
Top 450 Dan Brown Quotes (2025 Update)
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Dan Brown Quote: “Nothing is invented, for it’s written in nature first. Originality consists of returning to the origin.”
Dan Brown Quote: “My lawyers will fricassee your testicles for breakfast. And if you dare board my plane without a warrant, your spleen will follow.”
Dan Brown Quote: “And believe me, the Catholic Church has much to thank Dante for. His Inferno terrified the faithful for centuries, and no doubt tripled church attendance among the fearful.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Most tourists mistranslated Jardins des Tuileries as relating to the thousands of tulips that bloomed here, but Tuileries was actually a literal reference to something far less romantic. This park had once been an enormous, polluted excavation pit from which Parisian contractors mined clay to manufacture the city’s famous red roofing tiles – or tuiles.”
Dan Brown Quote: “I’ve heard of denial,” Langdon quipped blithely, “but I don’t think it exists.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Churchill. Langdon needed a moment to realize she was referring to none other than Winston Churchill himself, the celebrated British statesman who, in addition to being a military hero, historian, orator, and Nobel Prize–winning author, was an artist of remarkable talent. Langdon now recalled Edmond quoting the British prime minister once in response to a comment someone made about religious people hating him: You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something!”
Dan Brown Quote: “A noble quest, Kirsch thought, despite seeing it as an empty exercise – a meaningless search for random points of correspondence among a hodgepodge of ancient fictions, fables, and myths.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Speaking of glimpsing a hidden truth,” Langdon said, looking suddenly amused. “You’re in luck. There’s a secret symbol hiding right over there.” He pointed. “On the side of that truck.” Ambra glanced up and saw a FedEx truck idling at a red light on Avenue of Pedralbes. Secret symbol? All Ambra could see was the company’s ubiquitous logo. “Their name is coded,” Langdon told her. “It contains a second level of meaning – a hidden symbol that reflects the company’s forward motion.”
Dan Brown Quote: “The Bridge of Sighs, he thought, recalling one of his favorite boyhood movies, A Little Romance, which was based on the legend that if two young lovers kissed beneath this bridge at sunset while the bells of St. Mark’s were ringing, they would love each other forever. The.”
Dan Brown Quote: “The male ego had spent two millennia running unchecked by its female counterpart. The Priory of Sion believed that it was this obliteration of the sacred feminine in modern life that had caused what the Hopi Native Americans called koyanisquatsi – “life out of balance” – an unstable situation marked by testosterone-fueled wars, a plethora of misogynistic societies, and a growing disrespect for Mother Earth.”
Dan Brown Quote: “If a hippo ever wants to fight, just walk away.”
Dan Brown Quote: “For every lunacy, there is an equal and opposite lunacy.”
Dan Brown Quote: “The religion of the future, Einstein had predicted, will be a cosmic religion. It will transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Robert.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Throughout history, every period of enlightenment has been accompanied by darkness, pushing in opposition. Such are the laws of nature and balance. And if we look at the darkness growing in the world today, we have to realize that this means there is equal light growing.”
Dan Brown Quote: “And history has proven repeatedly that lunatics will rise to power again and again on tidal waves of aggressive nationalism and intolerance, even in places where it seems utterly incomprehensible.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Science itself caused half the problems it was trying to solve. “Progress” was Mother Earth’s ultimate malignancy.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Inferno is the underworld as described in Dante Alighieri’s epic poem The Divine Comedy, which portrays hell as an elaborately structured realm populated by entities known as “shades” – bodiless souls trapped between life and death.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Men in power are always interested in greater power.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Nothing in Christianity is original.”
Dan Brown Quote: “The term ‘atheist,’ ” Kirsch continued, “should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a ‘nonastrologer’ or a ‘nonalchemist.’ We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive, or for people who doubt that aliens traverse the galaxy only to molest cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Each of us is now electronically connected to the globe, and yet we feel utterly alone.”
Dan Brown Quote: “I consider myself a student of many religions. The more I learn, the more questions I have. For me, the spiritual quest will be a life-long work in progress.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Remember death. Even for those who wield great power, life is brief. There is only one way to triumph over death, and that is by making our lives masterpieces. We must seize every opportunity to show kindness and to love fully.”
Dan Brown Quote: “In ancient mythology,” Langdon offered, “a hero in denial is the ultimate manifestation of hubris and pride. No man is more prideful than he who believes himself immune to the dangers of the world.”
