
Top 500 David Letterman Quotes (2025 Update)
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David Letterman Quote: “They found a scrapbook with photos of Osama bin Laden from the ’90s, and they’re studying each and every photo very, very closely. My favorite shot of Osama bin Laden was right between the eyes.”
David Letterman Quote: “USA Today has come out with a new survey – apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population.”
David Letterman Quote: “A priest in New York City was arrested on gun possession. These days, you better be happy that the bulge in his pocket is a .38.”
David Letterman Quote: “What we know about Osama Bin Laden is this: he’s worth $300 million, he has five wives and twenty-six kids – and he hates Americans for their “excessive” lifestyle.”
David Letterman Quote: “Bring Your Child to Work Day – that’s how we got George W. Bush.”
David Letterman Quote: “This Osama bin Laden, now they say he has had plastic surgery. They say he sneaked across the border into Pakistan, which by the way is the place to go to have plastic surgery. He looks great. A tourist came up to him earlier this week and said, ‘May I have your autograph, Mr. Hasselhoff?’”
David Letterman Quote: “That’s the first thing they teach you in bowling, by the way. Don’t press the ball against your nose. The other one is don’t lick the pins.”
David Letterman Quote: “Sunday is the Academy Awards. Every time an actor says, ‘I didn’t expect this,’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg will do a shot.”
David Letterman Quote: “Here’s what the kids get. They get free McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken for a year, and 52 six-packs of Pepsi. And I’m thinking, well, actually, it might be healthier if they were taking steroids.”
David Letterman Quote: “Here in New York City you can now walk around smoking weed and all they will do if they see you is write you a ticket. Unfortunately, the ticket will be to a Jets game.”
David Letterman Quote: “Hillary went to a Chipotle in a tortilla pantsuit.”
David Letterman Quote: “Newt Gingrich says he wants to get rid of Social Security. Who is more qualified to give this country financial advice than a guy who ran up a half-million dollar bill at Tiffany?”
David Letterman Quote: “Meryl Streep is on the program tonight. I like to throw her a little work whenever I can.”
David Letterman Quote: “I like Halloween. It gives you a chance to dress up like something you’re not, you know? Like when the Miami Dolphins put on football uniforms.”
David Letterman Quote: “Mayor de Blasio wants to eliminate garbage. He believes New York City produces way too much garbage. Well, heck, forget about producing too much garbage. What about late-night talk shows?”
David Letterman Quote: “Illinois is the only state where the present governor rides around in a car whose license plate was made by a previous governor.”
David Letterman Quote: “I have found that the only thing that does bring you happiness is doing something good for somebody who is incapable of doing it for themselves.”
David Letterman Quote: “Osama bin Laden was living in that compound with three wives. It’s like he was Newt Gingrich.”
David Letterman Quote: “Have you seen a copy of Tax Tips for Billionaires?”
David Letterman Quote: “Some Secret Service guys crashed a car into the White House. And they had been drinking when it happened. Actually, they hit a barrier trying to get to the White House. It’s the same thing that is happening to Hillary.”
David Letterman Quote: “Two things you need to know about taxes. They’ve extended the deadline to April 18, and when you write your check, just make it out to China.”
David Letterman Quote: “The Catholic Church has a tough new policy on child molestors: three strikes and you’re a cardinal.”
David Letterman Quote: “Sarah Palin, part-time Governor of Alaska, is angry because Michele Obama is encouraging kids to eat healthy. Sarah Palin believes the government shouldn’t tell us what to do. Sarah Palin believes she should tell us what to do.”
David Letterman Quote: “God forbid I should be the last one to criticize, but I think may be Howard Dean has a bit of a problem because earlier today during a debate in New Hampshire, he bit off Joe Lieberman’s ear.”
David Letterman Quote: “Today is the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. President Lincoln wrote it on his way to the site of the speech on the back of an envelope. One guy on the back of an envelope wrote the great Gettysburg Address – while every night it takes six guys to write this crap!”
David Letterman Quote: “You like science? You enjoy science? Always use it for good, never for evil. Can you promise me that?”
David Letterman Quote: “Kim Jong Il made his staff call him “dear” and spent the day drinking cognac. It’s like I have a twin, ladies and gentlemen.”
David Letterman Quote: “Right after the show tonight, I’m going to the New York City car show. You get to see the models that will be crashed next year by drunken Secret Service agents.”
David Letterman Quote: “Mitt Romney is not going to be running for president. So you know what that means. We are getting closer and closer to ‘President Trump.’”
David Letterman Quote: “Are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance?”
David Letterman Quote: “There are so many flavors of Coke now – Coke with lemon, Coke with vanilla, Coke with lime, Cherry Coke, and they’ve just brought out another new flavor – Coke with Pepsi.”
David Letterman Quote: “Enron CEO Kenneth Lay has apparently just slipped across the border into Pakistan.”
David Letterman Quote: “Rick Perry, started out like a ball of fire from Texas and then he started to drop and now he’s retooling. He’s adding advisers to his campaign team. This guy had advisers? Really?”
David Letterman Quote: “Today coming to work, I saw one of those only in New York scenes. It was a rat who had passed out after choking on a pretzel.”
David Letterman Quote: “Now how about this, ladies and gentlemen? The Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, has announced she is stepping down. She will no longer be the Governor of Alaska. First thing, she woke up and went out on her porch and waved goodbye to Russia.”
David Letterman Quote: “The new ‘Mad Max’ movie takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. I have a small part in ‘Mad Max.’ I play the old geezer who remembers what steak tasted like.”
David Letterman Quote: “John Boehner – doesn’t he look like every guy you’ve ever seen at a hotel bar? He looks like the kind of guy who licks his thumb when he counts his money.”
David Letterman Quote: “The latest polls show that Arnold Schwarzenegger is trailing Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante in the polls. That’s insane. I mean, think about it, this guy Cruz Bustamante has never even been in a movie.”
David Letterman Quote: “Here’s some news from Afghanistan. We’re sending more troops to seal up the borders. Can we try that here? Three months, 12,000 pounds of bombs and billions and billions of dollars and the highest ranking enemy we’ve captured so far is an American.”
David Letterman Quote: “Childhood. I wish I had something to complain about.”
David Letterman Quote: “We thought New York City was home to 8 million rats. Turns out, that’s a little high. The actual number is 2 million rats. That explains the light turnout for the midterm elections.”
David Letterman Quote: “Donald Trump had a university. Well, the state attorney general decided that the Donald Trump University was an unlicensed sham. And I thought, you know you’re at a bad university when your commencement speaker is Whitey Bulger.”
David Letterman Quote: “I know these jokes aren’t great, ladies and gentlemen, see this is the problem you run into when you’re between impeachments.”
David Letterman Quote: “Prince William and Kate Middleton are in New York City. We have got to do something about immigration.”
David Letterman Quote: “I’ve had nothing but great friendship to help me through this.”
David Letterman Quote: “Barack Obama said he may negotiate with the Taliban. A lot of people are saying okay, but be careful. But I said this guy has experience negotiating with the enemy. For gosh sake, he lives with his mother-in-law, you know.”
David Letterman Quote: “Lesbians have never been more popular.”
David Letterman Quote: “Have you seen the Olympic uniforms? It’s for the American Olympic team and it’s berets. To me, nothing says America like a guy in a beret. Look at our founding fathers, they all wore berets.”
David Letterman Quote: “They found a cave once lived in by Osama bin Laden and the only thing in the cave were some boxer undershorts, and macaroni. I’m telling you, you add an old stack of Playboys, this could be my place. It’s like I have a twin.”
David Letterman Quote: “My political position is that I’m happy to be alive and in North America.”
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