
Top 500 Isabel Allende Quotes (2025 Update)
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Isabel Allende Quote: “There’s a time to live and a time to die. In between there’s time to remember. That is all I’ve done for these past days, silently filling in the missing details to complete this testament – a sentimental legacy, more than a material one.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Women’s creativity is called craft and is sold cheap; when men create, the result is called art and is costly, like Maurizio Cattelan’s banana taped to a Miami art gallery wall with a price tag of US$120,000.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “AND SINCE we’re talking about nostalgia, I beg you to have a little patience with what follows because I can’t separate the subject of Chile from my own life. My past is composed of passions, surprises, successes, and losses: it isn’t easy to relate in two or three sentences.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Uncle Bruno and I celebrated the miracle of life with every chick that hatched from its egg and every tomato that came from the garden to the table; he taught me to observe and listen attentively, to get my bearings in the woods, to swim in freezing lakes and rivers, to start a fire without a match, to enjoy the pleasure of sinking my face into a juicy watermelon, and to accept the inevitable pain of saying goodbye to people and animals, because there is no life without death, as he always said.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “In the past, adulthood arrived at twenty, middle age at forty, and old age at fifty. Today adolescence lasts until past thirty or forty, maturity comes around sixty, and old age starts at eighty. This is the baby boomers’ achievement. Over the last half century they have redefined many cultural aspects for their convenience.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Neantul este plin de toate lucrurile universului. E neant si, in acelasi timp, e totul. Lumina sacramentala si intuneric nepatruns. Sunt neantul, sunt tot ce este, sunt in fiecare frunza, in fiecare picatura de roua, in fiecare graunte de cenusa purtat de ape, sunt Paula si sunt eu insami, nu sunt nimic si sunt totul, in viata asta si in celelalte, sunt nemuritoare.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “That is what I am attempting in my stumbling spiritual practice: to rid myself of the negative feelings that prevent walking with assurance. I want to transform rage into creative energy and guilt into a mocking acceptance of my faults; I want to sweep away arrogance and vanity.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “What’s at the root of this explosive mixture of desire for and hatred of women? Why are aggression and harassment not civil rights or human rights concerns? Why are women silenced? Why isn’t there a declared war against such violence, like the war against drugs, terrorism, or crime? The answer is obvious: Violence and fear are instruments of control.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “With age, you acquire a certain humility, Alexander. The longer I live, the more uninformed I feel. Only the young have an explanation for everything. At your age, you can afford to commit the sin of arrogance, and it doesn’t matter much if you look ridiculous,” his grandmother lectured.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “It’s hard to make money working; and the harder the work, the worse the pay. It takes effort not to lose everything and end up on the street. It’s easy, on the other hand, to get rich without producing anything, moving money from one place to another, speculating, taking advantage of stock opportunities, investing in the hard work of others.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “I was so drained I felt as if I were staring through a telescope at the light of a star dead for a million years.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “La felicidad consiste en alcanzar aquello que hemos esperado por mucho tiempo.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Since 1973, the year of the military coup that changed so many things, situating has become a little more complex because in the first three minutes of conversation you also have to guess whether the person you’re speaking to was for or against the dictatorship.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “I can’t criticize mothers’ obsessive love because that’s probably the only reason why species have survived, from bats to technocrats. Nor.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “The reality is that everyone is responsible for their own life. We’re dealt certain cards at birth, and we play our hand; some of us lose, but others may play skillfully from the same bad hand and triumph.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “El primer amor es como la viruela, deja huellas imborrables.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “El primer paso es admitir que uno carece de control sobre su vida.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “El sabio es siempre alegre.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “The truth is that men control political and economic power – they make the laws and apply them at their convenience –.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “He maintained that magic, like cooking and religion, was a particularly feminine affair...”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Respect, compliance, and fear, which are instilled in women from infancy, are so detrimental to us that we don’t even know our own power. So great is that power, the patriarchy’s goal is to crush it by any means, including the worst forms of violence. These methods are so successful that frequently the most rabid defenders of the patriarchy are women.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Privacy is a luxury of the well-to-do because most Chileans have none. Middle-class families and below live in very close quarters, in many homes several people sleep in the same bed. When there is more than one room, the dividing walls are so thin that every sigh comes right through.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “I do not fear my vulnerability because I no longer confuse it with weakness.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “How long does a man spend dying? What does it mean to say “for ever”? Pablo Neruda.