
And must not, it may be asked, all this labour spent upon Keats’ memory and remains, all this load of editing and re-editing and commentary and biography and scholiast-work laid upon a poet who declared that all poems ought to be understood without any comment, – must it not by this time have fairly smothered, or is it not at least in danger of smothering, Keats himself and his poetry?

Featured in: John Keats Quotes
John Keats Quote: “And must not, it may be asked, all this labour spent upon Keats’ memory and remains, all this load of editing and re-editing and commentary and biography and scholiast-work laid upon a poet who declared that all poems ought to be understood without any comment, – must it not by this time have fairly smothered, or is it not at least in danger of smothering, Keats himself and his poetry?”

“And must not, it may be asked, all this labour spent upon Keats’ memory and remains, all this load of editing and re-editing and commentary and biography and scholiast-work laid upon a poet who declared that all poems ought to be understood without any comment, – must it not by this time have fairly smothered, or is it not at least in danger of smothering, Keats himself and his poetry?”

John Keats

John Keats Quote: “And must not, it may be asked, all this labour spent upon Keats’ memory and remains, all this load of editing and re-editing and commentary and biography and scholiast-work laid upon a poet who declared that all poems ought to be understood without any comment, – must it not by this time have fairly smothered, or is it not at least in danger of smothering, Keats himself and his poetry?”
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