghayatan diperoleh agar keindahan sampai? Haruskah keindahan diraih agar puisi sampai?”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Sebagai penulis aku bisa mati, dan mati dan mati berulang ulang kali. Tidaklah menjadi masalah bagi diriku, sepanjang tulisanku tetap hidup.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “But we never want to talk about sadness without leaving a scar. We don’t even realize that behind the wound inside the oyster’s body is a beautiful pearl.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “This doesn’t hurt me at all. Seeing myself grow old and lose the charm I once had, no matter what. What is the meaning of a woman who dares to show off the secrets of her heart and body to a man other than her own husband. But for me it is not a disgrace. What no one could possibly understand. What doesn’t hurt me won’t kill me. For me it is more than just giving out fun. That’s my way to be happy. And I don’t need to be understood.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “A good book changing lives. A good writer inspires.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Buku yang baik tak cuma menggerakkan kalbumu, ia juga akan mampu menggerakkan pikiranmu dan keinginanmu untuk menulis sama baiknya atau bahkan lebih baik.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Who are you but humiliation, poverty and misery? In the face of that essence of truth, we are no more noble than a grain of dust. Therefore, anyone who feels himself capable of surpassing all of that. The vast ocean with its rolling waves. Rugged mountains with peaks that challenge the sky. And the stars that are billions of light away are only a blink of an eye and meaningless in the face of the light of true truth.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Is the fate that unites lovers, or lovers who find their destiny?”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “Ada satu waktu di mana orang berjalan bermil mil untuk mendapatkan air. Sedang yang lain mesti menggali berkilo meter dalamnya untuk menemukan sumbernya. Tapi, bukankah ada mata air di dalam setiap hati, dan telaga jernih di dalam setiap pikiran? Mereka yang bijak tahu bagaimana mereka bisa minum tanpa harus membuang energi dengan percuma dan sia-sia. Mereka yang bijak tahu di mana letak samudra kebenaran yang sesungguhnya. Bukan jauh di luar sana, melainkan dekat di dalam diri mereka sendiri.”
Titon Rahmawan Quote: “We will not find happiness in the things we think are ideal and which we think are perfect. Because there is not a single perfection in human life. There are only imperfections. Those who can feel happiness, are those who find beauty in their own imperfections and in others. Happy people are people who are grateful for all their shortcomings.”
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