
Top 500 Rick Riordan Quotes (2025 Update)

Rick Riordan Quote: “True success requires sacrifice.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Fairness does not mean everyone gets the same. Fairness means everyone gets what they need.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “There is always a way out for those clever enough to find it.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Tell the sun and stars hello for me.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “You must forge your own path for it to mean anything.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Being a hero doesn’t mean you’re invincible. It just means that you’re brave enough to stand up and do what’s needed.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “But remember, boy, that a kind act can sometimes be as powerful as a sword.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Humor was a good way to hide the pain.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Humans see what they want to see.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Always, always have a plan.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “A Half-Blood of the eldest gods, Shall reach sixteen against all odds And see the world in endless sleep The Hero’s soul, cursed blade shall reap A single choice shall end his days Olympus to preserve or raze.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “If I’m going to burn, it might as well be bright.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Life is only precious because it ends, kid. Take it from a god. You mortals don’t know how lucky you are.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Names have power.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “We’ve all got weaknesses. Me, for instance. I’m tragically funny and good-looking.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Nothing is unfixable.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Keep climbing,? he told himself. ‘Cheeseburgers,’ his stomach replied. ‘Shut up,’ he thought. ‘With fries,’ his stomach complained.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “No hero is above fear.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “That’s it, cupcake. You’re going down.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “It takes strength and courage to admit the truth.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “It’s hard to enjoy practical jokes when your whole life feels like one.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Everything happens for a reason, Sadie, even bad things.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “The sea does not like to be restrained.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “A battle can be won before it’s ever fought by choosing the right ground.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Earthshaker, Stormbreaker, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “I love New York. You can pop out of the Underworld in Central Park, hail a taxi, head down Fifth Avenue with a giant hellhound loping behind you, and nobody even looks at you funny.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “For once, I didn’t look back.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Where’s the glory in repeating what others have done?”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Sugar and caffeine. My willpower crumbled.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Don’t judge someone until you’ve stood at his forge and worked with his hammer, eh?”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Percy is the most powerful demigod I’ve ever met. No offense to you guys but it’s true.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Hope does not leave without being given permission.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Be careful of love. It’ll twist your brain around and leave you thinking up is down and right is wrong.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “No one can hate you with more intensity than someone who used to love you.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Don’t stay in one place too long. It was the only way to stay ahead of the sadness.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Because I know you, Percy Jackson. In many ways, you are impulsive, but when it comes to your friends, you are as constant as a compass needle. You are unswervingly loyal, and you inspire loyalty. You are the glue that will unite the seven.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Let the world honor you, my Huntress. Live forever in the stars.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Delaying death is one of my favorite hobbies.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Egyptians believe in the power of the sunrise. They believe each morning begins not just a new day, but a new world.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “It’s funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their version of reality.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “Suspecting and knowing are not the same.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “The most dangerous flaws are those which are good in moderation.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “My name is Percy Jackson. I’m twelve years old. Until a few months ago, I was a boarding student at Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York. Am I a troubled kid? Yeah. You could say that.”
Rick Riordan Quote: “I have moments like that alot, when my brain falls asleep or something, and the next thing I know I’ve missed something, as if a puzzle piece fell out of the universe and left me staring at the blank place behind it. – Percy Jackson.”
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