
How then can we tell what is true, sir?’ Felsted demanded as he poured the tea. ‘By thinking,’ Wilde said. ‘And by challenging the books you read. By getting dusty in archives. By listening to the evidence of archaeologists and palaeontologists. By using your eyes and ears and brains. And most of all by doubting everything I tell you until you have proved it for yourself.

Featured in: Rory Clements Quotes
Rory Clements Quote: “How then can we tell what is true, sir?’ Felsted demanded as he poured the tea. ‘By thinking,’ Wilde said. ‘And by challenging the books you read. By getting dusty in archives. By listening to the evidence of archaeologists and palaeontologists. By using your eyes and ears and brains. And most of all by doubting everything I tell you until you have proved it for yourself.”

“How then can we tell what is true, sir?’ Felsted demanded as he poured the tea. ‘By thinking,’ Wilde said. ‘And by challenging the books you read. By getting dusty in archives. By listening to the evidence of archaeologists and palaeontologists. By using your eyes and ears and brains. And most of all by doubting everything I tell you until you have proved it for yourself.”

Rory Clements

Rory Clements Quote: “How then can we tell what is true, sir?’ Felsted demanded as he poured the tea. ‘By thinking,’ Wilde said. ‘And by challenging the books you read. By getting dusty in archives. By listening to the evidence of archaeologists and palaeontologists. By using your eyes and ears and brains. And most of all by doubting everything I tell you until you have proved it for yourself.”
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