
Time corrodes feelings like an acid; it destroys them in the routine of seconds, of minutes, always identical to themselves. But we were an interminable present, a shadow materialising, a ghost taking shape. To taste and smell you was beyond imagining. You were real. We were real.

Featured in: D.H. Landolfi Quotes
D.H. Landolfi Quote: “Time corrodes feelings like an acid; it destroys them in the routine of seconds, of minutes, always identical to themselves. But we were an interminable present, a shadow materialising, a ghost taking shape. To taste and smell you was beyond imagining. You were real. We were real.”

“Time corrodes feelings like an acid; it destroys them in the routine of seconds, of minutes, always identical to themselves. But we were an interminable present, a shadow materialising, a ghost taking shape. To taste and smell you was beyond imagining. You were real. We were real.”

D.H. Landolfi

D.H. Landolfi Quote: “Time corrodes feelings like an acid; it destroys them in the routine of seconds, of minutes, always identical to themselves. But we were an interminable present, a shadow materialising, a ghost taking shape. To taste and smell you was beyond imagining. You were real. We were real.”
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