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “I realized also that in Nahuel, that town of hospitable neighbors, you only had to scratch the surface to uncover the ugliest of vices, though my mentors insisted that cruelty wasn’t inherent to the human condition, merely something born of ignorance and poverty. “It’s much easier to be generous with a full belly than an empty one,” they said. I’ve never believed that, though, because I’ve seen that both kindness and cruelty exist everywhere.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “In Chile it is bad manners to acknowledge that you’re overly satisfied, because that can irritate the less fortunate, which is why for us the correct answer to the question “How are you?” is “So-so.” That is an opening for sympathizing with the other speaker’s situation.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “She was facing exile now with the same courage as she had done then, without complaining, without looking back, her eyes fixed on the future.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “El problema no estaba en conseguir la respuesta, sino en formular la pregunta precisa.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Dios no nos manda sufrimientos sin la fortaleza para soportarlos.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “It was a long week of penitence and fasting, during which there were no card games and no music that might lead to lust or abandon; and within the limits of possibility, the strictest sadness and chastity were observed, even though it was precisely at this time that the forked tail of the devil pricked most insistently at Catholic flesh.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “I related my impressions of La Paz, its purple mountains, its hermetic Indians, and its air, so thin that your lungs are always on the verge of filling with foam and your mind with hallucinations.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Patriarchy is imposed with aggression; it demands obedience and punishes those who defy it.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “The young soldier was part of the “Baby Bottle Conscription,” the boys called up when there were no more men, young or old, to fight the war.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Estaba harta de contemplar desde abajo los vellos de la nariz del resto de la humanidad.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “No, literature was definitely not a reasonable career path in a country like Chile where intellectual scorn for women was absolute.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Gervasio Lonquimay.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “I grew up surrounded with secrets, mysteries, whispers, prohibitions, matters that must never be mentioned.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “During the years he spent in Venezuela he thought he had once and for all overcome the solemnity that had been an essential part of his nature from childhood, as though he was in mourning for all the world’s suffering, violence and evil. Faced with so many disasters, happiness seemed to him obscene. In love with Roser in the green, warm country of Venezuela, he had vanquished the temptation to cloak himself in sadness.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “What I learned then helps now in my writing: working under pressure, conducting an interview, doing research, using the language efficiently. I never forget that a book is not an end in itself. Just like a newspaper or a magazine, a book is a means of communication, which is why I try to grab the reader by the throat and not let go to the end.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “I didn’t get to prepare myself as well as I would’ve liked, and now there’s a lady, who must be death, sitting at the foot of my bed, motioning for me to follow her. I can’t distinguish clearly between night and day, and it doesn’t matter, because pain and memory aren’t measured with clocks. The morphine puts me to sleep and transports me to the dimension of dreams and visions.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “I told her she had run an enormous risk rescuing me, and she smiled. It was then I understood that the days of Colonel Garcia and all those like him are numbered, because they have not been able to destroy the spirit of these women.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “I don’t look bad despite my age, do I? The few friends I have left look like iguanas.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Ya no es necesario, podemos ejercer nuestro poder desde la feminidad.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “The strong aroma of meat, fried onion, cumin, and baked dough soaked into my skin so deeply that I have never lost it. I will die smelling like an empanada.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “There’s no feminism without economic independence.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “That night, faced with the incontrovertible results, Pinochet, hardened by the arrogance of absolute power and cut off from reality by many years of complete impunity, proposed another coup to keep himself on the presidential throne indefinitely.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “You’ve completely forgotten what it takes to raise a child, Mr. Bogart. And this girl is traumatized – she misses her mother, she’s been pulled away from everything she knows, her family, her friends, her school, her community, her language. Can you imagine what that must be like?”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Life was beautiful, and America was truly “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” a land where someone like Gregory could become President; all you had to do was stay pure of heart, love God and your mother, be forever faithful to one girl, respect the law, defend the weak, and scorn money – because heroes never expected to be compensated.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “Creo que ha decidido morirse, y la ciencia no tiene remedio alguno contra ese mal.”
Isabel Allende Quote: “According to the Dalai Lama, the only hope for peace and prosperity lies in the hands of women in the West.”
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