Dan Brown Quote: “We comfort our physical bodies in hopes our souls will follow.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Breathe through your eyes,” she said. “I’m sorry?” “It relaxes the muscles. It’s called pranayama.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Precision can be suffocating.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Sophie, every faith in the world is based on fabrication. That is the definition of faith – acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove. Every religion describes God through metaphor, allegory, and exaggeration, from the early Egyptians through modern Sunday school. Metaphors are a way to help our minds process the unprocessible. The problems arise when we begin to believe literally in our own metaphors.”
Dan Brown Quote: “A shroud of stubble obscured his jaw.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Mr. Langdon, I did not ask if you believe what man says about God. I asked if you believed in God. There is a difference. Holy scripture is stories... legends and history of man’s quest to understand his own need for meaning. I am not asking you to pass judgment on literature. I am asking if you believe in God. When you lie out under the stars, do you sense the divine? Do you feel in your gut that you are staring up at the work of God’s hands?”
Dan Brown Quote: “To permit ignorance is to empower it. To do nothing as our leaders proclaim absurdities is a crime of complacency. As is letting our schools and churches teach outright untruths to our children. The time for action has come. Not until we purge our species of superstitious thinking can we embrace all that our minds have to offer.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Look, you runny-nosed little runt. You’re going to back off right now, or I’m going to rip that safety pin out of your nose and pin your mouth shut.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Faith does not protect you. Medicine and airbags... Those are the things that protect you. God does not protect you. Intelligence protects you. Enlightenment. Put your faith in something with tangible results. How long has it been since someone walked on water? Modern miracles belong to science... Computers, vaccines, space stations... Even the devine miracle of creation. Matter from nothing... In a lab. Who needs God? No! Science is God!”
Dan Brown Quote: “Turkish authorities replied with a simple message: You stole the statue – we’re keeping our foot.”
Dan Brown Quote: “When his brain died, all of the memories held in his gray matter, along with all of the knowledge he had acquired, would simply evaporate in a flood of chemical reactions.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Since the beginning of time, the ignorant have always screamed the loudest... They celebrated their intolerance as proof of their convictions. Now after all these years, mankind had finally managed to utterly erode everything that had once been so beautiful about Jesus.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor along with.”
Dan Brown Quote: “The truth, however, was stranger still.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Originally, Tarot had been devised as a secret means to pass along ideologies banned by the Church. Now, Tarot’s mystical qualities were passed on by modern fortune-tellers.”
Dan Brown Quote: “References to all works of art, tombs, tunnels, and architecture in Rome are entirely factual.”
Dan Brown Quote: “For me, a good thriller must teach me something about the real world.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Half an hour ago, at the appointed hour, Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca had entered the chapel. He walked to the front altar and gave opening prayer. Then, he unfolded his hands and spoke to them in a tone as direct as anything Mortati had ever heard from the altar of the Sistine.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Michelangelo is the gold standard,” Winston said with a chuckle, “brilliantly posing David in an effeminate contrapposto, his limp wrist casually holding a flaccid slingshot, conveying a feminine vulnerability. And yet David’s eyes radiate a lethal determination, his tendons and veins bulging in anticipation of killing Goliath. The work is simultaneously delicate.”
Dan Brown Quote: “I didn’t understand how funny this play Much Ado About Nothing truly was until I became an English teacher and had to teach it. There is no wittier dialogue anywhere.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Each of us is a God. Each of us knows all. We need only open our minds to hear our own wisdom. – Buddha.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Christians like faces, Muslims like words.”
Dan Brown Quote: “To demolish this basilica,” the king said, ” is to pretend our history never happened – an easy way to allow ourselves to move happily forward, telling ourselves that another ‘Franco’ could never happen. But of course it could happen, and it will happen if we are not vigilant. – Father of Prince Julian.”
Dan Brown Quote: “With pain in his voice, the camerlengo spoke of his late Pope... the victim of an Illuminati poisoning. And finally, his words almost a whisper, he spoke of a deadly new technology, antimatter, which in less than two hours threatened to destroy all of Vatican City.”
Dan Brown Quote: “Kohler shrugged. “Sometimes to find truth, one must move mountains.”
Dan Brown Quote: “I believe life not only obeys the laws of physics, but that life began because of those laws.”
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