
Top 160 Oliver Markus Malloy Quotes (2025 Update)
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Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Yo mama so stupid, she watches Fox News and voted for Trump.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Guns are useless against a tyrannical government with tanks and drones.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “No, coronavirus is not just the flu. Covid19 is highly contagious pneumonia. Left untreated pneumonia is often deadly. There are not enough hospitals to treat a pneumonia pandemic.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “How Republicans think: Healthcare for peasants is too expensive. Just let the sick ones die and tell the healthy ones to have more kids. Problem solved.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “There’s a big overlap between conspiracy theorists, racists, gun nuts, doomsday preppers, fans of the rapture and poor white Republicans. They all have one thing in common: They feel like the oppressed underdogs.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Apparently Trump voters think God meant for marriage to be between a man, his third wife, and several porn stars.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “It’s the Yelp effect. Every halfwit who eats food suddenly thinks he’s a food critic. And don’t get me started on people “reviewing” books they didn’t even read. Who needs information, when you can have an uninformed opinion?”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Trump’s most fanatic supporters will never admit that he is anything less than the Second Coming of Christ, because it is much easier to brainwash someone into being a zealot than it is to make a zealot realize he has been brainwashed.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “The NRA brainwashes you into believing that you need to buy a bunch of guns, to protect yourself from all the people with guns.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “What is evil? Causing others to suffer out of malice.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Why are so many Americans for male circumcision but against female circumcision? Both are equally cruel and barbaric traditions.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Stop calling yourself an authoress. You sound like an idiotess.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “It’s pretty simple: If we don’t unite behind Biden, Trump wins. Biden may not be everything we want, but Trump is nothing we want.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Our entire life we chase the wrong things because we think having more money and buying more stuff will make us more happy. But it doesn’t. You know why a billionaire has 100 Ferraris? Because 99 weren’t enough.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “If Hitler was alive today he’d be a Republican.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Would Jesus build a wall? Would Mother Teresa? No, of course not. They would welcome the refugees and give them free universal healthcare.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Most anti-science religious fundamentalist is now in charge of America’s biggest science project.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “If Hollywood was a Republican town, Weinstein would still be president, and he’d still be molesting women.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Self-identify your gender? Why not self-identify your species, too? I’m a dog now.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Ever since peasants worked themselves to death to build a pyramid for the Pharaoh, the rich ruling class has sucked the life out of the poor.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Never forget that the orange clown spent the past 2 months telling us that it’s all just a hoax, and just a flu, instead of preparing the country for the pandemic. The medical supply shortages, and the resulting deaths are Trump’s fault.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “So they tell you to buy stuff. More and more and more stuff. Even if you don’t need any more stuff, buy more stuff! Because capitalism is like a pyramid scheme. It must constantly grow, constantly shovel more money to the top, like a sand monster feeding itself sand, or it dies.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “If Fifty Shades is your idea of a good book, you have no idea what a good book is.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “I liked the ending of The Sopranos. The screen suddenly went black. In the middle of a scene. Without any of the plotlines being resolved. That’s what real life is like. Everything keeps going, until someone turns off the lights and you’re dead. And even then the story continues, without you. There is no such thing as a happy ending.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Everyone thinks they’re entitled to their 15 minutes of fame. And it’s that narcissism that makes people, who have no business writing a book, think they can write a book.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Trump’s MAGA minions live in a Fox News bubble.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “People don’t believe in God because it’s true, but because they were the victims of early childhood indoctrination.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “The NRA kills more Americans than Muslim terrorists do.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Why is it so hard for many erotica authors to admit that erotica is porn? Everyone loves porn!”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “North Korea, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, isn’t democratic. The Nazis, the National Socialists, weren’t socialists. And America isn’t the land of the free. It’s all just clever nationalist marketing.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Medical studies have shown that cursing reduces levels of stress and pain. Repressing your anger is not healthy. It’s much better to verbalize it, and let off steam. Maybe all that repressed anger is the reason why there are so many serial killers in America.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Trump only cares how the covid-19 pandemic affects him, his bank account, and his chances of getting re-elected.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “What is love? Love is when your heart has a raging boner.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “While the senate goes on spring break during a deadly pandemic, they’re telling us peasants to go back to work, because the billionaires need more billions.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “America is like an isolated information island. A lot of what happens in the rest of the world, a lot of the cultural exchange, never makes it to rural Alabama.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Introverts think about more than just being introverts.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “When we’re really old, people in the future will interview us, because we lived through one of the biggest events in human history. Like the Spanish flu of 1918 that killed over 50 million people. Or the great depression. Or Pompeii. Or the Titanic.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Ten short years ago, nobody had ever heard of a selfie. But today every decent cell phone has not one but two cameras, so you can take idiotic duck face pictures. And don’t forget the billion dollar selfie-stick industry. Capitalism has found a whole new way to turn our vanity into profit.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Wanna sound smart and witty? Then quote smart and witty people.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “People looked at him as an orange-faced evil clown with silly hair. Like the Joker in Batman comics. Make Gotham great again!”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Trump voters hate my books. They can’t stand it when a book makes them think.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “The Wall is nothing more than a talking point Trump uses to trigger his racist and xenophobic base. MAGA minions have been brainwashed by Nazi propaganda techniques to see foreigners as evil monsters who want to exterminate white America, and Trump as their protector who was sent by God.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Sometimes conspiracy theories are true. Most of the time they’re not.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Bush warned us about pandemics in 2005. I used to think he was the dumbest, most incompetent president ever. But compared to Trump, Bush looks like Einstein.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “If everything Fox News says about liberals were actually true, I’d hate liberals too.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Most Nazis, KKK members, MAGA minions, and other deplorable racists don’t even know they’re racists, because they don’t know that the malicious lies they believe about other races aren’t actually true.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “The fictitious men in romance novels are as fake and imaginary as vampires. They’re not real.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Pro tip: If you can’t think of anything more interesting to post on social media than a picture of your cup of coffee, you are boring and you have nothing interesting to say.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “Claiming to be offended is a great way to elevate yourself at the expense of others: “Look at me! I’m a much better person than you! And I judge you! I condemn you! Shame! Shame! SHAME!” These social media shamings bear an uncanny resemblance to medieval witch hunts.”
Oliver Markus Malloy Quote: “If you’ve never had actual freedom, you don’t miss it. You can’t miss what you’ve never had.”
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